General Discussion

General DiscussionHow was dota introduced to you? what was your initial reaction? What ...

How was dota introduced to you? what was your initial reaction? What do you think about it now? lastly, future thoughts on dota? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    1. Tru a friend, we're actually playing in a net shop.
    2. Damn this game is hard! I can still remember my first hero, Juggernaught :]
    3. Every game is different, always situational, current meta is geared towards pushing.
    4. Dispite the rages and frustrations sometimes, its still a fun game to play, will continue playing on.


      1) some friends in 2010 started playing it (wc3 doto)
      2) holy shit this game is so ugly how can u guys play this shit
      3) holy shit this game is so shitty how can u guys play this shit
      4) TI5 there I go


        1. Used to play a lot of WC3 custom maps, tried Dota once and liked it.
        2. Game was hard, started on 6.55 (right when Admiral Proudmoore and Windrunner were released). Admiral Proudmoore (Kunkka nowadays) was my first hero because there was a map called "CUSTOM HERO SURVIVAL", where the admiral model was the strongest character (chaos dmg and big stats gain).
        3. Still a hard game to learn, but IMO Dota 2 is easier than Dota 1.
        4. #roadtoti7


          1) Through a cousin.
          2) Sooo many heroes, so many powers...I think I'll play a lot of bot games before going online (I did).
          3) I can't beleive I'm still playing this...must queue again.
          4) Time to feed.


            i used to play a lot of dota twilight, it was fun
            anyone played this?


              twilight eve it was called


                The only dota mod I've played is Dota LoD. I miss the multicast.


                  yea, twilight's eve ORPG

                  had a grand templar with Fate
                  so op


                    i cant remember shit right now
                    but i had a mage that had a spell whos name was something like "worlds end" or some shit like that

                    you would cast this shit for like 5 min then it would kill anyone in the screen
                    there were some bosses that wouldn't die to it though so you had to have a team full of those mages casting this shit, it would take like 1 hour rofl


                      the name was "Twilight's Eve"

                      1 full minute to cast it, 500k pure damage

                      it was really useful for Impossible dungeons (I remember running 1 templar, 1 prophetess and 3 mages on a imp dungeon run)


                        there was a class that you were a wolf with lifesteal, i thought that the guy was OP for the most part of the game but when it came down to big dungeons he was useless :<


                          1) Irl friends introduced me
                          2) This looks like league of legends
                          3) Brings anger, happiness, and faith in others
                          4) I'm selling my cosmetics as I type this


                            1) saw a friend playing it often, decided to see what the big deal was
                            2) spent hours watching videos that would explain the basics of the game, still didnt understand what a "moba/arts" was.
                            3) why am i still playing this game
                            4) dunno

                            King of Low Prio


                              1) I only liked the hero aspect of wc3 and a friend showed me it
                              2) how the hell do I gather gold
                              3) fun game
                              4) more heroes more fun

                              Quick maffs

                                More heroes more fun, seriously i dont know why they add heroes in such slow speed, i mean cmon we get 3 heroes per year ? i get bored really quickly of old heroes :(


                                  im so excited for them to add arc warden, TECHIES and oracle

                                  oh wait im not

                                  Quick maffs

                                    The only hero of that list that i dont want is techies, and that its cause my fucking team is going to pick him and be useless


                                    Hafla Enjoyer

                                      I want winter and oracle


                                        Friend introduced it.

                                        First impression on DotA 2 was: Shit game.

                                        Was given the beta key, played 12 games a day!


                                          1. i played a lot of wc3 custom maps with friends and we tried dota at some point. just like satie i guess
                                          2. pretty hard. lots of heroes abilities mechanics and stuff.
                                          3. its a good game, but it makes you want to punch a baby in da fucking face sometimes.
                                          4. im actually looking forward to playing competitively, but i need to practice a lot more.


