General Discussion

General DiscussionWHY DOTA IN EU SUCKS?

WHY DOTA IN EU SUCKS? in General Discussion

    Hey guys, my question is clear.

    Before this crappy mmr system, i was playing on EU WEST servers with western russians. And i realized that even if i try fucking hard, i wont be going any higher than i am. (normal bracket)

    What do i mean by trying hard? Man, im not telling that i am so pro and i dominate every lane, im not that guy, actually i like it when they beat the shit out of me, i learn a lot thanks to them. BUT some days, i wake up with a feeling that ill dominate any lane i go, and i feel it, call it whatever you like but i bet you feel the same one of those days. However, those days, i prefer playing mid and in 15 mins, for example against invoker, as a pubbitch viper, i dominate him by having Aghanims and he only has brown boots-gloves of haste-bottle, lvl difference is at least 3. And i start ganking, KDA is 18-2-7 when its mid-game. And we lose. We still lose. Even those days.

    Soooooo, i decided to move my ass to US WEST. At least they speak english right? You can understand and answer them, or you can expect them to answer, or blame you, whatfuckingever. Some games we lost, and yet i enjoyed, "lfmo's" to every losing game when we YOLO. And guess what? I started to feed, and they started to cover my ass telling me "NO PROBLEM BRO, WE ALL FEED SOMETIMES" WOW. And again, guess what? My bracket went to high, and sometimes very high. (those games i fed)

    I, was a very happy young man. But silly. I said to myself, ok dumbass, no more 200 ping gameplays, turn back to EU, your bracket will be high atleast, pro russians, get rekt. I returned. LOST 7-8 games again, won 3, lost 3, won 1..... AND VALVE DECLARED MMR.... God i wanted to go back to US and play my games there, but ping... The ping, after updates somehow started to pushing 280-300 whenever i tried to play US.

    10 games, mmr : 3900 first day, reached 4k. LAST DAY OF SUMMER IT WAS.
    Then it started to rain, snow.... ( MOTHER RUSSIA poetry majestic!)
    Down to 3500... Ok i can handle.... Im not playing Doto everyday, thats my bracket. I play acceptable and sometimes good.

    Down to 3200-3100 like shit. I dont even really know. And i started to say when i see russian nicknames, who cares your game, ill have my own fun. Thats what they do, no racist but it is. LOST 7-8 games won 1. I dont know why, every game enemy team PICKS WAY WAY MORE BETTER. I cant change this shit... Man i maybe playing bad compared to when i was playin on US. But man, come on, they went to short lane with clock and wr. Im not that bad.

    Why? Why i cant play with decent players on EU WEST SERVER selected ENGLISH option. Why still russians who refuse speaking english. AND STILL, why when i try to play on US, games are better and playworthy with their -win-lose free fun. Are there any reasonable exp about this?

    My respect to all incoming comments, good days!

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Windrunner-Clock lane was a thing a while back.


        "And i realized that even if i try fucking hard, i wont be going any higher than i am. (normal bracket)"

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Stopped reading after seeing winrate

            Just pick all the extremely balanced heroes which will make you win an extremely balanced amount of games or just stack with friends and have a good time.

            King of Low Prio

              SA > EU


                In 99% matches one team stomping another. You just need to be in right team.


                  US West and not the closer-to-you US east?


                    Okay, analysis time!

                    Shitty fucking items. No blink, no hex, no items that will help you or your team against this lineup. Shitty hero damage.

                    Again shitty items. No drums, no deso. REALLY low hero damage and ZERO TOWER DAMAGE?!

                    ohmygod ew. Shitty as fuck items. No mek (if necro wanted mek, then you shoulda built pipe, LOOK AT THE ENEMY HEROES). Low hero damage, you should be WAY higher as viper.

                    shitty items AGAIN. powertreads straight into skadi? Are you fucking stupid? try getting actual early-mid game items like yasha and drums before a 5000 gold item. Stop feeding. Your hero damage is literally making me want to throw up.

                    Fucking learn how to build items, my god. Get phase, no treads on this hero. WK benefits from damage because he has crit, so get some, not to mention the fact that he has like NO mobility. Get blink, not armlet, your job is to be the first one in the fight so you get focused and your ulti activates. REALLY shitty hero damage and ZERO tower damage again! You had 2 other carries on your team, you shoulda been a support from the start.

                    In 5 games I can tell you that you are absolutely fucking trash and need a lot of improving. Stop complaining about teammates when you know deep down inside that if you were good, you would have a higher MMR.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      LOL dude, first of all, if i had 3k games and still that winrate, you would be right but, its only 18 games difference. And it was %52 back then, when i was in us.

                      However, lets see: * offlane Puck. I picked puck and he picked Pudge, did not let me mid. So i went offlane with DROW. No farm, eul helped us to get kills. But our carries did not farm. Is that really me? LOL. MEDUSA and DROW threw that game.

             // Mid starts feeding at 5, and never stops. They bought GEM very early, thats why my tower dmg is 0 and only Furion is pushing. And plus, Viper was free farm, he knew furion and i will be invisible, he bought Shadow Blade, i begged him to buy Aghanims and BKB. We are simply outplayed.

