General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc + Guiri race to 5k

Havoc + Guiri race to 5k in General Discussion

    Out for the night, will update in the morning.

    Mike Hawk

      Don't bet on Guiri, he's not reaching 5k any time soon. Kappa


        I haven't made my contribution to this topic yet, so i got to share some thoughts on this one. It's not easy to reach a certaing rating, especially if your actuall skill is close to your current mmr (less then 500 points difference). Also, you're really dependent on 4 other players, who are randomly selected from a big player pool and you can get lucky or really unlucky here, which means either you're at 5k soon OR you're back to your starting mmr (or even lower) in no time.

        I dont think anyone will reach straight 5k very soon, although i'm sure Guiri will eventually get there and get there first. He's been playing great for a while now, which indicates also in his really high party mmr where he doesnt have any problem carriing at 5.4k. If i look at his winrates with his best heroes and what he's been picking in solo mmr, i'm pretty convinced thats my bet :)

        Also it's hard to say Sam wont get there, cause it's mostly up on him and his desire to actually get 5k. He's been rather coaching low mmr people then work on his own play, but he looks pretty serious about his solo mmr lately, so you never know. Also he's been spaming Ogre a lot which he's good with. Cant really say a lot about Benao, cause i dont know him that well as a player.

        Anyway, it'll be fun. Count me in in a race to the mmr (4k solo in my case) :D

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          rofl I think Havoc or Benao can do it


            i got muted from having so many horrible players.... i didnt even flame them just instamute trash


              Nah, I am suffering now cause as it goes later into the evening I am starting to lose a shit ton of games. The issue here is the insta picks of void, tinker, Doom, or sky. There has literally not been a game where any of those heroes are in my games....its fucking cancerous.

              I usually end up solo supporting a team of complete nutbags and it turns into a flame fest so fast. People are arrogant, cocky, bad players and just 100% toxic. 4.5K and above is truly hell, even if I were to climb it would actually be easier to lose and go back to a lower 4k bracket where games aren't quite so bad.


                Lets prove this...

       - Doom, Tinker, Void.
       - Void, Sky.
       - Void
       - Doom, Void, Tinker.
       - Void.
       - Sky, Tinker.
       - Void, Doom.

                ... and on and on. Literally my experience is that if you're shooting for 5K don't do it. Just make a smurf, get 5K and play on. Playing up my solo is something I have personally avoided due to the absolute toxic nature of both the picks and players on this level. Games are no longer enjoyable and they are literal one sided stomps, abandons, or just throws cause someone made a bad play and will then blame the team for his fuck up and go "afk".

                Welcome to 4.5K, enjoy your stay.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  Off topic - Any1 here wants to race it to 6k with me?

                  EDIT: I'll be on guiri's side here

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Making a smurf will just result in becoming like that psy guy anyway who whines like a baby


                      @ Havoc

                      Its same no matter what lvl ur at man. Its toxic people, bad plays that makes it not fun it doesn't matter what mmr you're at I'm sure:

             Toxic dazzle and Mirana.

                      I jungled terrorblade and somehow had lvl 7 @ 8 min and mirana had lvl 5... dazzle flamed the whole time which of course puts everyone in a shit mood. I mute, focus get farm and take a bot rax even with all the feed but still no luck.

                      Side note:
                      Been trying to look at peoples games on here and "Matrice" jungle terrorblade is a kick ass way to freshen the game for me. He seems to be the least full of himself person on here, but has a lot of skill which I'm drawn to instead of all the drama people post on here. Watched a few of his games and are great. I am definitely not perfect at his great way to terrorblade but its getting there if I won 8/10 games the past 3 days. Get unique and cornball your way to 5k if you have to I know you can pass him up.

                      Edit 9/10 wins, sorry one was an abandon by a guy on my team heres the list:


                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        This game was extra special


                        Pretty much all Russians on my team, I call mid before the hero picks, then yellow calls mid, so I give it up coz I'm not gonna fuck over our chances, then Tinker is picked and calls mid and neither of them back down, so we have dual mid. But... So do the other team. Sadly it was game where we were matched with higher players and their mids were both like 5.4k and our mids were both utter trash. I did my best in the early to win the map and did ok with Wraith King but as a solo support I became food so quick and NO ONE seemed to care about Naga getting super fat (probably coz they were too busy fighting themselves). Such a sad game to sit through.


                          @ havoc

                          by all means go ahead, nobody is stopping u from smurfing to 5k.

                          of course if u can't even land a smurf at 5k by spamming zeus/tinker then u 100% don't belong there, it depends whether you want to play the 40 or so odd games in unranked to get to level 13.

                          anyways i have to disagree, i climbed to 4900 solo at one point, so it's definitely doable. you just need to take the driver's seat and not let ur 4.5k allies dictate the pace of the game (think about it this way: if u are truly better than ur teammates, why would u not just carry them to victory?)

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Because Havoc is a 5k support player, but not a 5k carry/mid player. I've seen his mids and carries and they're not as good as his utility/supports.


                              @ Kinan, lel. I had 2 shitty games with you in them, one of them we had a retarded team, second I was solo support and I'm pants at solo support.


                                if he's a 5k support player he should get there in due time


                                  he will, but in this race it's not about 'due time' it's about asap :P


                                    ^I agree with this.
                                    There's a big gap between a 4k and a 5k support, so his team would have a huge advantage if he actually played as a 5k support, and not a 4k.
                                    Havoc probably have problems playing with people that doesn't communicate, idno.


