General Discussion

General DiscussionSorry ladies...

Sorry ladies... in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    "Then you realize women can compete with men in the world chess championship and chess is about as much a sport as computer and video games."

    "Complete nutters. eSports are NOT "real" sports, why keep up this facile pretense? Does it matter if they're "real" sports or not? They are what they are.

    Real sports have male/female divisions because real sports are physical contests where men have a huge physiological advantage in pretty much every single one. Unisex contests in real sports would pretty much just be male contests, hence the need for sexed competition. I can't see how physiological differences are in any way relevant for a "sport" where you sit in a chair, click a mouse and press some buttons - and I am completely perplexed as to why Tekken Tag is apparently a "girl's game"! LOL Korea!"

    Agree, E-Sports are NOT real sports, ffs why cant people realize this ? Are they really thinking that a man have ANY kind of advantage against a women to PLAY FUCKING VIDEOGAMES ?


      while i agree this is bullshit, I would point out that even in e-sports most (but not all) females can't compete on equal footing as the men. Edit: Hearthstone is one of the few games where this is not the case.

      The problem here is that exuding women is the wrong way to go. Excluding men from women's leagues is fine but excluding women from men's leagues is not ok.

      The idea is to make a place for women to play and improve, not to keep women out... SC2 player Violet (yes i know who she is before the trolls come out) comes to mind... She would decimate everyone if she was forced to play in the womens leagues.

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      Quick maffs

        " I would point out that even in e-sports most (but not all) females can't compete on equal footing as the men."

        I think the point is that if a Woman puts the same time and dedication in a eSport as a man she would be equally good, but in a physical sport in that situation a man would still have an advantage because of nature.

        and if you dont agree that a Woman will be equally good as a man if they both dedicate the SAME time to it i dont know what to say man ......


          well i edited from clarity, but this decision is particularly stupid because females in hearthstone are actually quite good.

          Basically this is because of South Korean rules.

          Quick maffs

            I mean Hearthstone reminds me of chess, so yeah its pretty stupid to not allow woman compete against men.

            Like this is pretty funny, banning woman just to look more like a "real" sport rolf


              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ


                  Why would you ostracize the very few women who are willing to do this sort of thing? Hearthstone is still just a watered-down Magic the Gathering. WotC to my knowledge has never banned women from participating in any event.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I believe chess still has men's and women's divisions. Sounds dumb if you ask me. But I don't really give a crap.

                    Quick maffs

                      "To point one, there isn't a Hearthstone competition for women, who are only allowed to enter StarCraft 2 and Tekken Tag Tournament contests, and segregation has historically proven to be a pretty poor basis for the promotion of equality. To point two, we're unsure to what "international sports regulations" the IeSF are adhering to, and why separating men and women would "get e-Sports recognized as a true sports." The Chess example is odd, because while there is a separate competition for women, women can enter the World Chess Championship and compete against men. Just ask Judit Polgár."

                      I dont know man in things like chess and VIDEOGAMES there should be only one league or division or whatever, if a women wants to compete and win she needs to dedicate as much time as any male player, i dont really agree with only female kind of tournament but i get the logic behind it ( to create more oportunities for female players to get into the scene ) but male only tournaments is a fucking joke i am sorry.