             LOL WHAT? PIPE ON VIPER? Dude come on. Be serious. Bristle should buy pipe, not me. We were winning, i warned them about their farm potantial, because we were only pushing with bristle and losing huskar everyfight, and they were jungling etc. Huskar had 3.4k gold at the end of the game and still no items. Because he wanted SATANIC. That game again, bristle and all the others were ok, but huskar threw game badly. We all reported him and Necro, only uses ulti on who is already dead.

             HELL FUCKING YEAH. If i find fucking farm, i farm big items. Like this : or this: - Again, that game problem was not me but tinker, can you guess tinker was last pick that game? He did NOTHING. How can you blame the only guy with items and decent farm?

                      I wont say anything about WK game, i was trolling all those russians. And i was counterpicked.

                      Well, if we are gonna pick 5 games and start shit talk, can you tell me what is this build?
                      And explain these please.
             WOW ARMLET ? REALLY.

                      We cant blame each other on paper. We should see ingame plays, like do i have a tp reaction, good lasthitting, map awareness, warding and higher ground domination and SO ALL. So stop please. I did not want to start a teeanager fight ends up with YOU NOOB-NO, YOU NOOB. Thanks.


                        Analysis time, firstly look at what you could have done before you look at what the others didn't do.

               No blink but you went linkens? Not good enough at phase shift?

               MKB for all those butterflys the enemy got and the vlads to help with all the team pushing and melee's your team had.

               Assuming the appalling number of last hits on your team I would assume you were mid or safelane, why not go the mekanism so your team has it early for the huskar and bristle to survive.

               No escape, no blink, no sb, no orchid, just straight skadi......okden
               Looks like your team were working together well, still nothing but greedy items on you though, (your friends puck lel) imagine if the game had gone bad, we would have had a repeat of the previous one but i guess you aren't going to learn from your mistakes.
               There is no tinker in that game and again a very greedy build that fortunately managed to get you a win.

                        Lets now take ESP's games

               < playing with a 5 stack looks to me like they might have lost at a bad team fight then got pushed, still though could probably have used an orchid on the slark but at least he has a BKB something you lacked in your slark games.

               Looks like he got trilaned pretty hard with a veno, naga and AA. I wouldn't want to be timber against that, no thank you. What do you want him to explain?

               Looks like he was on the losing side but has bkb and perhaps the rapier came from the opposition (perhaps following your build with an MKB and vlads he could have won)

               Looks like he did ok here to me, dunno what you would have liked to have seen different (perhaps linken first then shotgun).

               Armlet is one of the best items to build on him (though I dislike it) so again, unsure of what you're trying to get at here.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                        Flat is Justice!

                          If everyone is EU is retarded, except you then your team has the advantage

                          4 retards+you > 5 retards
                          As long as you play properly, odds are you'll win

                          Btw, a good puck ALWAYS gets a blink


                            Even more simple EU West is a more competitive server than US West. You're better there because it's shitter. Big fish small pond.


                            Europe West 720
                            US West 222


                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              You never hit 4K mmr, don't tell us lies bro. 48% winrate aka you are just a baddie. If you are a 4 K player and drop 500 mmr (what can happen), you will be up to 4k in no time again. If you can't you are simply not able to outperform the enemy team on a regualar basis. Just get gud, noob.

                              Quick maffs

                                He is kind of right guys, you will find nice people in US but never in EU and that its a simple truth


                                  Did i ever say im pro? Why you always feel yourself to say "how bad i am" in your posts. Its naturally not possible to be very skilled with only 1 k games, at least for me.

                                  As it seems, i need to repeat, US servers are getting laggy and more ping im having, thus i cant win or play. By the way, of course i know i should buy dagger, This was a match i played on US - See skill bracket is High. That still does not prove im either bad or good. That was not our topic actually, if that is, ill be back when i hit my %50 or more winrate, its not that hard to see its only 17-18 games difference between my %48 and %50 . If those 17 games will decide...

                                  As a common dota player, i did make a little search in forums and did not see something like this topic and asked for an explanation about "Why? Why i cant play with decent players on EU WEST SERVER selected ENGLISH option. Why still russians who refuse speaking english. AND STILL, why when i try to play on US, games are better and playworthy with their -win-lose free fun. Are there any reasonable exp about this? "

                                  Internet says EU server brackets are more likely to change and enlarge during a time scala. Which makes us play with noobs or not caring yolo russians. But i wanted to hear your ideas, FREE FROM how bad/good i am.

                                  Von Darkmoor

                                    Its funny how Ukrain, Kazakstan, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania all gets called Russians :D Personly i usually watch steamprofile to see where they from and mostly everything but Turkey and Russia speak English the rest of them however mostly dont and to be totaly honest the worst are Ukrainians in my experience (feels kinda odd since Navi<3 is the best.)


                                      isnt it obvious bro? europe there are like 100 nationalities, if you play on US you mostly only play with north americans, with some peruvians. i think US servers are better too but i cant play with 200 ping