General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you rage when you play?

Do you rage when you play? in General Discussion

    So how do you rage and WHEN do you rage?

    Its sad that sometimes I can rage from the very first minute when I see someone picking a non fitting hero and that I have lost a previous game because of that. Usually such person is getting insta muted for being a retard.

    Always muting people who blame someone but they are a walking useless piece of shit that just feeds and sometimes kill steals.

    I think I should start muting people for "gg mid no gank" or afk junglers that blame their team but all they did was kill creeps for 20 mins and not doing anything else (I know some junglers come online later but im talking about doom, enigma, np and shit like that)


      i always rage.


        This is the equal of saying "Do you play Dota 2?"

        the realm's delight

          when i rage i go and feed intentionally and all of sudden i feel better when every single retard in the game starts to flame me.

          King of Low Prio

            I never rage

            Pom Pom 🍕

              I'm too pussy to rage.


                Ofc youre pussy if you dont!

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  ragers are the worse
                  Yeah people will pick stupid heroes, noone wants you to complain all game about it
                  accept you can't control everything, having a friendly attitude makes you as well as teammates improve
                  thats why your stuck at high skill with 1600 games


                    i throw deliberately and as hard as i can often just going back to the same lane as soon as i respawn either playing serious and dying anyway since 3+vs 1 or just feed :)

                    Dire Wolf

                      I only rage in response to people flaming me first. Like I will gently point out shit like man why weren't you in that fight, carry a tp next time please, or why didn't you build bkb yet on a bkb core hero. When they're like shutup noob, 0-5 support, that's when I lose it. When they say stupid shit like 0-7 hue hue cus you're supporting their dumbasses and they never tp to a fight that you're dying in, that's when I'll rage on them.


                        huehuehue i woould tell you to shut the fuck up and worry about not feeding first fucktard


                          When im raging I always go and visit this site and listen to the sound of rain it calms me down


                          Hafla Enjoyer

                            When there is a retard in my team like a tide that rushes refresher I really don't give a shit, I play my game solo, can't micro 5 heroes
                            But when this idiot starts to flame SOMEONE, not me necessarily, I lose my shit
                            Like, if our pudge gave first blood, nice. Some people say gg, everything's as usual. I don't care that he died 5 times to their qop in 5 minutes. But when he says "gg noob team" I resist really hard to keep playing without talking to him, I try to mute but it's so tempting to make clear for this guy that he's a cunt

                            fuck this game

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yes agree with above. Play like crap, but don't you dare play like crap and then comment on everyone else.

                              And crap can be deceptive. Worst is when people bitch about you cus they put you in an impossible situation. Like if they pick fucking awful lanes then bitch cus you have no farm, or they afk farm jungle on push heroes then bitch that you have no towers. Sorry I'm not pro enough to solo offlane spectre I picked first against a tri and still carry the game. Just be thankful I didn't feed in that situation and stfu.

                              Like here's a perfect example, this DP started raging cus we sucked apparently but every time they pushed a tower instead of her taking mid or something she'd tp to defend. We calmly said just take mid and push towers but she literally only ult'd during team fights, and well you can see her shit tower dmg on a brain dead hero. Her peripheral stats end up looking like the best on our team but she was actually just as ineffective as the rest of us. Like there are reasons me and void could not farm, cus we had zero space, dp could've created that easily but instead decided to rage.



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                                  + "dota_tip_beginner_24" "Remain calm. Remember: it's only a game."


                                    Everyone likes wins. If everyone of your game was a total stomp AGAINST the enemy team, no one would ever complain.
                                    However, when we lose, we are not happy.
                                    My suggestion is: download a mouse macro recorder.
                                    Record a series of mouse actions to auto-click on the jungle camps.
                                    When you are losing a game, turn on the auto-clicker and then go read a book.


                                      I never rage, I'm almost always calm. Rage is for noobs.


                                        Just tab out and watch "anger management", the movie with Adam Sandler. This should calm you down each time you rage while playing dota.


                                          I rage, but don't throw. I typically only rage when I'm the one playing poorly, because I'm mad at myself and I don't make excuses like I try to for pubbies. Typically I just mute everyone else and try to play my own game in silence so I don't have to listen to the flames. Last time I raged I backed out of a 4man Skype call and muted my friends just because holy shit it was bad.

                                          If team is being supportive through my suck? Holy shit it's a good feeling. There's nothing that motivates like wanting to live up to that.


                                            Life's too short to rage when doing something you enjoy.

                                            Raging and flaming will never make the dota playing field better, nor anything else in the world.

                                            Raging and flaming are tantrums. I don't have a problem with little kids having tantrums, that's life. But what's the excuse of anyone of 2 digit age having tantrums? Especially adults? WTF?

                                            If you want to make the dota playing experience better for yourself and everyone else, don't flame and rage, rather educate, lead, and encourage.

                                            Place your expectations on yourself, not everyone else.