                                    I'm still thinking about that global toss, ROFL


                                      LOL I'm sorry, but you boss KS'd me so it had to be done! :D :D :D

                                      In the mean time, you officially joining Guiri's guys yet? I'm catching up to your solo :P

                                        Tento komentář byl smazán

                                          I meant for who you think will hit 5k first lol


                                            rofl like I didn't know that?

                                            Yes, I'm switching. It sounds lame, but it has to be done! G-GOD GO, G-GOD GO

                                            Flat is Justice!

                                              this is guiri's thread, that means hes 3000 times more dedicated to get 5k

                                              i bet 10 of my future kids that guiri will win


                                                ^ how many are you having on planning?

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  who ever with a brain will hit 5k first. queue captains draft during the day and you'll win 80% of your matches since the mmr gap will be in your favor vs some 5.5k+ player which is often 100% the case, or choose all pick and go mid and fucking dominate the game if you think you deserve 5k

                                                  anyway havoc will get 5k first

                                                  Flat is Justice!

                                                    i cant help that girls keep lining themselves up for my superior genes



                                                      So i had to take a dodge (vs dd-sama) as my dog had been poisoned. Fortunately she should be ok.


                                                        Good to hear. Feel sorry for you..

                                                        At least I got easy +24 that I lost in my previous game:-)


                                                          Ya, sadly in Spain it happens, farmers leave poison in the fields to kill strays. We live on a farm and have dogs that are allowed to run free, she ran off our land and we (thankfully) saw her on the edge fitting.


                                                            ez rares

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              Just insta lock skybird


                                                                ^ Void is insta win.


                                                                  5 Consecutive losses wraps up a terrible game for me, I was having some nice teams but Valve has now put me back with morons, plus the news of my dog has thrown me off.


                                                                      What. The. Heck.


                                                                        @FPZ way ahead of you :)


                                                                        Also doom, is an obvious pick for me...

                                                                        6.81b in a nutshell


                                                                          Are you guys actually stacking or just matched together? :D


                                                                            Matched together cause we're all about the same queuing at the same times.


                                                                              fuck people at this mmr FUCK THEM RLY


                                                                                trying to raise mmr and you pick leshrac ogre juggernaut. just instalock op shit every game should work ez


                                                                                  try some kunkka attacker fun


                                                                                    Stuff rarer than rares on Havoc.

                                                                                    Pick Void, if carrying doesn't work go for scepter and then claim you were utility whole game and report team for lack of carry.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      The thing is I hate solo queuing so so much. People are dumb, egotistical, and so god damn toxic.

                                                                                      This has been the most depressing week of DotA I have played. I like parties, even bad one wheres you can joke about stuff and have a good time but this is just unbelievable.

                                                                                      DotA2 MMR summed up is like a sitcom, at the end of it all you're right back to where you started.




                                                                                        I think your problem havoc is that you don't work as well without party cause you can't rely as much on your team.
                                                                                        # too used to teamwork /w communication

                                                                                        I don't know. I mean, after I actually tried to improve I've increased a lot in rating. It's all about dedication, and blaming team all over again isn't a real solution to become better. (Not saying you're doing this)

                                                                                        Probably time to watch replays!


                                                                                          i dont mute people because i think ragers are funny, as long as you dont let it affect you obviously. usually it's a good idea to just mute toxic players and keep playing

                                                                                          Krazy Kat

                                                                                            From the Juice thread:

                                                                                            Summary: 4017 - 4509 within 29 games (24-5, 83% win rate), some minor upsets but nothing drastical. I'm really starting to dislike this rating range because people are defeatist, egotistical, they think they're very good at the game and try to tutor everybody else (why do they all think they're smarter than the other people at their rating, sigh), they whine and cry from beginning, try to force their item choices and opinions onto others (which are wrong most of the time) and generally are their own worst enemy and the reason they sit there. Games are generally unenjoyable, everybody seems to be fed up with dota here and while people can get annoying at higher ratings I can assure you it's nothing close to this. People who random heroes are generally -1 in the team as they won't repick even something that they can't play (earth spirit from my slark game) and then will just proceed to feed and be useless all game long. People also tend to tunnel vision a lot and die before using their spells or in extremely dumb ways, laning and farming ability slowly starts to get decent, however game sense is still low.



                                                                                              Those 2 games Vaeldiithia posted above have the same Morphling player in them too, both times in the losing team. I have to ask, how toxic was he?


                                                                                                Keep in mind though:

                                                                                                People at this mmr rating are very toxic and delisional, but: Aren't you a part of this mmr? Aren't you like that sometimes/often too?
                                                                                                I'm just saying.


                                                                                                  ^^He was just simply bad. Only thing I can remember he said was askin where the hell couldve he farmed after enemy taking their t1-2 rly early and team fail ganking the map instead of helping him (after both teams flaming him for a long time), but it was a lot more normal way than lets say Benao or even Havoc. I cant remember his texts from the first game.
                                                                                                  It also had the same Invoker, he was toxic as fuck, even being in the winning team.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    can confirm, 4k to 4.5k is the worst (bogi is there)
                                                                                                    played an area 2k to 5.3k and nothing is as bad as 4-4.5

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!