General Discussion

General DiscussionVOID TOO STONK

VOID TOO STONK in General Discussion

    Faceless Void is becoming a popular pick among pro teams and personally I'm glad he's becoming part of the meta because I love the hero and his concept.
    He's quite popular on the chinese scene right now, but he has been seen in the western scene as well. He has been played in the offlane (EG.Universe), midlane (ig.Ferrari430) and safelane (Na'Vi.Xboct) with decent results.
    What do you guys think about the hero?
    What's his best position?
    Do you think he's gonna be the main carry for this TI? (think about TI3 Alch).


      I don't really get the point of void offlane. Universe swears by it, but it's a hero that needs farm to be effective and u don't get that in the offlane. am i missing something


        I am pretty sure they use void for chronosphere, not necessarily his carry ability. I've never seen him in a 4 protect 1. There's always one other heavy dps.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          @Führer: The point of offlane void is the chrono utility and his carry potential, pretty much like alch, naga and WK who when played as supports can transition into carries anyways. Also he doesn't need that much farm to be effective, he already hits really hard -PT + MoM is all you need to solo kill almost any non-str hero inside of a chrono.


            i like him as offlane
            suits him best

            but then again... universe and me are pretty similar

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Hero is versatile, however I think 1. is the best position for him.
              I don't think he will be among top picks in TI4, I might be wrong though.

              I'd assume Bloodseeker will be seen more at TI4 along with Skywrath, and I think Mirana will be top pick.

              Sven might be among top carry picks.


                ..... in what way

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  offlane if your carry isnt greedy
                  void doesn't give as much dmg as most offlanes like centaur or control like clockwerk but scales late game because of his ultimate


                    In the game, where Universe went offlane Void, it technically still was safelane Void, just lanes were swapped.


                      "What do you guys think about the hero?"
                      Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track. Back Track.

                      I hate playing against void so much. I hate playing against any rng hero though, but he probably takes the cake.


                        @concede i could fit @universe role perfectly

                        kanye went to uni

                          Random question Universe [cough] I mean Benao ... what are the 'Lifedancer' and 'Pringles' for?


                            fuhrer they build a team around his lock (chronosphere) potential, so he is put offlane because of his jump that can make him get out of trouble easily (it also works for initiation as it slows, and the classical jump > chrono), he has his passive that allows him to dodge spells (!)

                            most of the times you'll se void in a team that have aoe abilities like lich, jakiro, dark seer, etc

                            but i like him more in the #1 position though


                              I think meepo will be top pick/ban in TI4, maybe Ursa will get popular (there are rumours that DK has some ~secret~ strat involving both Ursa and Drow), PA mid looks like a reality.

                              Maybe Skywrath mid, as he lacks lock potential if played as support. Bloodseeker looks very situational though, but as Slark is getting popular he might be seen also. Mirana is a bitch so definetely top pick/ban. I hope batrider era is finally over. Tiny mid will get popular i suppose.

                              i think wraith king will be decently picked too (looks like alliance likes him for the #1 role, and if im not wrong C9 likes him for supporting). Ember as #1 maybe. Dont think Tinker will be runned so often (though ive heard EE has some weird strat involving him. maybe as support? they ran it vs navi and it ended terribly bad). C9 maybe will pick jakiro as #1 if they manage to get Dark Seer as offlane, so they can yolo combo (they ran it vs Empire with good success)

                              but dunno man, seems like every hero is in the meta, even Magina has been picked (with good success by LGD)


                                Tiny mid to pull his own creeps :o


                                  Hmm, I haven't tried him offlane, but he has good damage and good escape so I can see it working.


                                    Once again, Universe's Void was the position 1 Void. Just watch the freaking game.


                                      epsik, dunno what game are you refering about, but he played plenty times as #3 because rtz was the #1 (as he usually is btw)


                                        First of latest EG vs Fnatic Best of 3. Brew went solo safe, Void went on offlane with two supports. What makes everyone think he actually played offlane Void in that game - I don't know.
                                        RTZ went fullfarm mod only in the end game, where it became obvious they can't teamfight without his ulti doing shit.


                                          i wasnt talking about those games, i didnt even watch them
                                          i was saying that universe actually plays void in the #3 role


                                            those are some of the nicknames i used when i played on dotalicious...the more recognizable ones....
                                            edit: i got banned a lot so... needed more accounts

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Yes he's strong but man does he suck when his ult is down. You just can't play against him too passively. Ult down? Force a fight. Problem is really when his team plays freakin 4 protect one so you can never get to him or push when his ult is down, it's worse than anti mage.

                                              Get some silences, they really counter the shit out of him like shadow blade doom, orchid storm/clinkz.


                                                pick WK or centaur, rape Void's ass all day 24/7 365days a year

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Oh god yeah, void ults centaur, oh shit better run away lol. It's permanent blade mail. Tiny might be good vs him too with that stun.


                                                    im actually more interested about the new meta void that the pros are using now. the offlane void. apparently ixmike88 was the one who invented the offlane void (source: )

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Void so strong, going to abuse him to 6k :3


                                                        Heroes like Sky, void, Earth spirit, pa, and meepo are going to become the new meta..considering how they've been played in recent tournaments..well not earth spirit..but he has potential.


                                                          Earth spirit is very OP, void tooo much chronospheres in a game, meepo too omucch damg early game, sky u are stupid, sky is ok, u dont have to be idiot,
                                                          JUST IT


                                                            Meepo top pick at TI4. All teams saving meepo strats.


                                                              yeah too bad Tiny 3rd skill is magical so it can be nullified by BKB but centaur 3rd skill is physical, raped big time.

                                                              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                play void and enjoy him now boys! He'll receive major nerfs after ti4. Same thing happens every year, pros play heroes in ti, they get nerfed. Notable mention from last year is alchemist, but many others as well


                                                                  i think u can offlane any hero if ur not a shit player lol


                                                                    Good luck trying to offlane with Crystal Maiden. Please let us know how much time takes you to hit lvl 2.


                                                                      well played, sir! imagine visage a tri with bane and potm would wreck most solo offlaners..unless they dual of course. Personally, I'm a huge fan of PA, I can see her surge in TI4 picks, as well.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        There are a lot of good heroes against void, if you only manage to stay out of chrono. Basically everything with a single target or aoe disable with long enough range.