                                            In a random pub match, the 10 players may all have different goals. Some may just want some fun after a shitty day at school or work. Another may be trying to learn a new hero. Maybe they're just trying not to feed. Or they may want to be a captain and lead a team to victory. They could be trying to replicate some cool thing they saw in a dota WTF video. kills, Kills, KILLS... Maybe they're depressed and hoping a round of their favorite game will lift their spirits. Unless you're 5 stacking against the same, it's misguided to think a ranked or non-ranked pub match is going to meet most of your expectations, much less all of them. Keeping a positive attitude in all your games will keep you sharp for those epic games that occur when you least expect them.

                                            I've seen one simple positive comment to a teammate spark my team into great communication, determination and team play as the game progressed. And I've seen early flaming snowball my team down the drain. You have complete control over your choice of comments.



                                              I never rage, but I do feed off rage. Rage is for noobs


                                                "I rage, but don't throw." - Hardcore Heathen

                                                I put this in a different category than raging. I guess I think of raging as directed at others. It's great that you don't throw or give up when you're having a bad game. Things can't get better if you quit.

                                                "If team is being supportive through my suck? Holy shit it's a good feeling. There's nothing that motivates like wanting to live up to that."

                                                This is why I always make a positive comment when someone says they're having a tough time. A simple, "it's ok, just keep trying," can really help. No chance for that if they just abandon.


                                                  i never rage, i just start thinking "ok, how can this be possible?", and start laughing



                                                    More like I'm just negative. If we are losing or people are playing bad, I point it out. Not upset about it though.


                                                      but I rage on people raging.


                                                        I beat my dog.


                                                          "I put this in a different category than raging. I guess I think of raging as directed at others. It's great that you don't throw or give up when you're having a bad game. Things can't get better if you quit." - C.F. Gauss

                                                          I try to not get angry at other people. I mean, what's the point in flaming them? It doesn't make me a better player. It doesn't make them a better player. It doesn't even make me happier - I'm just focusing on bad shit and getting madder. It just makes me a dick. You can listen to SingSing say it if you prefer:


                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                            I tend to troll before I get truly angry. There are very few times when I actually get mad, I usually troll others to calm myself down before that happens. Yes it's bad.

                                                            Also when someone 'gently points out shit' to me I usually instamute. "You should buy BKB before desolator PA :)" GO FUCK YOURSELF I BUILT MY WAY FOR A REASON

                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              Concede3 hours ago

                                                              More like I'm just negative. If we are losing or people are playing bad, I point it out. Not upset about it though.

                                                              (how autistic to rage when bots win vs you)


                                                                I get really sarcastic. I'm usually okay and I never use profanity, I just say the most sarcastic thing I can think of like "wow, you are the most amazing Dota player I have ever seen ... do I owe you money for that advice? Oh, I see, 0-12 - you are trying to trick them into thinking you are a terrible Dota player ..." stuff like that. 90% of the time I'm fine, but when I have a teammate who is whiny I lose it. Can't handle that.


                                                                  Very rarely, but when I die more than 3 times on offlane solo i start to lose it.


                                                                    @Hardcore Heathen "If team is being supportive through my suck? Holy shit it's a good feeling."

                                                                    Actually you have a point. My last game I admit I sucked badly, I went for a ganking build tinker but I didnt find a single opportunity to gank and I had no possiblity to farm well, so my farm was so fucking shit and I got boots at 25 mins but... WK was like "np man, that happens" and that actually made me realize that a positive attitude is better than raging.

                                                                    On the other hand, I dont flame people that seem polite, that they know they do bad, then I will try to explain to not do this, or to do that, but as you know there are very few games when the team will be communicative and also polite.

                                                                    Oh, another rage-worthy thing - pinging you like shit for no reason. It can distract so much after a while...

                                                                    Also its annoying when you play something like pudge and even tho you did well most of the game he will be like "Great hooks" just because you missed one when you started to lose (its like he didnt see all the accurate hooks when you were winning)


                                                                      "when you play something like pudge "

                                                                      when you play something like pudge
                                                                      something like pudge
                                                                      play something like pudge
                                                                      play pudge


                                                                        considering %99.9 of ranked games is retarded yes i rage


                                                                          Raging is one but overreacting and insulting for 1-2 mistake/s is a 2nd thing. Just played slark, missed a leap and then disruptor started going apeshit, how noob i am and stuff - muted him. Guess what happened later? He afk'd in fountain and from what I know was shit talking the entire time (for like 3-4 mins he was at fountain, talking).

                                                                          Of course we lost because of that attitude (also mid lost but w/e), I could have done better but still, fuck people who give up after 10 mins when the score is quite even

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            dont miss ur leaps then, problem solved

                                                                            Von Darkmoor

                                                                              losing or winning doesnt make me rage that much its more of a teammate thing, attitude, unskill, decades old meta way of playing AM pickers, "KÄRRY-players" that barely know how to farm (aka everyone below 100 cs/20 min claiming or "needing" to be good carry player) and most of all the

                                                                              #1 rager is the idiot that instead of practicing vs bots or in a lobby with a friend goes instant to matches w/o knowing anything about the game.


                                                                                the moment i see shit, i stop play and flame cuz they deserves to be shat on.


                                                                                  Sometimes when I see my team doing stupid stuff countlessly, I just drop my items at a corner and send them back to where they belong.


                                                                                    Rage is for the weak mind.


                                                                                      I am trying to act like a doctor and explain to people their diseases if I rage but it's not often.

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!