General Discussion

General DiscussionTricks and knowledge you would want your teammates to have

Tricks and knowledge you would want your teammates to have in General Discussion

    Could be a good thread, just share some tips/tricks/advice that not everyone know about.

    - If you play PA you can know if someone's in the radius of 1600 (I think) thanks to passive even when he is smoked/invi - you will get blurry (yea I know everyone knows about the passive, not everyone know that they can use it that way)
    - You can find out if shadow fiend is near (even if invi) because his passive will kick in (works on any debuffs like AC really)
    - You can control shadow shamans and WD serpents/wards (I didnt know until recently actually, what a shame)
    - Situational one I found out myself - if you use silencer's Last word on puck and he phase shifts, wait it off (let's say LW was about to hit in 1s and you wait 2s) BUT you "interrupt" the phase shift by yourself - you will still get hit (even tho the LW should have triggered already), however, if you let the "channeling" end by itself you will get no damage - test it yourself
    - Shift + action will queue your actions (didnt know about it for a long time too) - it was helpful back when you could interrupt your TP scroll easily. You would just tp, shift + click the destination you want to go and you weren't interrupting the channeling, good for sand king's ult and some various stuff I guess

    - Tele scrolls - carry these motherfuckers everytime
    - Def towers
    - If enemies are dead, either push or rosh
    - Even if you are farmed as shit dont run around alone, if they have a brain they will start doing 5 man doto and you will throw

    That's what comes to my mind for now

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      - If you studied maths till you are 14-15 years old, then you are able to determine which are the best item to increase dps.
      - If you make use of your brain (assuming it didn't overheating after testing trick #1) then you can build properly your heroes even for question different from pur dps

      That's my 2 tricks most "pros" don't even know about it

      Game is hard!

        - EAT A DICK
        - EAT 2 DICKS
        - U KNOW THE DRILL


          Auto attacking pushes the lane and you get terrible CS. Don't do it.


            Level 2 x mark guarantees torrent. Level 3 guarantees boat.


              @X6 YOU ARE SO FUNNY, I GOT TROLLED XDXD *.* -_-

              No really, gtfo you piece of shit

              I wanted to make it advice/tricks thread but bailed, looking at the posts I guess I will rename it

              Hex Sigma

                Nice thread, most of us know some of those tricks but it's nice to help new people.


                  if the lane is safe, push it into the enemy tower, go to the jungle, creep there until the lane is safe again, repeat


                    @SLEAVE yea exactly, hate these cunts that will even let the creeps push your tower and stay in the jungle

                    - Don't jungle for 20 mins straight without helping your team, some heroes have it easier, some harder to gank but ffs, people like that will be 0:0 with doom at 20 min mark and then they will be like "wtf my team nob feed" - don't be that guy



                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        With Zeus mid try to be on high ground while casting Arc Lightning because having vision of the enemy hero will cause the spell to hit them as well.

                        Low Expectations

                          Why do ppl rage on me when I autoattck at 8/9 min in I try to push the wave so I can fam jungle/see ganks comming easier/notice offlaner gone. At what point is autoattacking ok?


                            Autoattacking is never ok. You gotta last hit those creeps man, pushing is overrated.

                            Now, being serious, if you think you can really take the tower then push no matter the timing. I've lost countless matches because no one on my team but me wanted to push even when they could get free towers.


                              Well as long as you auto attack + lh then you are just pushing and then its fine, worse if you would be a bad carry missing lh's or a support stealing them

                              Low Expectations

                                Overall if ppl knew how to use Snowball well that would be awsome


                                  When i have easy farm as a carry, i try to avoid pushing for as long as possible because once you start pushing, enemies are forced to pressure you. I usually push if I'm fed up with a lane or expect the laning stage to end soon.

                                  Krazy Kat

                                    Here' are some I heard recently. Haven't tried them yet:

                                    If you want to pull your lane back with creep aggro, but there is no enemy nearby, you can right-click on an enemy visible in another lane, then cancel the attack.

                                    If you right-click on an enemy when you are outside of creep aggro range, creeps will not aggro you for the next two seconds.


                                      - Remember, ganking mid might be way easier than getting gank from mid. Dont shout and complain about mid not ganking when you are offlane, 2v2/3 (mid + offlane vs their dual/trilane) isnt ganking, ganking = outnumbering. Ganking mid might be easier because its 1 person there, so 1 stun/good slow and he is down. People at shit brackets dont even bother to tp to save the mid


                                        i have a really sick trick/guide that will assure your ranked wins
                                        1. pick a hero
                                        2. win
                                        3. done
                                        u fail 2 go back to 1
                                        approved by wave


                                          You can remove tower aggro by a-clicking an allied unit. This works even if you can't actually deny it.

                                          The amount of people I see who die trying to run away from towers instead of just removing aggro makes me sad


                                            Using stun as lion don't target my stun the area just in front of them, this increases the stun range.
                                            Axes ult instantly kills most summons and courier.
                                            Getting level death on Doom at level 5 means once you hit 6 a doom and level death will pretty much be an sure kill.
                                            You can cast, use items in Snowball and arch lightning.
                                            Last word cancels Icarus dive (makes it unable to cancel)
                                            You can sit at the T3 tower mid and deny creeps as Lich while stacking the jungle, and you will still level up as fast as everyone.
                                            Magic Stick is probably the best item purchase you can make as Wraith King in the early game.
                                            Always start with hex as lion, longer range and disable duration.
                                            Buying Blademail on Axe to use with Beserkers Call is a waste of 2200 gold.

                                            I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                              -bfurry damage inv heroes. for example i fight a riki with pa with bfurry and when hes low hp, he goes inv. i attack a creep in his direction and he will die. i saw this scenario way too many times. people dont know this.
                                              -def in base is a damn great strategy, especially if you have heroes like pudge,kunka, wd, invo, snip or you have a late carry and they dont. when i lose but we can win i always tell my team not to leave upperground, but most of the time they dont listen. however, i won many games that started bad just by staying in base.
                                              -if you jungle, help your team when lane isnt pushed
                                              -if you want to pull all the creeps, start at sec 16 or 46
                                              -if your lane isnt pushed at all, dont pull, cause the hero left on lane will have to tank the creeps and it will hurt in early.
                                              -if youre playing offlane, and your lane is pushed because of enemy's pull, you can stay on spot at min mark. you wont lose xp from creeps, and no need for ward.
                                              -the most important is use your fucking brain. i saw pudge ulti on low hp heroes that were going to die anyway when there was a full hp hero right near him way too many times. bad gangs, people getting ganged really stupid.
                                              -if you select an enemy hero, selection wont disappear when enemy hero is out of sight. for example, i once died, and selected ursa while i was dead. he had smoke on him, and when he activated it in fog, i saw that it disappeared from quickslot and pinged rosh for gang.

                                              cant think of anything else now.

                                              edit: oh, if youre mid with lich, deny a creep before wave riches enemy range. that bonus xp will help

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                So true about that staying on base


                                                As you see we had a huge advantage but since they were turtling in the base (they literally werent coming out past their t3), our team was doing shit initiations and sniper was just killing shit they had a chance to win, took us a lot of attempts to finally wipe 3-4 and then get the sniper

                                                Low Expectations
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