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General DiscussionQuestion

Question in General Discussion

    At what MMR i will be able to play fair winnable games? 4700 is not enough. I thought 4k is the worst it can get. Then i play on 4700 and meet one of worst players i have ever seen.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    King of Low Prio

      As long as you que into europe your matches will be very high quality


        /sarcasm off
        Very high quality enemy team (usually party) to stomp my games.


          4500-4700 is filled with low tier 4K and 3K players on smurfs who all think they're good and this creates a lot of argument and contention for the people who have been there from the start.

          > Smurf demands respect and "pro" status from account mains.
          > Mains won't listen to shit stain smurfs
          > Smurfs play zeus and meta heroes they can't possibly play well or demand mid
          > Mains get tired of smurf trash and aren't interested anymore.
          > Smurfs wonder why people won't play around them as they are very clearly "pro" and belong in the bracket
          > Account fails and calibration is low and smurf believes account is cursed.
          > Smurf makes new account determined to get 5K because that is the "Golden Goose"
          > Picks Zeus during calibration games and loses them all
          > Repeat


            'The trench' is essentially 4.3k-5k for reasons stated by your local neighbourhood badger.


              Actually bratos, what mmr were you calibrated at on your first acc?


                Why would someone spam Zeus anyway? Is it "hero damage" that makes your MMR high? lol


                  I calibrated 4.4k on main. Went up to 4550 and then dropped to 3900. I'm sick of it


                    @Guiri First account was iCoil where my guess he was about 4.1K

                    @BraToS It's not just the hero damage but kill participation and it shows your participation in relation to your allies and will gauge you against them. Zeus is better at this thus is deemed to be of a higher skill rank than allies due to the participation stat.


                      HAHAHAHA!! Dude you're in fucking wank pool, and you've been shadowbanned for abusing. How can you whine when you do shit like this.

             < US West bot pool
             < Dubai? Under what language?
             < More bots?

                      US WEST seems to be your go to place. Stop complaining, go back to your main.


                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        Ofc i was abusing. How to leave 4k elo hell other than that. Looks like it's not enough so i'll do it again. Little different this time. Simple as that. If it doesn't work, just gonna delete this time wasting game.
                        Main acc is history. Never gonna leave 4k trench.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          I solo queued for about two weeks, I went from 4.2 - 4.8 in two weeks and I have stayed there about's because I belong there. You don't belong that high and your account is shadow banned so you're in a shit queue with shit people.

                          How can you complain about the system when you're 100% a part of the problem. Do all you people think that the game is all about that number, and the actual act of enjoying a game isn't the reason you play? If all you do is play this game to get a number that is insignificant outside of dota2 then go ahead and delete it now because you're not going to get higher than 4K.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Feel free to delete it, you're not part of the community anymore now you're shadowbanned for cheating.

                            I calibrated at 3.7k on this account and I'm now 5k solo, 5.1k party (been as high as 5.4k).

                            If you can't get out of it you don't deserve it, accept the fact that you're not as good as you think you are. Or don't, I don't really care, you've already been flagged and shadowbanned so I don't really know what to say anymore to you.


                              Shadow ban expires in 2 day of not playing on that acc. Smartass like u doesnt know that? Anyway i'm not gonna argue here. Will just do what i wanted to do and thats it.


                                Of course I don't know that, I've never abused.


                                  Was talking to Havoc but fine

                                  If you run multiple instances of dota2, u get shadow banned untill u stop doing it. Quit playing for 2 days and your acc is unbanned again.
                                  There, now you know. And btw @Havoc, i've met some really good players in "my trash 4700 pool". So there were some fair games too.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    HAHAHA! What ever you say. Quote from Valve dev. on MM improvements but they might also be wrong.

                                    "Players who repeatedly engage in activities significantly harmful to the community are put into a separate matchmaking pool for two months."

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      acually people who went there for 2months have reported that they are still shadowbanned. It seems that people can also get permanent ban.


                                        "Players who run multiple instances are only segregated as long as they continue to run multiple instances. If you think you have been segregated merely for running multiple instances, then stop running multiple instances for a day or two, and then try to find a match again."

                                        Tested few times, it works just like Valve dev said. Havoc you still seem confused with this shadow ban system, be sure to figure it out before u comment about it.
                                        How do u think those RMM abusers reach such high ranking? Cause they do the same thing and it can't be stopped. Only if Valve manually bans them, like they did few times in top 200.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          At any rate, let me know when your playing in some major tournament and then you'll see all the #hardwork and #dedication pay off.


