General Discussion

General Discussionjust wondering if all people here are introverts

just wondering if all people here are introverts in General Discussion

    Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(25%) Judging(22%)

    You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%)
    You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
    You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)
    You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)

    I don't have problems speaking in a large group, I dont feel shy either. I am a musician and study law, but I really appreciate a good time with myself. I don't enjoy parties and stuff, but I play football with my friends from university, we play some cards game also. My main concern is that I think way too much for everything.

    King of Low Prio

      Introvert /= problems with public speaking or being shy

      Spinach Rag

        The questions are also flawed, because they're based on self-reporting and the nature in which the feeling and thinking dichotomy is phrased puts a negative association with feeling type responses, so the respondents would more often than not pick 'thinking' type responses. In order to have a more accurate result, other people who know you well will have to take the test as if it is for the person whose type needs to be known. So basically, 'do you work best when alone' should be replaced with 'does he/she work best when alone', etc.

        King of Low Prio

          the questions are not flawed they are just not as specific as if it was a major personality profile not a quick internet general inquiry. Having someone else take a personality test is by far the dumbest shit I have ever heard, the reasons are pretty obvious........

          King of Low Prio

            and yes the results can be skewed by you lying on the test but that does not mean it is flawed.

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

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              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                I think that test is bullshit


                  I followed up on a second site and got the same result, I guess I am ENTP


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