General Discussion

General DiscussionBEST VOID PLAYER

BEST VOID PLAYER in General Discussion

    Hey guys, could you pls give me a dotabuff link to the best void player ?

    Ive started to play him a lot ad wanna learn how to be a good void player.

    i usually build pms>pt>mom>bkb/aga/mael>daedalus

    thank you guys


      get ebola and die

      Hex Sigma

        ^i lold

        Arek Akashi

          hahahah best void player


            ^High skill smurf best smurf.


              I am by no means the best void player, but I will give my opinion anyway. I copied a very high skill player that spams fv. Mostly being good on fv just means aiming your ult well and having good timing.

              Tango, Stout Shield, Health Pot
              Buy hatchet right away
              Then I build HoM->PT->mael->mom/bkb->crit/mjollnir->mjollnir/daed->refresher

              Depending on how the game is going I will skip HoM, eventually i throw in BoT and sometimes a bfly if it goes on forever.


                wagamama is perhaps not the best dont know if anyone is but he is the "best" imo.


                  cant find his profile anymore but it was like ithastobethisway
                  anyhow, he only played void. was around 6.5kish mmr last time i saw him. he would always go for bfury 1st item tho. something like that kka guy, some silly shit but they made it work.

                  Girl with beautiful face

                    ^ ye, atacker guy.

                    ICE SKULL

                      i know who xan is talking about, that void is like 6.7k and he goes bfury erry game and never buys midas

                      pretty insane haha


                        I've heard BogiDoto93 is very good at Void.


                          Yeah "It has to be this way".
                          I have 2 of his replays.

                          Quelling->PMS->Tread->Magic stick->MoM->Battlefury->BKB->Cryxalist
                          almost every game

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                          ICE SKULL

                            pretty sure he'd win more games if he went mjolnir instead of bfury but thats my opinion i guess


                              How to be good with him? Abuse chrono everytime it goes off cooldown. That's all.
                              He has: high base damage, good attack animation, good lane presence, chance to dodge damage, average movespeed, an escape/slow, good agi growth, flexibility about itemization, decent mid game impact and he's a lategame monster given equal farm compared to other carries. The hero is so easy to play that there's no way you can be a bad Void player if you can land decent chronos.


                                I like mjllonir more but battlefury does have the advantage of mana regen

                                After 1 tw + chrono you won't have enough mana for another combo at levels 11/16 when your chrono becomes available again (80/60 s, respectively)

                                Quick maffs

                                  when i play void my base gets pushed at 20 minutes

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                                      BF sounds good now that I think about it, you will get more out of your MoM since the life steal wont be canceled when maelstrom procs, the damage will do a lot for your DPS since you already have attack speed form MoM+powers, the mana regain will let you use time walk when AFK farming to get from camp to camp, and since you have a high turn rate and 1000 move speed in chrono you can line up your cleave to hit multiple people easily.