General Discussion

General DiscussionVROKSNAK GOT BLOG I UPDATE 24/7

VROKSNAK GOT BLOG I UPDATE 24/7 in General Discussion

    Why do you put so much effort into a videogame? Arround 17k games in Dota equals like 8K hours of playing a fucking game. During the same time you could have finished a university degree..

    Quick maffs

      ^well, not engineering


        Do you always get +- 20ish MMR now? I saw a whole bunch of games of Wagamama getting +25 even though the MMR was skewed towards his team.


          why is this 9v1 guy such a retarded faggot do you have any idea V-god

          Quick maffs

            Well he is right man


              so? if he wants to play 17k games let him play 17k games, you could have finished an university degree during the time you spent talking shit to people on forums

              i play dota like 2 games a day just came here to say 9v1 is a faggot

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Quick maffs

                Ok he is a faggot

                but he is still right man

                or you want me to say that he coudnt do anything more productive with that time ? because that its what 9vs1 is saying, the he could do something more productive with that time and that its true.


                "Faggot, often shortened to fag, is a pejorative term used chiefly in North America primarily to refer to a gay man"

                What is the point about insulting someone calling him gay ? is that even a insult ?

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  you're a moron

                  Quick maffs

                    ^See ? that its a better one

                    Faggot is just so nonsense nowadays


                      can you fucking retards keep the trash out of vroks thread? If you disagree with him, ok but keep your shit for yourself, nobody apart from your inferior self cares about it.



                        how many threads have you photobombed chris?

                        Jojo (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

                          what ?



                            It's a saying that goes "Pot calling the kettle black" which translated means you're calling people(s) out for something you yourself do.


                              NICE CHRONOS BRO


                                gg :DD


                         Vroksnak match sharing off?