                                            My room mate introduced me to Dota probably 3 years ago now my first hero was Tidehunter i picked up the game very quickly as i was a pretty good HoN player and i watched my 3 room mates play dota for many months before i actually played..... i kinda wish i never found dota i literally feel like a crack addict ..... i cant stop playing it and i very rarely enjoy it now days maybe 1 out 5 games is enjoyable the other 4 hours is a waste of life and the community is disgusting and the game very fucking frustraiting :D but here i am with the rest of you crack addicts wasting my life away all for a Epeen


                                              1) wow, steam has a new game. Dota...2? sounds legit, i'll sign up for this beta crap
                                              2) Valve needed 3 months to give me the fkn beta key. So finally i get the game, after months of waiting...I leave after 5 minutes
                                              3) Playin LoL and DotA atm, dota is the better game of both. Needs more skill, more active thinking than LoL. But ruskies tend to ruin my active thinkin and let me smash my keyboard to pieces.
                                              4) VALVE, HONESTLY, GET A BETTER RANKED SYSTEM


                                                just warcraft 3 custom games, i used to play stuff like footmen, vampirism, tree tag, kodo tag, warlock, castle fight, 12312312 billion tower defense games etc. those custom games were more fun than dota but everyone started playing dota so i did too

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Not like this

                                                  I first started when I got tired of playing Enfos team survival c. 2002(?) Drow with brown boots and 5 mithral hammers FTW!


                                                    1. My guildmates in World of Warcraft used to play it after raids.
                                                    2. I played in beta before, but sucked hard, didnt like it
                                                    3. They were experienced and I gave it another try
                                                    4. Playing ever since (Not even a year)


                                                      1. Via repeating "go dota" in the chat of my local network;
                                                      2. One of the better custom maps. Interesting spells which were fun to recreate. Outstanding optimisation;
                                                      3. MEDUSA;
                                                      4. Nothing.


                                                        DotA1 - Through a Starcraft Forum as a beta map
                                                        DotA2 - The obvious move after WC3 DotA.

                                                        DotA1 - This beats Zerg rushing people for ladder points.
                                                        DotA2 - I can no longer play Invoker and Meepo as well as I used to cause adjustment is too hard.

                                                        3. Aggravating at times, but rewarding if you bother to put effort into it. Almost exactly like a sport.
                                                        4. More severe punishment and overwatch bans, the ability to not play with certain individuals again.


                                                          1) I misclicked while joining a custom game on the Battlenet servers. Had never seen Dota, game was trash, never played again except for 2 more misclicks. Then Melody introduced me to D2 and made me play KotL, which I'm pretty sure is some sort of sex offense.
                                                          2) Game is trash, but that Rubick dude looks cool.
                                                          3) Game needs a patch to shake up this stale meta. Fucking boring; playing Chivalry instead.
                                                          4) Game was, is, and will be trash. Will keep playing, cyka


                                                            1) On CS forum was dota2 key giveaway when people gave like 40 euros for it.
                                                            2) I was just proud that I got new game that is fucking expensive for free. I barely could join a game on typical cs 1.6 wooden pc. Tried lobby, played venomancer, didnt know how to move, what are spells, 0 basic game knowledge. Couple months later friends got it also and we started to play together
                                                            3) Its fine. It has some kind of a addictive nature, something that you can play on and on and on... Like it that from time to time you get balance changelogs that saves u from being same every year. Competitive is also nice to follow.
                                                            4) dunno, keep playing it. I will probably stop to play when something crucial happens to a game or something bigger or better than dota cames out. So yeah..

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              1) I used to play a lot of WC3 custom maps with my brother and cousins and one day we discovered Dota.
                                                              2) We were like "Hmm this is just another one of those." but still it was more fun than other mods.
                                                              3) Probably the best game ever, for me at least.
                                                              4) I will keep playing it obviously. But as for the future of the game, I don't know it may just die under some other games.

