General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion
Pos5 Player

    Hi friendly forum people,

    I was playing void vs a spectre the other day. Was having a lot of difficulty winning the team fight (usually because I have a f**king Venge who kept swapping him out of my ulti, or the fact he had an ages.

    My items were
    phase boots

    Any advice on items or tips what could be done?

    Match is below

    I also just had a look on this link for Spectre counters:
    I'm struggling to see how Spectre is weak against prophet, jugg, or storm spirit. Can someone explain?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      void 1vs1 hard carries demonstration:

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        that 37 assisst spectre though.

        Problem with Void is that if game goes extremely late and heroes start getting very tanky, Void can't really kill people quickly while they're in chrono.

        This means that post-chrono you're just a normal melee hero that struggles to find heroes to hit.

        Also enemy had 3 VERY STRONG lategame heroes, in Silencer, Spectre and Necrolyte. You were doomed to lose.
        Your team had Ogre which doesn't really provide too much in lategame unless you're ahead, which you weren't.

        My tip is to go into next game with new mindset and don't mind this loss. Your itembuild seems fine, I'd not go Phaseboots though.
        It doesn't really synergy with Void. If you're in an 1v1 situation you could probably do it, if that means you'd won the lane even more or even taken over the lane.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You don't even know which boots you have wtf.


            I think, that site is a trash.


              Gaem to hard for boots!


                late game is more of positioning game rather than who you have on ur team, given relatively equal levels and farm

                ur late game lineup does loses to the other team since orge and vs become very weak as game goes on

                but is still winnable with ur lineup, just requires great team work

                for example, easy pick off smoked up with vs/sk, then insta chrono 2+ heros to kill 1, fight becomes 5v3, should be able to proceed by then, if cant win 5v3 late game then not much can be done, and should be able to combo off easily with SK epi and chrono


                  mkb is generally horrible item unless they have too many evasion heroes to kill in chrono, should be replaced with butterfly

                  daedalus adds nothing but damage, late game consider replacing with Rapier - double chrono and double bkb makes it difficult for you to drop it anyway.


                    Void > All for 1v1
                    I was once a Spectre against Void in a very long game. Void would focus me in chrono and I'd stay alive with low hp everytime, unable to kill him.
                    They won, Void just gay, 5-6 sec aoe stun...


                      Looks like I won, but graph is suspecious, sometimes dotabuff makes mistakes.

                      Pos5 Player

                        you had aa, ds and lock ulti's though :) That's huge!


                          You were doomed when you let that game drag on for so long. Should have just 5man and finish circa 25 mins.

                          Also, NP's treants nullify spectre's desolate which is her main damage source. Storm spirit can gang her to oblivion before she comes online plus she has no disable to deal with him. Not sure about jugg. Might have to do with desolate not workin on blade fury and omnislash killing haunt illus in one blow.


                            Direct counters to spectre are heroes that can nullify desolate with multiple units (Lycan, Chen, Visage, Undying, Meepo, Broodmother) or magic immunity (Lifestealer, Jugg, Omni) heroes that can exploit her lack of disables (Ursa, Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit) and those that can nuliffy her haunt illusions (Treant with his ulty)

                            Don't get spquishy heroes like Mirana and Venge if you want to go late against her, because haunt wil eat them. Also, avoid buying blink dagger because haunt cancels it.

                            Pos5 Player

                              Ok so it seems void can carry again Spectre with the right supporting heros. I think that's what I wanted to understand.


                              Quick maffs

                                Just offlane with something really really gay like lich centaur or phoenyx

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Couple things, first is letting a game go over an hour vs spectre and necro is bad. I don't think either one of them beat you but combined with necro spamming heals and spectre super tanky, you won't be able to kill either.

                                  Second thing is well, necro. He is possibly the bigger problem than spectre. And they have a slark with skadi, ac and butterfly. He's pretty impossible to kill as well.

                                  Third thing is tower damage. Your team has none. Did they just push you hard and you never recovered?

                                  Fourth thing, your team is much more geared towards early fighting. Did you fight early? A sk ult plus your nukes on venge and ogre with your chono should win mid game team fights. Did you ever 5 man push some towers?

                                  Finally no bkbs on either team. Seems weird. Your sk should've raped them mid game. And their cm and silencer rape you guys right back. Maybe have mirana and void bkb sooner, win the mid game.

                                  This seems like one of those games where you guys thought you had late game cus of void but void can't 1v3 three other tanky as hell heroes.


                                    Jug's slash i countered by Haunt. BADLY!


                                      Yuck! Why would anyone ever continue to go Vanguard on Spectre?


                                        ^Have tried both Vanguard and drums build, and I find vanguard a lot safer: less dmg from heroes, more regen, better ability to jungle if lane heavily contested (due to block + regen). Getting a RoH in lane helps a ton more than a bracer for suvivability. I don't really understand why people are so heavily against it?


                                          No Vanguard

                                          > Was bullied to shit in my lane
                                          > Team was retarded and just afk farming leaving me very little resources

                                          My last hits by time

                                          @10 - 16/1
                                          @20 - 57/3
                                          @30 - 89/5

                                          You don't need the Vanguard to catch up, be safe, or farm the jungle its kind of a massive waste. Get a Vitality booster and a poor mans which will serve the same purpose.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            Actually you can survive lane harassment with just PMS and ring of health

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Yeah but vit booster turns into heart, ring of health turns into refresher or linkins. The first is a core item, the second two situational imo. I don't want to spend almost 900g on an item I may not feel like completing while I always will feel like completing heart.


                                                i know people who build vanguard on kunkka, ursa, juggernaut, AA, just like i get dagger on every hero.


                                                  Dude thats better than dying in lane :/
                                                  You want to get salve every time you are red?
                                                  Ring of health give you so much regen to stay in lane as long as you can.


                                                    no lifesteal vs spectre = auto kill


                                                      if void gets 6 sloted before other carries ur playing this game wrong

                                                      Low Expectations

                                                        OP lost xuz no vanguard