General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc + Guiri race to 5k

Havoc + Guiri race to 5k in General Discussion

    im getting 6k before anyone gets 5k here and i dont play 10+ games erry day

    Miku Plays

      spam LC pls Havoc .. inflate mmr


        is there some magic formula to get people to stop picking useless heroes like bh and "support" rubick

        anyways 60 points left for our front runner

        hardly surprising just based on the hero picks

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          so some one else has realized that all you have to do to raise mmr is ask someone in the chat at hero select to pick Void while you pick WD and win with combo that requires little communication. WP Guiri, by coincidence I started doing that a few days ago.


            Well Void is such a popular pick nowadays it's bound to be good....then again witch doctor is always good. I think in all fairness we could get 5k on the same day with him getting it before I get home from work, then I get it when he's offline.

            @Hatsune I almost never do anything but support in solo queue but I might give it a shot, people are usually too dumb to play with an LC but in fairness most LC's give the rest a bad name.


              i just ran into some tbd people, they do appear in regular intervals once u get around 4800-4900. neither spammed zeus/tinker though which i find a bit odd

              thankfully both were on opposite team (and the opponents had their typical "let's pick void and doom to counter PA" and failed)

              i'm at 4775 now on this account, it's a bit tragic that once you get 5k you'll realize the games don't actually get much better, you'll just be paired up more often with 5k's

              that's about it.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                TBD's are quite easy to pick out...most of them go Zeus mid or some other mid or will opt for the jungle.


                  neither went zeus/tinker


                  pudge was 5k+, dp was 5.4k, i'm actually ~5.1k but playing on a 4.7k account (:P), and the doom/meepo were TBD.

                  i was honestly shocked myself cuz i went ham on the other team, we were pretty behind and lost our mid t2 like 15 minutes in and i told myself to stop making stupid mistakes. it's amazing how much better you can play if you focus criticism on yourself instead of teammates' mistakes

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Miku Plays

                    auto loss to guiri... im calling it


                      He will probably hit his 5K today and I will hit mine today or tomorrow depending on how many party games I play in this evening.

                      He is about 1-2 wins away and I am about 7 which calculating losses in for me should be about 10 games which I could knock off today and a little bit tomorrow. Either way I think now that the TI4 is over the games have become more balanced and actually getting to 5K shouldn't be a problem.


                        Now you gotta race to 6k


                          LC most useless hero -- can do nothing except use his 2nd for batrider (this was a first page game)

                          He got flamed pretty badly by the team for the pick


                            I think if u pick treant its easy 5k though as long as ur armor is not countered, most people often don't take into account of the living armor and dive and get punished for it


                              @Milnor Being honest with myself here (bar a miracle) my limit will be about 5.3 and beyond that will just be fortune or if I train up really hard.

                              Miku Plays

                                i need to add you whelpy cause you hate lc :<


                                  Well tbh, for those that didn't want me to win you were handed luck.


                                  Riki and ES both smurfs, CM confirmed account buyer and the prophet had a terrible game. Their mmrs were all ~4.5k.


                                    ^ Nice tower dmg. DP 5 tower dmg how she even did it? 5 dmg? thats like 1 hit on lvl 1 or what


                                      The prophet doesn't bother me, it's kind of a hero that plays well if the team do, but here's our ES profile

                                      Not a single ranked win.


                                        Congratz guiri

                                        just don't go #yolo now, or you'll fall back to 4,5 in no time


                                          Back to 11 points away then Brew in our next game gets offended at what some of the team do, so he refuses to help at all, we have chances to end but can't quite make it coz we're 5 v 4 and eventually lose.



