General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop this lineup???

How to stop this lineup??? in General Discussion

    Beast master, WD, luna, venge dan throw ranger. This lineup reallly ustopabble at early game if they 5-man push.
    Last 2-3 days ago my friend and I were 4-stacked against 5-stacked team and get rekted to the core. Well, not really rekted since we managed to get 25 counter kills and we wished we noticed the early roshan attempt. So, given that they got roshan 1st and gg 5-man push, what do we do in this situation?? here's the link for my match.


      tell me how they lane and ill tell you


        Level one rosh strat right?


          i think its safe drow rex mid trilane aggro, in that case send tide mid, slark with some slow aggro and shaker with phx/krobe/jakiro or some shit like that


            I'll tell you how, luna venge and wd go offlane, BM solo safe and drow in mid, they aura stack with WD heal for lvl 1 rosh then deathball with the aegis on the luna, there are 3 stuns in the offlane so they can melt the enemy teams safe lane and they're a level advantage mid and top so they should be able to win those lanes too, once the bottom T1 (or even T2) tower is down they can swap lanes, either 5 man up and death-ball or stay as 4 letting drow/luna farm. It's exceptionally effective.


              We pulled a similar strat in the SCL yesterday, look at the exp graph



                then they should go aa and some stunners to rosh level 1 and wipe them

                King of Low Prio

                  I think u mean gay as fuck


                    invite me to SCL...

                    you know i excel in real matches...

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Yeah but unless they detect the level one rosh lineup (and it's not the most obvious, no WK, no unit creating hero - prophet, enig, veno, no ursa, no druid...)

                      ed; Our team's already full for both SCL and AD2L but if we need a stand-in I'll let you know.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        @Guiri yeah they lvl 1 rosh strat and proceed 5 man push all lanes then repeat when rosh spawn again
                        I was really panicked that time and don't know what to do


                          This happened in a pro game too.. 5 man mid push from 1 min.. I cant think of a counter if the opposing team cant survive the first 20 mins.

                          Edit: Crazy Koreans..Hilarious game :laugh:

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          Lord Elvis @Gaming&ChillL...

                            How would this work for a counter pick?
                            Warlock Abaddon Zeus Lich Spirit Breaker
                            According to picker) the latter team has a 84% chance to win...


                              ^I dont know...may be in a drawn out game. In the game i posted, dire team had 6 towers in 8 mins.. and the other team didnt even get level 6 till all t2 towers were down. So u can imagine the gold lead.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Hmm, it's hard to say pre-level 6 and if they deathball you might be down 4-5 towers by then. But I think you could counter with your own wombo combo team like AA, sliencer, spectre, tide, something. Really I think a silencer followed up by any other big team stun like warlock, tide, earthshaker would be a pretty good counter to them. Cus if you just do like a tide or es they'll die so fast trying to get on them.

                                From level 1 though, maybe stuff like bristleback + necro + dazzle? They should be able to tank/quill spray/out heal that early damage and stop the push. I'm thinking bb, necro, dazzle, tinker, treant would be pretty impossible to push against.

                                You guys maybe could've fended them off if your sniper had maxed shrapnel early and then gotten some help from invoker. Stupid snipers always max damn headshot before shrapnel, it's just dumb. Shrapnel is a huge anti push ability. Better build would've been W, E, Q, Q, Q, R, Q.

                                I don't know how invoker's need to spec to do this but tornado -> emp is quite good anti push, as is that meteor thingy, the ice wall thingy and the deafening roar thingy that prevents people from attacking. Invoker has tons of anti push abilities.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  when i posted this strategy 6 months ago, people thought this is such a bad idea

                                  and then in Ti4, deathball happened lol.

                                  i played this strategy a lot . got bored of this after a 10 win streak

                                  recent matches


                                  we are most likely to lose if opposite team has tinker/ kotl/ axe or whoever with early aoe.
                                  actually quite easy to counter. just pick tinker or kotl.

