General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying Dota 2 on Linux

Playing Dota 2 on Linux in General Discussion

    Does anyone playing Dota 2 on Linux? How's your experience?

    I play Dota 2 on Xubuntu 12.04(yeah, still 12.04, I'm just too lazy to upgrade to the latest LTS). I have several problems bother me less or more.

    0. Can't even play in Awesome WM. So I have to log on xfce session when I play Dota.
    1. Alt + Tab doesn't work by default(can't switch windows). I solved it by add an -nomousegrab launch option.
    2. Rendering quality can't be saved. Every time I maximize it to 100%, it would become 99% or 97% later. Don't know how to solve it.
    3. Alt ping doesn't work at first. Turns out conflict with WM hotkeys. Change the setting solved it.
    4. Occasionally crashes when I try to view a friend's dota profile. Don't know how to solve it.
    5. Chinese characters on heroes name bar in match can't be displayed. I have friend playing dota2 on Arch, he doesn't have this issue. It might be lack of some font but I don't know how to solve it.
    6 This is really annoying. Steam and dota2 can't communicate with ibus, thus I can't type Chinese. The bug affects all people need IME to type their own languages.
    7. FPS is lower than Dota2 on Windows, not human noticeable though.
    8. The icon appearing when you click y is ugly.

    Generally I'm still satisfied with the game quality on Linux. Years ago there're few games running native on Linux.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      1. get ubuntu 14.04
      2. use steamOS
      3. make sure you use NVIDIA not AMD
      4. ez

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        I am using Nvidia, a low-end GT 630 though.


          3. I just avoid using alt-pings. =)
          6. I have same issue, about 5-10 letters missing from Russian alphabet.
          7. And this too, FPS is MUCH lower, because my gfx card manufacturer (AMD) failed to provide drivers for linux, so it works only in compatibility mode without 3D acceleration and all other features.

          I also have crashes mid-game occasionally...


            "gfx card manufacturer (AMD) failed to provide drivers for linux, so it works only in compatibility mode without 3D acceleration"
            this is why


              No, I rely on alt ping. I would notify my teammates when enemy come ganking. They might never watch minimap and I don't want them die.

              Fortunately I don't have crashes mid-game so far.


                Basically everything related to internet works better in linux, while everything related to graphics works better in windows.

                But when it comes to online gaming I have to pick lesser evil... =)


                  Oh wow you have failed epically it would seem basically just install and go. Only thing is you might get lower fps and sometimes ping can flux


                    I tried to play once. No, there was a time I did play dota on linux. I have a iMac 2009 mid(I think) model which is intel dual core. I played it on Ubuntu. I was able to play but with some problems. I can't remember most of them. One of them is that I can't alt+tab. In my opinion, playing on Windows is better.


                      "Basically everything related to internet works better in linux, while everything related to graphics works better in windows."

                      Only because fucking Microsoft deems it so. By cornering everyone into the DirectX market, they've killed off their competitors. OpenGL does a far better job, but people rarely build for that because DirectX is the big thing. Don't believe me? Try Warcraft III on Linux with and without -opengl and compare the frame rates and image quality.


                        ^ I hear you, bro! You speak the truth.

                        I described my problems with linux previously, but to be fair, I want to say that my windows 7 has some issues too. Windows 7 somehow shuts down my router periodically, so I have to go to other room and reboot it. This is sure annoying when it happens mid-game. It never happens when I use linux.


                          no problems here on ubuntu 14.04 lts . Occasionly i get small bugs like triangles on some html elements in ui, very rarely tho, and mostly those are from ingame browser. 99% quality thing is still present, alt tab works (there is a way to lock it to alt tabbing from steam ui overlay or bypass it). Most annoying bug will be missing lowercase letters in some non-english keyboard layouts.

                          Hafla Enjoyer

                            Not very related but does anyone else seem to have problems with the new Skype? Previously I used ALSA but when I installed Skype it disabled ALSA and put pulseaudio instead, fucking my microphone in steam and audio in skype. It happened to me once and I remember I forced both to use alsa and it worked, but can't manage to remember how. Anyone?

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!