                                                              harvard graduate

                                                                1: some dude that i had been in a CS team with for a long time first introduced the entire team to LoL and then switched to Dota. I was the only to follow and he quit 2 weeks later
                                                                2: came from league so "wtf no tits"-" how can u not get lost on this map"
                                                                3: Definately the best game I have ever played. The amount of dedication from some people, the work valve puts into it are amazing. After i started playing i just couldnt commit to any other game for more than 20 min (except for League at which im awful but it has the same concept of being so fresh every new round (but in a trashy way)).
                                                                4: I think it will keep on growing for another 2 years or so. after that people will find some new genre that is gonna be the #1 eSport thing but loads of people will keep on playing.
                                                                Maybe i get totally hooked by CS again some day and i quit but as people said, "you never really quit Dota"

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  1. My brother started playing it with all his friends. They actually started on HoN but moved to dota2. He pestered me for a year or so to try it. I finally did beginning of 2013.

                                                                  2. I was a big WoW player having played it from release until I quit for good right after cataclysm came out. Coming from that where you use a ton of abilities, I was shocked by how limited mana was and how little you use your abilities in dota, at least in the first ~15 minutes. End game there are a lot more fights and more ability use. In general I thought the lane phase of dota2 sucked and was incredibly slow. I remember playing earthshaker a lot and using fissure and being like WTF why do I never have mana to spam this awesome spell?

                                                                  3. Incredibly fun but equally frustrating at times. It's a good release for my competitive gaming though in a much more manageable form than WoW was.

                                                                  4. It's only going to get bigger. TI money jumped ten fold last tourny. Competitive video gaming is going to become as commonplace as other sports eventually, one day, and dota2 could easily be leading the way.


                                                                    1. Dota 1 with my old medal of honor and wow clan mates.

                                                                    2. Played a lot of wc3 matches and Vanilla wow pvp, clan leader for Medal of Honor:SH. Clan mates would go play DotA after matches and I tried it out and loved it. First hero I Picked was Razor and won the game. I played alot of wc 3 and dota seemed alot easier at that time then playing regular matches because I only needed to control 1 hero. Razor is still my number 1 hero after many years.

                                                                    3. I've seen and been playing this game since dota 5.60 and the most frustrating part about playing dota was that no match ever finished as a 5 v 5, always 1 leaver. Typically the normal would be that once 1 leaver went, someone from the opposite team would leave to make it even 4 v 4. When dota2 came out, it was god sent.

                                                                    4. from a unknown custom game in wc to multi million dollars tournaments. Anyone saying dota is dead or dying, have no idea.


                                                                      1.Friends were playing this game, and talking in what seemed like a weird language, and i got interested so i tried it.
                                                                      2.At first i thought that there are a million things happening at the same time and when i watched some pro highlight video i couldn't understand nothing :).
                                                                      3.I think it's a addicting game and kinda messes with your temper a bit.
                                                                      4.#roadtoti7or8 maybe?

                                                                      Low Expectations

                                                                        1)Me and a friend competed in a 2v2 in WC3 tournament and were waiting between games found dota in custom games.
                                                                        2)WTF only one hero give me something with summons
                                                                        3)Very addictive and fun, def my favorite game after HoMM 3
                                                                        4)Hopefully I can continue playing casually

                                                                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                          I thought dota was really fun and deep when I first played it, but after playing it for a long time. I realized how shallow the items, heroes and skills are.

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            at school w used to go to a pc cafe and whenever we got bored of 1.6, we played dota and then we forgot about cs and kept playing dota there until most of us got our own pc (i was 9 or 10)


                                                                              1. my ex told me to play it for 2 weeks couse he has 2 weeks off and wanna play games and why not with me.. and that i can quit after 2 weeks (spoiler: the last part was a lie...)
                                                                              2. i hate leage of legends so must hate this game too. omg it looks good, this hero (drow ofc) looks good. what are those things, wtf is going on. dont tell me i dont have to auto attack creeps, im helping the creeps id be bored anyways nothing else to do!!!!
                                                                              next day i started practicing against bots alone while he wasnt around then continue playing....
                                                                              3. fuck this game. i love this game. fuck this game. i love this game.
                                                                              4. fuck this game im gonna get a real life. nope.


