General Discussion

General DiscussionTotal frustration

Total frustration in General Discussion

    Hello, i create this topic for share my frustration, im not xenophobic, I'm totally objective.

    A long, long time ago i played hon because the game is a good alternative for dota with best graphics, already be an advanced level player, i start play in the ranked sistem of hon, win or lose was totally random because the brazilian players ruins the game. low skills, no communication, bad internet connection and high ping, i dont understand the reason for play if u internet connection sux.

    Now in dota is the same problem, the peruvian players really ruin the game, the peruvians players:

    blame the all team
    speak how retards in the mic
    play with bad connection or play in cyber-coffe (0 concentration and seriousness)
    spam the mini-map and the map (FUCK, ADD THE TOTAL MUTE HE DONT STOP OF PINGING THE MAP)
    0 communication

    in synthesis its impossible have a good game, i dont need win my all games but play a decent game (without feeders or steal-lanes)

    The peruvians usually play in Sudamerica server and me too because the lower ping (80), I try play in US servers with higher ping (200 usually) I consider myself a semi-pro player, but 200 damage your gameplay and same appear peruvians in us server.

    play in party usually be a option, but I never agree with my friend (time problems)

    I dont want help, just wanted to share my bad experience and the players of specific nationality no longer ruin the game
    i imagine that the problem also lies in a culture and society latin. (im a chilean)

    pd:my dream is play in europe servers, without ping(the people apparently be rational and educated)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno




        in europe they blame russians

        i play in SA servers with portuguese option (im brazilian) and up from 4k rarely i get a spanish speaking player in my games
        but yea you are being xenophobic, peruvians are not worse players by nature, brazilians aren't retarded, as im pretty sure russians aren't too

        its just the common sense that make people complain about anything. if they got to play with and against ppl with the same nationality as theirs, they would find another shit to blame like their region (OMG THOSE FRENCH GUYS FROM SOUTH REALLY SUCK) or any other stupid shit


          just stop flaming people once you realise flaming people doesn't make them play better and nor does it make you play better either.

          if your teammates play shit, so what? you're not playing to watch someone else improve. you're playing so you can improve yourself.


            obviously there specific highly skilled players of peru and etc, i speak about the generaly of the people :) cant comment of my country because never found chileans, only peruvians and brazilians


              @Androgynous I play for improve my skills in general, i can't improve with a team feeding (my or the enemy team), blaming, spamming the mini-map and voice chat,stealing your lane, and the worst is the use of alt+ctrl+click always. stealing items, feeding the courier, use skills to hurt you (how bs,io,void)

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Play with a party. All problems = solved


                  ¡¡¡¡¡ASIA COME TO ME!!!!


                    bullshit. you don't need your team to improve. whether you win or lose is irrelevant to whether you improve or not.

                    you can improve without winning (holding off 1v5 but still losing in the end) but you can also win without improving (e.g. being dead weight and being carried by your 4 teammates who don't need you)

                    > i can't improve with a team feeding
                    yes you can. now you can learn what to do when your lane is lost and the opponent has a lane advantage.

                    > blaming, spamming the mini-map and voice chat
                    mute them

                    > stealing your lane
                    if you're getting reduced XP the least you can do is make sure you get every single last hit to make up for it.

                    > use skills to hurt you
                    disable help. not all of them are prevented though.

                    if this is happening every single game and you're stuck in that shithole where everyone is retarded - including the entire enemy team - and you still can't win against them, then you deserve to be where you're at.

                    • 5 retards vs 5 retards = even matchup, everyone stays at that skill level
                    • 5 retards vs 4 retards + 1 good player = uneven matchup, the 1 good player will be able to single handedly win games, improve, and get out of that shit hole that is the 2k bracket. (if that's where you're at)


                      i refuse to believe that every game - or even every other game - has 1 ally on each team griefing the other 4 teammates on their team, and if they do, find people to play with, or use the griefers on the enemy team to your advantage.

                      ICE SKULL

                        they do exist, valve put players with low gpm and xpm in your team if you're an amazing player. rating is just one of the MANY algorithms but into this matchmaking.

                        they also keep track of players randoming often and picking carries+mid so they get fucked over in the long process


                          U have the reason, 'll change my way of playing, independent won / lost or get off my mmr :) ty!

                          but im dissapointed in this

                          ''• 5 retards vs 5 retards = even matchup, everyone stays at that skill level
                          • 5 retards vs 4 retards + 1 good player = uneven matchup, the 1 good player will be able to single handedly win games, improve, and get out of that shit hole that is the 2k bracket. (if that's where you're at)''

                          i think what this argument is invalid, win in southamerica pubs is totally random, ranked too. if u got a sad mmr in the calibration=under to 4 (i got 3.5) it's impossible upload it, sometimes i make the game virtually alone with kunka or dp

                          Quick maffs

                            Being honest ranked EU is quite normal for now, the russians i get in my team are usually normal people

                            Quick maffs

                              I can imagine SA being hell, i dont think nothing good will ever come from SA

                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                  SA is not that shitty as you guys think
                                  atleast ppl here rage less than I see on EU/US.. i almost never see ppl feeding courier and stuff like that


                                    probably its bacuse u dont play pubs and play ranked with good/regular mmr

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven