General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I ready for small competitive play?

Am I ready for small competitive play? in General Discussion

    If you have some spare time, please feedback me so I can improve my gameplay.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      If you are 5k+ or smth, find four other players and try your luck in open bracket tours/amateur leagues. You will get better a lot quicker if you play comp rather than pubs anyway and it is also a lot of fun.


        Unless you play with self-centered high ego players and it becomes frustrating instead of fun :^)
        And you have to actually analyse stuff after matches, not just play them if you want to get better in comp.




            You can do good in competitive even at 4k, just need to find the right team


              That's the whole point. Where and how can you find the right team?


                I was in your position a while, trying to find a 'team'. Eventually I had to create my own. I trialed on a few teams but normally other teams are made from groups of friends, I explicitly told one team I main in mid and carry (and I'm 5k mmr), they had a ~3.5k mmr carry so told me to go support, needless to say it didn't end well. The carry wouldn't listen to any advice I had for him, trying to tell me that mmr is just a number that means nothing and that he's better than me so eventually I told them thanks but no thanks.

                My own team came from friends that I'd either met in pubs or played with for a long time.


                Bulldog is a pro because Dendi played a pub with him and said he played really well so he stood in for Na'Vi, as far as I know. Don't be afraid to add a few like-minded people from pubs.

                BUT, if all else fails...

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                  Like guiri said, teams are all about being with friends. Eventually you'll have a group of 4-5-6 friends and you'll make a team out of them.

                  Welt aus Eis

                    I was 4.5k, created a team with some pub friends, we played amateur tournaments and stuff, won pretty much all the games we played (low level tournaments), then started playing with good teams and started to lose eventually. Then I got a job and quit :D
                    But it helped me a lot to get better, especially because I played offlane for my team and I have always mained mid position. Today I'm sitting at 5k.

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                      @Guiri, thanks for the advice! I will use it for sure, it's pretty much about adding people who play well in pubs. I will search around on the reddit forums aswell!

                      @jajaja great, I'm watching foward to play now :)

                      @Melody, Sorry but I play on EU-servers. Thanks though!


                        + To everyone who reads this, if you like to play some rounds with me for testing my skill level (or even to become a member of your team) feel free to contact me through steam!


                          Sigh. I can't make any friends in my solo ranked. Everyone is either very antisocial or just speaks rus. All my friends' list has quite lower mmr than me with one exception.


                            Lucky - i may add u since we both play on eu west/east and i'm looking for a stack to play with, maybe even an amateur team later.