General Discussion

General DiscussionOwning too much can be bad

Owning too much can be bad in General Discussion

    I meant it might actually lower your chances of winning if you're owning with heroes that fall off.

    Cuz face it, you might be 10-2-11 with your Clockwerk, but 10-15 minutes later that Faceless Void with his Tidehunter support is gonna rape your whole team. "But I made space for my fucktard teammates"

    Well when you own too much, teammates tend to play without giving a fuck. They play stupid by overextending or buy stupid items. They throw. And this is really true, I mean even myself as a carry I find my motivation drops if my offlane bb goes 12-1-3 or some shit and I start wanting to go roam for kills as well.


      no, the thing that "rapes" me is my teammates being autistic and suffering from downs syndrome

      1x9 dota all day every day no matter what mmr i'm in


        I just want to end if we're destroing. Nuff said.

        Hex Sigma

          ^but why end it when you can farm for 30 mins so they can comeback(pub mentality)


            No, I play those heroes like BB and Naga if I own early I end quickly. Nuff said.

            Hotel? trivago

              no its just that when you own too much on early game and become godlike like in 15-20 minutes of the game and the enemy kills you, ahhhh thats a lot of money. you already lost the game if its the carry who got the kill :P

              Hex Sigma

                ^and if they have half a brain in order to capitalize on the advantage

                ICE SKULL

                  ^idk being 2k solo is the very definition of being severely retarded

                  Hex Sigma

                    @wave i don't want to start a war but tell me in which logical way dota is related to the fact of being mentally retarded? So by your logic a 6k player is a living genious. Again by your logic before dota existed people were some kind of monkeys or so. Gee i guess Einstein was a 7k dota player.

                    I wonder if you're like that also IRL. You're calling everyone autistic but to me it looks like you're the autistic one.

                    ICE SKULL

                      k, your mmr is at 2k and you start with 3k.
                      you're in no position to even criticize or flame anyone "half a brain".

                      do you understand where i'm getting at? i'm not even calling you autistic, you are very far from being one.

                      Hex Sigma

                        so what is the link between my mmr and my intelectual capability? i didnt know that dota was chess. Even if it was there was no link. You're making no sense whatsoever.

                        “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

                        ICE SKULL

                          you definitely need to be a genius to not fall under 3k which is the starting mmr of new accounts.



                            thers no doubt 1 day here in sweden a newspaper headline will be "young,unnemployed,filthy,parents hate him ,still a virgin (fapping to anime doesnt count wave) kid did a suecide"

                            And with a note : dotabuff banned me,valve banned all my accs, all my and ONLY "friends from steam hate me"


                            ICE SKULL

                              wow its sunz, the greatest es picker in 40xx bracket lol! :) im ur biggest fan

                              ICE SKULL

                                xDD im a virgin, unemployed and filthy :(((((( i should go work at a hotel and watch gay porn while i get paid an amazing salary of 12000 sek every monthxDDDDDDDDDDD


                                  is dat an REAL LIFE insult coming from a kid living on social welfare benefits ,whoooaa take it easy with dat gay porn

                                  go take a deep breath :D

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                                  ICE SKULL

                                    idk you tell me what its like working at a hotel and earning 12000 million swedish dollars and watching gay porn since its what you do basically every day?

                                    plz write in-depth article about it

                                    Miku Plays

                                      OP got a point... but that doesnt matter if i play lc, i keep stacking duelsss


                                        dno you tell me ,feels prty good working 12 days a month and paying MY own billz

                                        was it the anime fapping that hurt you the most you bring up random gay porn ;D?

                                        sorry,straight here


                                          Well than you have to keep it up and bring it home for the whole team bro. Go clockwork carry. Whenever i own too much with him i go midas sy and some other damage/tank items and bring it home for the team without a problem. Just dont stop owning keep the pressure up and its gg :P. But ofc if you are owning with a cm its better not to delay the end too much :P


                                            I completely agree.
                                            I was 12 0 here:

                                            Lost game.

                                            Had mega kill and unstoppable after.



                                              We had a big advantage but some ppl decided to charge into the enemy without any sense from this point on, we were wiped 4 times cause of overextension ( and bad greedy itemchoices)


                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Uh no. You don't lose cus your team plays loose while ahead, you lose cus teams don't push when they should and turn early advantages into towers. They are different things and you'd lose whether you were owning or not in those cases.


                                                  There are cases when you're unable to push in.

                                                  Please stop assuming people are idiots. Please do not fall into that fantasy, I deal with enough dunning-kruger everyday. Just because you're ahead doesn't mean T3 highground is easy. Sometimes its necessary to fall back on your teammates to make use of that advantage age to do starvation play or farm up.

                                                  inb4 you're going to mention splitpush or deathball in despite what I've said, sigh


                                                    I said that to all "carry dis shit" Mirana and "my team is terrible" Storm players there back then like 3 months ago.

                                                    P.S. Gotta make them corrections.

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                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      In your particular example this game you guys didn't get the t2 mid and have 2.4k tower dmg. Your two carries have 922 and 594 tower dmg. So I think it's safe to say you didn't push when you had the chance. Maybe you couldn't push t3 high ground against that team with your setup but you could've done more tower dmg taking down the t1s and t2s faster and had a bigger gold advantage to help win.

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