                                            A series of bad games after the brew throw and I'm 4 wins away again. So annoying, I was so close but some cunt decides his own pride is too important.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              lost a match to a full pusher lineup because our offlane flipped out that he lost his tier one tower when they 3man pushed it and we said to just sac it and go for a trade



                                                I do love you #nohomo but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit smug right now :)


                                                  so no one responded to your request to pick void in the WD game then lol


                                                    I'm not surprised you are Sam, when I was miles behind I thought you'd win and when I woke up every morning to see you'd lost I'd be like oh, that's a relief haha. Just annoying though, Roberto was spectating the game and he will confirm, it was thrown by Brew. My 5k was there and some prick says no.


                                                      The thirst is real!


                                                        You don't even understand the hate I'm harboring for that guy who threw my game.




                                                            What better place to announce it?

                                                            A Havoc thread got locked! Holy shit, what's happening to the world? :D


                                                              I'm 9 wins from 5k on this account. Should I sit in front of my laptop for the next 10-15 hours?

                                                              What's the verdict?


                                                                Oh great forced 50% today

                                                                first loss i pick PA, es single pulls and then 2 waves of creeps march toward offlane timber's tower so he gets to level 6 much faster than i do

                                                                second loss PA, I solo against a qop + undying, my potm thinks it's a great idea to "harass" the enemy Panda mid while Storm is underlevelled. Basically there's no way I can win top and mid loses somehow (Storm had a 23 min orchid).

                                                                then u have the typical players who random (i got 2 of those in 1 game) and then the lanes go to shit.

                                                                in every single loss my mid has no farm whatsoever, i think i need to go mid or something to get out of this shitcan bracket

                                                                4k trashes.

                                                                then again i am approaching my "real" mmr (4.8 vs 5.1) so i guess my win rate should be slowing down to something like 60%. this is probably the most fragile part of the process so i shouldn't be massing games or i'll play on a tilt (it's super easy to end up with 50% win rate or even slightly less, even if the theoretical win rate you should have is 60%)

                                                                edit: ok not forced 50% but forced 54%, i hope the number goes up to at least 60% otherwise i'll have to play a shit ton of games

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  HAVOC TO FALL
                                                                  GUIRI IS DOING IT
                                                                  HE IS GONNA TAKE IT


                                                                    Meh, I hope someone gets it so I can stop solo queuing I hate it with a vengeance


                                                                      it is pretty awful :(

                                                                      only won 7/12 today (4775 -> 4825)

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        I think getting over the hump is a little tough, I shot up from 4200 to 4700 in like 3 days but have been staying around here for about a week is hard.


                                                                          you've probably reached your comfort zone, I think 4989 is mine ahhaha. Where to advance you have to play at your peak.


                                                                            Nah, people are just weirdos in at this level. You get a mixture of smurfs, good players, and spoilt a-holes which makes for very odd games. I have never played so many games where I have just kind of sat there going "what the hell is happening".

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              Suck it wave, I reached 6k first ( I guess?)


                                                                                Sam are you not on the leaderboards anymore??


                                                                                  10 points to go


                                                                                    ffs he got it...
                                                                                    got to play vs an awful pl


                                                                                      fucking noob had to be ukrainian hope he dies soon :D

                                                                                      ♛ peSte ♛

                                                                                        he did it holy fuck


                                                                                          Well boys.



                                                                                            Congrats on 5k, i knew u gonna do it first! :)


                                                                                              oh hey whelps I was in that game against you lol

                                                                                              lc did actually know how to offlane decently but couldn't transition well when my team initiated most of the fights.

                                                                                              OT - HAVOCCC WHR UR 5K SCRUB



                                                                                                LC didn't fail his laning phase but picking an LC against that lineup is not going to help and that faceless void who forgets to use his BKB all the time and doesn't use his choro.

                                                                                                MMR is lame I haven't gotten to increase my mmr since 3 weeks ago everytime I try to go up I get jokers in my team and it ends up being a 15 min loss


                                                                                                  granted but your tinker pick into bat + clock has to the one of the more ballsy things ive seen in solo ranked...

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    ok la I'm used to counter pickers but I don't mind fighting storm zeus silencer or anybody else I just pray for a good laning phase and then I can zap everyone

                                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                                      what does la mean