General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for People who Main 1 Hero

Question for People who Main 1 Hero in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    How do you not get bored? .-.


      I played es for like 30 games straight, didn't get bored. Maybe because you can use his skills in different ways, but you can do that with any hero.


        My guess is because they really like the hero and while they may be playing the same guy, they are not playing against the same heroes all the time. So it's not as repetitive as say...playing the single player campaign of some FPS game 3 or 4 times.


          srsly... idk how they do it... must be some kind of secret power to spam 1 hero every game!

          Lorne Malvo

            I don't bored because I love psychology and I love the way people respond to how they think treant should be played (passive trolling) and because I am playing against 5 people who also have these ideas.


              ^holy fuck... dat treant spamming... u sure u ok man?


                9 of my last 15 games where all Meepo, Meepo is one hero I never get bored of playing. I would get bored of easier heroes quite quickly, but Meepo is always challenging and fun.

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Once I got Earth Spirit down I feel like all the other heroes are boring.

                  So in that Earth Spirit just feels to take a little extra work and has so many options cause of his abilities plus people enjoy when they actually get competent Earth's on their team.

                  Satisfaction moments include:

                  1. Punting Naix away from yourself or others.

                  2. Punting LC away from people during his ult.

                  3. Yanking people from clock ganks or pudge hooks.

                  I could go on to probably 30 on rare things you can do on Earth Spirit that people do not expect to see or happen.

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                    I have a varitey, but I love massive aoe heroes.

                    Lorne Malvo

                      Don't feel like branching out yet.


                        nice pun.


                          @ Lorne Malvo, do you have a specific game that I could watch the replay of. I really want to learn to play Treant

                          Hex Sigma

                            @ sould eater 676 I also like big ult heroes


                              I actually get bored of playing against the same heroes. I don't play CM as much as I used to but its because I played her so much that its just instinct and stuff. err I'm not sure I play what I like to actually lol

                              Lorne Malvo

                                Fancy Geo,

                                I woulldn't recomend watching any of my games, I suck.

                                Just look out for front page games with treant, they ain't too common but those players will often be worth watching.


                                  Why get bored? The game is fun and challenging in itself.


                                    No. Ill play my OP in pubs hero to death.


                                      its fun to see enemies instacounterpick and suck on their heroes so u can rape the shit out of them

                                      [DFG] Whale King

                                        Main a fun hero :)


                                          spammin dat sexy ta

                                          wasted penguinz

                                            because winnig i guess

                                            Miku Plays

                                              getting duel wins is fun :3

                                                Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                  What were the conditions of the bet?!

                                                    Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                      Are you a necrophile????????

                                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                          Who the fuck plays only 1 hero?


                                                            ^ shots fired :O


                                                              ^ Huh? Did you see the profile I just linked? :D


                                                                inb4 omg its pirate


                                                                  @Pirate also known as the famous owner of Valve company, mr Gaben, confirmed to be trashtalking in dotabuff forums. Please invite me to TI5 as guest star. ;D


                                                                    Cristal Maiden is so sexy.

                                                                    Paid actor

                                                                      QOP ftw! :)


                                                                        Lorne Malvo haha 1,6k piece of crap hero and still normal skill, gl wp


                                                                          I <3 venomancer.


                                                                            Anyone have a link to someone with 1k+ games played with one hero and haven't played any others?


                                                                              dat pudge kda. too bad his win rate sucks hard.


                                                                                who knows

                                                                                gertouille la fripouille

                                                                                  Well, i do not play one hero exclusively, but i love mass aoe.

                                                                                  Anyway, you can't play one hero only, or you'll be bad, because you need to know how every single hero thinks in the game.

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                                                                                  Sugar Show

                                                                                    I like play Nature's prophet... Once you rat you can't leave it