General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich rax would be better to kill

Which rax would be better to kill in General Discussion

    Say you are down 2 raxes -- the enemy killed your middle and bottom rax. You just won a team fight and are pushing through mid and just took their mid rax. Often times you and your team will ping top / ping bot. Both towers are 100% hp

    Do you take bot rax to equalize the lanes? Or do you take top to have at least one lane pushing? Is this something people actually consider in high mm games because I just realized a few days ago what kind of effect this could have in late game since I've never thought about this before.

    Might actually be better to take top rax if you have a pusher like lycan, or wisp+X, to take down backdoor protection.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Try not to equalize, take the lane where you still have a barracks standing cause if you were to equalize it literally just equalizes but taking the lane where you still have yours standing puts them on the the back foot.

      You have already lost the barracks why equalize when you can get an advantage, things aren't going to get any worse as you have already lost the barracks.

      Miku Plays

        Why not straight throne?


          ^ because

          1. that wasn't part of the question
          2. most of the time you don't have enough time to throne

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