                                            L O L What the fuck u talking about dude?


                                              The fact that all your attempts at inflating your MMR are completely pointless and won't make you any better as a player.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                Tell that to half of community who bought or abused accounts for high MMR.
                                                And if spamming one specific OP hero to get out of shit tier is fun to you, then i don't want to have fun.


                                                  "Tell that to half of community who bought or abused accounts for high MMR."

                                                  No one said you couldn't get high MMR, you are simply in a seperate queue and have to be exceptionally good at abusing to get anywhere. Either that or be good enough to not be there in the first place by getting 5K on your main.

                                                  "And if spamming one specific OP hero to get out of shit tier is fun to you, then i don't want to have fun."

                                                  When was this ever stated? What OP hero are you referring to? Do you have fun anyways playing vs bots, and playing just to get a number you don't really deserve?


                                                  "Players who run multiple instances are only segregated as long as they continue to run multiple instances. If you think you have been segregated merely for running multiple instances, then stop running multiple instances for a day or two, and then try to find a match again."

                                                  That works if you aren't shadow banned, if you are then it's two months for you.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    And what one specific OP hero have I spammed?

                                                    Paid actor

                                                      Being a garbage wasnt easy but it made me who i am if u never were a garbage u wouldnt understand :D


                                                        U guys have very little knowledge about shadow ban system. You clearly know that spamming Ember or ES would get you far back then before they got nerfed.
                                                        I would love to see u "pros" dealing with autists in 4k bracket. But that will never happen. So you can spam here all you want, i said what i had to say. With 4 years dota experience i bet i'm not worse than u at all. I ruined games or went afk from time to time, thats what i dropped so low. Cuz playing with autists is impossible

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I don't think there's a magic number. I get games in the 3ks where some are awesome, others everyone on the team starts bitching after first blood, and still others people whine and bitch from level 1 cus they didn't get mid.

                                                          2014 devaslaytion

                                                            Dude first 4 yrs dont mean anything if you arent playing that 4 yrs with the right attitude. I played dota casually for 6yrs, but it was only these 2 yrs where i port over to d2 that i see myself improving at a rate much faster than what i did in 4yrs of d1. Reason? Simple as it, in d1 there was no punishment for ruining games or leaving. Whenever i dislike a game i just leave till i get a game i can stomp in.(of course i still leave now as i said i am a casual player, there are times when my gaming time is up and i have to go and do more impt things. Just that i dont rage quit nowadays) And as a result i improve marginally. When i port to d2 i was forced to stay in games, and as a result i turn into a more calm and better player. I learn to take losses and shrug it off. And just play the game ignoring whatever mmr numbers. And this is what made me improve. Now i am sitting on 5k and i can say i belong there. U can say i abuse meepo. All i will say is i am a 5k meepo player but a 4k dota player. I instapick meepo everygame, and in my last game i manage to do v well even though i was up against brackets ranging from 5.2k to 6k with me being the lowest of 5002.

                                                            Guiri and havoc can climb their mmr up to 5k because they belong to there while you dont. And why they do and u dont? Its all abt the attitude. If you are going to blame teammates everygame, u will improve very slowly.

                                                            Its kinda pointless for me to say all these stuff because you wont even bother listening, which makes me wonder why do you even post on this forum. But its ppl like you who makes "smurfs" like me who create new acc mainly for hero testing get flamed for no reason. Its ppl like you who make us get generalised as ruiners and high mmr wannabes.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              "At what MMR i will be able to play fair winnable games?"

                                                              Probably at <3k mmr. You will stomp more often then you'll get stomped if this is what you're looking for.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                "cuz playing with autists is impossible"

                                                                O RLY?


                                                                if you would've been better than them, you could've carried them. You have 4 k mmr not becaise valve has some kind of conspiracy going against you but because you belong there.


                                                                  I think you should play at 1000mmr, so you can win every game, and feel satisfy.


                                                                    you're just bad


                                                                      I think I have played 1 ember game where I played him as a support and about 10 ES games post nerf so it's possible to climb without either of those heroes...dunno what the hell you're on about.


                                                                        Well even Juice which is a 6k MMR player had troubles in 4ks and he himself said that if there was an elo hell, it should be around 4.3k where people are toxic as fuck.

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          10/10 would read again




                                                                            What's this? The only way you are able to win a game?
                                                                            For some reason the game crashed but you were getting raped with your tryhard weaver
                                                                            Since your "race" with Guiri and Havoc you are still at same MMR - or even lower

                                                                            Bad, lowskilled, pathetic peasant.