General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys I finally did it

Guys I finally did it in General Discussion

    ty devaslaytion

    if anyone has working eyes, he can see around the forum the experiments of other smurfs who all failed to get 5k, which should be no surprise to anyone (after all you need to be close to 5k or above 5k). they did manage to calibrate slightly above their main's mmrs (which is what usually happens) but i'm not too concerned about that

    "your hero damage is lower than a carry [if u support]"

    depends, i've seen drow rangers/snipers who do less hero damage than me on lion/lina/any hero with good damage spells. obviously if u suck at supporting then maybe that's the problem, plus with veno u click r and do 1700 damage with aghs to every hero in a large radius (without factoring in magic resistance, still well over 1200 damage to each hero) so i don't even see why you'd have low impact

    i do agree supports get hurt during calibration, but if ur good and know how to actually support it doesn't matter. veno's one of the few supports who do massive hero damage so at this point ur likely just grasping at straws

    "Pro tip kiddies: Don't play support. Your hero damage is lower than carry, thus you get trash mmr."

    That only matters during calibration. i still managed 4.7k when ranked came out and i was forced to support in at least 3 out of the 10 games (and also play heroes whose impact wasn't so great, like jungle doom, while my other lanes lost badly)

    anyway i'd thought i'd leave 1 last comment for the naysayers, judging by some of the wry comments i've received (though most of the people i talked with on my friend's list congratulated me for finally breaking 5k, so i guess not everyone is butthurt or something)

    the responses in this thread made me giggle because after i revealed what i did, the "lolz zeus, abuse calibration, etc." comment was inevitably coming. what this comment ignores is the fact that in my last game at estimated 5200 MMR, I picked Spectre (a not-so-great hero in pubs) since mid was already taken, yet i still gained MMR and made good impact despite going up against a trilane while only having 1 support hero in my lane. obviously i'm not saying i did exceptionally well, (it was mostly the clock, who is a 5600 MMR player) i'm saying the system is not bad at identifying whether or not a player can play at a certain MMR judging by what he brings to the table compared to other players. and it's clear in all the games i outperformed my 4500 players, did worse than the 5500+ players, so i'd say the ballpark of low 5k rating is reasonable.

    if u made me redo calibration with other heroes (besides tinker) i'd just pick carries with good early game impact such as ember spirit, bloodseeker, clinkz, or riki, which would still land me at about ~4900-5100 rating (i'm not going to do this since i've already committed a lot of time to dota in the past year, and i have no interest in "proving" anything to anyone, since this is my account and i'm free to do whatever i please with it)

    i see what i did as simply playing the game competitively to get a good rating, this is no different from earth spirit (6.80), tb/ember/phx/slark/invoker/lycan (6.81), tinker/skywrath/void (6.82) pickers who also "inflated" their MMRs, but of course you won't hear anyone talking about that and drawing the same conclusions. you might as well ask me why i didn't play crystal maiden or sniper during calibration for 10 games; obviously such an inane suggestion (that i should deliberately handicap myself with low impact heroes and/or support 4000-4800 players clearly worse than myself) would be laughed at and disregarded immediately

    think whatever you want (no matter how dumb your arguments may be in terms of having double standards) - in the end, the only thing that matters to me is results.

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      final update:

      39 games post calibration (i was planning on playing 40, but i've had enough for today)

      sitting at 5083

      it's actually more telling to describe the trajectory. immediately after i played on the account, i tanked it to 5100 (my biggest fear was dropping below 5000 immediately), then climbed up to 5250~ playing primarily PA. then i tanked it again after diversifying my hero choices as well as getting frustrated after a series of games today

      however going on a tilt and losing several games in a row happens on my main accounts as well (even as low as 4500 and it's beyond dispute that my "actual mmr" is > 4.5k since i was calibrated over 4.5k on every account i've played) so that doesn't really mean anything

      anyways a few things along the path i've noticed:

      1) it doesn't matter what mmr u play at, you'll still get idiots who dive and die. make sure u don't fall victim to groupthink (this one's big especially the higher u climb, as one mistake can easily be gg)
      2) if u lose 2 games, it's best to stop playing. almost every time i keep playing, even if i recover some of the lost games, i seem to have trouble hitting the initial MMR of that day because it's too easy to see one mistake, assume ur going to end up losing, and then just flame everyone
      3) mid players seem to have the advantage in terms of climbing the ladder at 5000+ (highest mmr players on the team tend to be mid)

      anyways my plan now is to wait for NEL to be revived so I can play with good players, i don't really have any incentive to play on this account anymore, i'll probably have to play games slowly and steadily to climb back up to 5.2k even though i don't think it should be any problem

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        oh hello rambosalad :>


          grats with ur smurf now try playing ur 4.6k accounts to 5k


            i will at some point, i would say i wasn't as successful as i had hoped (wanted to hit 5400 for leaderboard but i still stayed above 5k which was my first priority)

            you know what else is funny after playing at 5k? i switched over to this account (4500) and the games are now a breeze.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              What do you mean by breeze? I was also struggling to get to 5k but atlast i got it when i got around 4.7k i started supporting and slowly got to 5k.


                if u look at some of my recent slark games, i get counterpicked (void/bs/doom) in almost all of them but still rape the other team regardless. i don't think a 4.5k player would have been able to win let alone dominate at least half of those games. (ignore the loss, i had to go mid against QE invoker cuz the void wanted safelane, if i knew i had to go mid i'd probably pick TA instead)

                playing at a higher skill level on a smurf lets u learn from better players. then as u go back and play on ur main u can apply some of what u learned and go rape the other team even if they counterpick u.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  I usually go for first pick always when i go play carry, so i could adjust and learn how to counter their counters. It's fun, you might lose some points but you'll gain more than lose.


                    i did first pick slark in those games, didn't care about counters cuz i was fairly certain i could outplay them at 4.5k

                    i'm actually not as concerned about "counters" so much as having to face a lineup that wrecks ur team early game and then u have no room to farm. so first picking something like phantom lancer in solo queue is extremely risky (not because of his so-called counters but because all ur outers towers will be down by 20 minutes)


                      im getting used to farming without much space


                      but still cant carry 3k players fuck matchmaking my friends


                        Idk also depends on the heroes of your team.

                          Tento komentář byl smazán

                            perfect exemple why there is so much shit at 5+


                              looks like i'm done here, too many sub 5k shits like the guy above infesting the thread LOL

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              Quick maffs

                                Nova is 6k i think ( taylor swift )

                                offtopic: btw seriously ? taylor swfit ? what an awful nickname