General Discussion

General DiscussionIM LOOKING FOR A TEAM

IM LOOKING FOR A TEAM in General Discussion
new me

    I need team, carry or mid. ty. Add me if u'r interested.


      MMR? servers?


        As usual, asking for team, to play carry or mid, with 49% wr. Good luck bro.

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          Maybe he meant for some casual partying?


            If you're looking to play carry on a team you must make sure you have a higher mmr then me at the least. If your mmr is lower then mine you have no chance at all of making a team. Even if your mmr is slightly higher then mine you still have no chance of making a team. If your mmr is 1000 more then mine you'll still have no chance of making a team. What mmr am I?

            casual gamer

              Guys im looking for a team with decent players, I prefer to play #1-2 roles and will flame noob supports for losing me the game

              new me

                3000+ MMR EU only.


                  Lmao, his answer. Fuck off dude, please.

                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                    Mirana,invoker,drow,pudge picker. Who could've asked for more?


                      ok u should have said casual team, or reliable five stack or something like that.
                      looking at your account you really shouldn't be playing carry or even position 2, you just are not that good at getting farm. I am not trying to be a ass here but in a 40 min game its just not enough to have only 100ish last hits on a position 1 hero, maybe if you are getting stomped and cant farm at all, but even the games you won by a lot look like that.

                      Bot (Passive)

                        why do people make teams if they're not 5k+