                                                                                HOW WAS DOTA INTRODUCED TO YOU?
                                                                                - Steam friend

                                                                                WHAT WAS YOUR INITIAL REACTION?
                                                                                - What is this game? My friends will always remember the time I thought you had to plant a tree with the iron branches to heal LMAO

                                                                                WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT NOW?
                                                                                - Great game and very rewarding if you win after a hard fought game.

                                                                                LASTLY, FUTURE THOUGHTS ON DOTA?
                                                                                - Roadto4K is all I really want but I have no time and too lazy to keep playing rank and I hate playing alone and I hate playing metabroken heroes... err seems like I hate everything. lol

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  HOW WAS DOTA INTRODUCED TO YOU?
                                                                                  - Came with new PC

                                                                                  WHAT WAS YOUR INITIAL REACTION?
                                                                                  - This game is terrible, you can't even move your hero properly (I was A+left clicking for ALL movement)

                                                                                  WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT NOW?
                                                                                  - Fantastically addictive, even when I don't feel like playing I'm happy to moot around in client watching games and discussing dota.

                                                                                  LASTLY, FUTURE THOUGHTS ON DOTA?
                                                                                  - The future of gaming, you can make of it exactly what you want. If you want to play casually, do it and if you want to play hardcore, do it. You can play solo, with friends, whatever you want.


                                                                                    HOW WAS DOTA INTRODUCED TO YOU?
                                                                                    - Got a free Steam Beta Key by purchasing Counter Strike.

                                                                                    WHAT WAS YOUR INITIAL REACTION?
                                                                                    - This game is utter trash. Who the fuck plays it?

                                                                                    WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT NOW?
                                                                                    - BEST GAME EVA. PERIOD.

                                                                                    LASTLY, FUTURE THOUGHTS ON DOTA?
                                                                                    - Esports revolutionizer. Hope to become Pro and lift Aegis of the champions Kappa.

                                                                                    True Survivor

                                                                                      1. Playing EVE Online, my Corp CEO invited me to play.
                                                                                      2. RIKI IS AWESOME
                                                                                      3. This is the best game in the world, played by the worst people in the world
                                                                                      4. This game is going to take over the world.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        lol its funny almost all initial reaction was this game is trash, then after playing a while turns into this game is gold :D


                                                                                          1.I was 7 , my brother got the game from a friend and i started playing offline with AI
                                                                                          2. Kotl op
                                                                                 game Earth
                                                                                          4. Gabe confirmed world ruler

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                              HOW WAS DOTA INTRODUCED TO YOU?
                                                                                              - Through wc3 customs. "Why the fuck is there so much dota, I might as well try it out"

                                                                                              WHAT WAS YOUR INITIAL REACTION?
                                                                                              - HOW THE FUCK DO I GET LUMBER

                                                                                              WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT NOW?
                                                                                              - I think it's a good game, doesn't get (too) boring. the community is retarded though and that's what stops me from wanting to play 90% of the time

                                                                                              FUTURE THOUGHTS ON DOTA?
                                                                                              - dota will live on forever

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                                1. by a friend. I played lol a little but didn't quite like it. Dota hooked me up instantly(wc3 fan, big chunk o' dmg, heroes)
                                                                                                2. On dota 1 it was like what the hell is going on. On dota 2 it was something like: alright I'm gonna own em(based on my lol skills) aaaaand I'm dead.
                                                                                                3. Its worse than meth. You can't quit it. The community has huge problems(ppl not wanting to cooperate at high lvl mmrs something that you don't see in lol). And it has some broken cancerous heroes like doom
                                                                                                4. road to 3k and 50% winrate.