General Discussion

General DiscussionLate game items for SK

Late game items for SK in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    I have no idea what to get after blink, arcanes, veil and aghs. Any suggestions?


      force staff and heart work well.

      a hex doesnt hurt either


        Heart, ethereal, shiva, hex. Ethereal to burst someone like slark or bs, and hex for them. Shiva and heart for defense.

        Quick maffs

          Shivas is really good


            ^Obviously that works for Zenoth because he's a very high skilled player, but on a serious note:

            -Heart of Tarrasque
            -Ethereal Blade

            Just keep in mind that in lategame, your 3rd ability is very good for splitpushing. At lategame you don't use sandstorm to push or anything anymore, you hit creeps!
