General Discussion

General DiscussionPinoys making my mmr go down

Pinoys making my mmr go down in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    Queued ranked party with my friend (doom), had a 3 man pinoy stack in my team. After feeding 1 kill each, all of them dced at the 3 minute mark, and didn't come back. 2v5, and of course we lost. But the sad thing was, it counted towards my mmr. WTF

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Have you ever considered the fact that you have 4 teammates that can be Pinoys but the enemy team has 5 possible spots for Pinoys? If anything, Pinoys are making your MMR go up because they are more often on the enemy team than on your team.

      Also, your MMR is ridiculously low (like 3.3k?). If you can't bring it up to get out of trash Pinoy bracket, that is your fault.

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      Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

        3.5k actually, i'm actually quite proud of myself, because initially I was 3k, and I got in up by 500 mostly just by tinkering


          thats is what u get for pick tinker noob

          always pick shit mid hero and cry
          not like invoker


            ^Someone who can't even win half of their games has no right to call people noob

            g w s


              the realm's delight

                lol u proud of climbing 3,5k from 3k hahahhah. i got calibrated at 3,1k and climbed to 4,6k and i still think i suck.


                  play tinker = noob o0o0o0o


                    pinoys making my dick go up

                    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                      Your MMR may go down every once in a while because of bad team mates, but if your MMR is constantly going down or staying down it is because you arent good enough to advance it.

                      Paid actor

                        well strange shit happens when u que as 2 member party or 3....sometimes i see some kind 5k+ dude que up with 3.8k or smth and the 5k+ dude decides its fun to support as vengeful while the 3.8k goes mid as a SF against a freakin QOP...
                        Or sometimes ive seen some god awful mid player that seriously played rly bad and actually lost the game to his team be like 5.2k which in my games he is kinda 500 points or more from the avarage mmr of players. not to brag or anything but im pretty sure i can rip appart ppl 500 or more points lower of my actual mmr and i even tested with my friends account (even tho after those games when i played on my acc again i got raped, need 1-2 games to get the grip again xD ).


                          >Wink calling someone else 3k

                          my job = fucking taken omfg

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