                                  its fun though, go get 4 other friends and try this and pretend you guys are VG :D

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  ICE SKULL

                                    how to play with his line up???????

                                    1 acc buyers, 1 mmr boosted acc and 2 of the highest mmr players in my team playing support.

                                    Wow please nerf valve, really good line up in my team


                                      split push those retards, if they are 5 man then they will be terribly underleveled if the game goes past than 15 min lol


                                        @Lord Elvis, the problem with counter pick sites is that it won't account level 1 rosh and deathball strats, that team absolutely can't do anything until level 6 on almost every hero



                                          The ball venge beast drow is almost un-split pushable, they have great power at killing rat hero thx to vision, they have also vision over high ground, much more dps than any rat hero (or actually more than almost all lineup), so basically, even if you are more or less winning, they can still trade tower for tower and avoid every fight. It's obviously scalling Extremly well late game, so you'll have most likely to end it before going too far late game.
                                          So if you want to rat them, you need to be able to safely clean creep outside of the base backdoor protection disable area.

                                          the Question of @ERUERUFU!! is actually pretty legit and need more thought of how to deal with that. Even more, the old 0respect lineup (more or less) now under the tag Fureur is drafting this ball quite often, and even if along my criteria, they only have 1 or 1 and a half great player, they used to get strong result thx to their awesome drafting.
                                          It's not a commiting lineup, and if they pick venge first in that trio, you cann't even counter that strategy without banning beast or drow, since you cann't easily lane them (especially since venge can hide the strat as it's a common counter pick to the void offlane).
                                          -not to mentiont that drow venge and beast venge are great duo, while each of them alone are pretty bad-

                                          In addition that draft is pretty solide, as both drow and beast can be played middle, you can choose at the very end how to lane it, dipending on the 5th pick (tri def beast mid classic offlane, or drow mid beast off tri def, or drow bot, beast mid, tri off, even dual off, beast mid, dual bot with drow etc...)

                                          In ap that's mb a strat you can counter, in cm, if you try to just counter pick it, you'll lose, cause lanes are too flexible for them.

                                          I Think that some strat around io + carry (not ck) might have great result, that's actually pretty hard to see how to deal with that, cause you need to never fall behind them or you'll just lose, and a one core strategy might just lose, due to beasmaster.

                                          Right now, I'm thinking about viper middle, so you can at least cripple that drow, The usual "tanky" heroes will not work, as they have way too much dps for them (razor/doom for example). then you'll need some support that can take tower rather easily, but that are not to squishy (no leshrac). jakiro might do the trick, you will also need a strong lockdown, and the ability to jump on them, mb a sand king or carry void (if you offlane void, they'll just put drow solo safe and you are fucked).

                                          Here is some lineup that might do it:
                                          sand king + jakiro safe viper mid, lich + void hardlane
                                          (might lack of dps late game though and have a real hard time when bkb pop)
                                          Potm safelane tinker mid centaure + dazzle + X offlane (or potm + X safe tinker mid centaure + dazzle/lich offlane)
                                          (might lack of dps mid game, but at least you don't suffer much from splitpush and are pretty fine in teamfight)
                                          The third one i see, mb too greedy:
                                          Use spectre, have a furion, and basically 3 "roaming hero"
                                          so support like sd + leshrac with a puck middle for those "roaming hero"
                                          Basically, spetre have to farm tank item early (no radiance, no diffu, a 2 item combinaison of vanguard drum and manta imo, before going for any offensiv item), and jump on drow every single fight to lower the dps output of drow, while his team try to kill the 4 mate of drow. If you fall behind, you'll NEVER come back with that strategy, but if you start being in a little lead, they are doomed, thx to the mobility of spectre furion and puck.
                                          In that strategy one of the two support has to be good at pushing (while not being chen/ench)

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            Ez counter lineup: riki bh brood clinkz and treant