General Discussion

General DiscussionMerlini Joining Team Zephyrs Temporarily for KDL Season III In Place ...

Merlini Joining Team Zephyrs Temporarily for KDL Season III In Place Of Purge in General Discussion

    It seems purge would be the manager of the team
    My question is, what would their lineup be?
    I am in Korea and being a Purge/ Zephyr Fan, this news is very exciting for me.
    How are their lineup going to be? Is blitz going to play other role? is Merlini Supporting? What are your best guesses?

    Quick maffs

      blitz offlane merlini mid ?


        then sexybamboe? someone gotta be supporting and correy is obviously going to carry, sexy bambo offlaner, eosin support, blitz =?
        merlini = ?
        Either Blitz or Merlini needs to go 5th position, or eosin can..... but either two needs to support. :P

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Blitz already said it's gonna be merlini mid blitz offlane and bamboe left with support. Such a fucking waste of skill to put bamboe to the support role though.


            The curious thing for me is why did Purge suddenly gone for the managerial role for the team :S

            As for the lineup, I'm guessing Merlini is going mid. Probably pick Zeus for every game XD


              i feel since bamboe has been playing offlaner, he should stick to it rather than blitz going that role, since only blitz can play good is tinbersaw, and storm spirit


                If so, they need to bootcamp more.


                  20% vs 80%
                  This hype has won many people rares


                    merlini gonna spam zeus and get 6k mmr.