General Discussion

General DiscussionA Simple Question

A Simple Question in General Discussion
Mofin is Real

    Hey guyz
    I just have a simple question
    What will the pro player do after they age of 30s? I mean inspite of the fact that they sacrifised their lifes for Dota what are they going to do when they Dota's career is over?

    Flat is Justice!

      the gaming scene is young, there are a few people over 40 playing sc2
      expect the same for other games

      besides, even if they wan a change of career, they will have advantages. How famous are u compared to anyone at ti4?
      although from the way express your opinion, i guess u want to do the same thing for 50 years?
      have fun.


        do other shit?

        i mean honestly most dota players don't spend literally their whole life playing dota, most of them are going through education, or working part-time outside. only those who commit literally all their time to Dota are those who are successful enough from it to do so (probably china peeps) or rich enough to sustain such a lifestyle.

          Probably attend at a university or a university college. Normally it isn't too late to take your education at the tender age of 30.


            Some of them will transition into casters and streamers, like Draskyl. He used to be a professional HoN player; now he makes a living off of yelling at his teammates on stream and commentating pro games.

            Most will go back to school and get a regular job, possibly working at tech companies like Razer.


              i think one day their will be a seniors division on all game tournaments. todays pro players will be there.


                ^that would be interesting, to see a bunch of old dudes squinting at the screen with their reading glasses trying to makeout weaver from nyx

                Krazy Kat

                  When they turm 30, they die.