General Discussion

General DiscussionLeshrac: Lightning or stats?

Leshrac: Lightning or stats? in General Discussion

    I was curious about the current trend of Leshrac buildsin competitive and pubs, as you know, in the past often statistics had priority on lightning, to be exact this build was used in like one third of the games in competitive during the patch 6.79, following the buffs of 6.80 and 6.81, however, the situation has changed, and now things are so different that the most successful build seems to be a hybrid one.

    Here is the article with statistics and differences between competitive and pubs at very high and normal.

    Jay Ashborne

      Lightning is pretty good these days from what I hear. 4 sec cooldown with a slow. I wouldnt know I suck with horse man.

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          why would you get stats after the lightning buff? sometimes you even get lightning before edict

          Jay Ashborne

            Good supports have spoken^. #BasedLightning


              depends on their lineup. but you never want to have skill points over his active spells. you may skip ulti before you max out other 3 if you choose so but getting stats over any of his spells is stupid. i mean ive tried it before, but honestly with this new lightening its not worth it.

              anyhow lightening is good against pushes, slow is super annoying and spells has low cd.


                Lighting. That slow man.


                  Only hero on which you can consider stats is Bloodseeker.
                  Sometimes you want to simply silence a carry, not give him 180% bonus damage.
                  So keeping Bloodrage on lvl 1 and taking stats is okayish on him.


                  wasted penguinz

                    as support i always go stats over lightning


                      ^ as wot m8 ?


                        Sven can do stats too. I remember if I'm not farming very well, I skip cleave and put one point into the my warcry. then I do stun stats stun stats, ult whenever. Then I finish maxing my cleave, then I put rest in stats and ult.


                          Yeah now lightning is the way to go, but the articles keeps in consideration also the period pre 6.80, before that, 1/3 and almost half of the players in competitive prefered stats to light.


                            tons of heroes can go stats over spells. wk am etc etc, dno what he's talking about.


                              why would you ever get stats on leshrac


                                if you need mana to support your spells and ultimate. +old lightening was shit for a support lesh.

                                now, no reason.

                                Hafla Enjoyer

                                  Skipping skills is okay but usually you want at least one value points in an important ability like fiery soul or warcry


                                    Stats every game, lightning is a joke

                                    check profile for proof


                                      To be honest I think I'd go stats 1-10 and then grab lightning at level 11.


                                        most frustrating thing about leshrac is deciding how to skill him.

                                        His lighting spell once leveled is incredibly powerful, but so is edict. At the same time his stun gains more damage with each level and trying to max both edict and lighting before stun means you will be burning through mana.

                                        Skipping skills on leshrac seems crazy to me. Just skip his ulti till you have items to support the mana pool imho.

                                        And no GS400, lighting is no longer a joke now that it has a built in slow. 240 damage hitting up to 7 targets every 4 seconds for 120 mana... that is freaking awesome.

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                                          If you're playing a mid role I'd go for killing/winning teamfights and max stun and lightning by level 8. In a farming role this is your most mana efficient way to clear lane creep waves quickly. As a support, you can still add a lot to fights by leveling up with your nukes, but you may find yourself running away from chasing heroes a lot more often due to your squishiness, and edict +ulti makes that much harder to do. Still, it all is going to depend on the game you are in. The only thing I'd advise against is leaving stun at level 1 or not leveling it at all, you really need to get that radius length on it up.


                                            5.5+ lesh plyer
                                            i think he does something like this everygame


                                              fuk just lost on my main man leshrac ;_:

                                              Wish pubs would ever let this hero get have to ghost pick void then last pick into leshrac

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                                              ICE SKULL

                                                pubs tend to shit themselves if they see leshrac carry, null talismans on furion etc

                                                disgusting how people can be so simple minded


                                                  in HON this guy was a consistently popular mid pick


                                                    lsa + split earth feels harder to cancel than in dota1 for some reason


                                                      Null Talisman is an ill omen of Dagons to come. Dagon Prophet on your team is not playing for the team.


                                                        in HON split earth cast time was buff so tort started getting picked

                                                        And lets be clear here. Maxing Edict is in no way bad. It is really a difference between playstyle, position and opponents. You can absolutely destroy people wit edict if they are caught out of position.

                                                        The better your opponents are, the more likely lighting first is a good choice.

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                                                          its not dagon build. its just mass nulls with blademail and maelstrom.

                                                          wasted penguinz

                                                            to be honest his carry potential is very limited