General Discussion

General DiscussionThe scariest hero that's chasing you and why?

The scariest hero that's chasing you and why? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    I dont know.. I think a slardar with blink is a nightmare, cant tp cant fight back with amplify. Any others?

    Miku Plays

      Necro - aura is shitting you every second

      TB - huge dmg for his range form and 50% slow


        Kotl is hunting me down, what happened to make game so shit that a kotl is hunting me down, this isn't the game I ordered

        King of Low Prio

          CM, because if a CM is charging you head on you know there are 4 others smoked behind him.....


            this is too true


              Meepo, you can't run from a good Meepo. Too many nets with huge cast ranges, slows and a blink.

              ICE SKULL

                an illusion of myself

                Bad Intentions

                  Meepo? u can tp from that..


                    Nets cancel tp. But anyways, this guy always talks about meepo in every single thread

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                    Bad Intentions

                      I mean u can juke and tp from meepo, ez.


                        Axe, cause he's gonna give it to ya.

                        Hex Sigma

                          Sky because if he slows you you are practically dead.

                          off topic: i still remember doctor barber since when i was a kid watching cartoons, thank you for reminding me


                            Qop when farmed


                              PA's pretty freaking hard to run from even if you have a force staff.


                                ^ halberd TP.


                                  Yeah I agree, PA is designed to chase any and everyone and kill them with a 20,000,000 damage crit.

                                  Bristleback is impossible to escape from unless he has no mana zzz. Lycan ulted obviously sucks major willy. Chaos Knight also loves my male appendage. Broodmother has you by the balls as well if you get snagged by her hilarious passive.


                                    you can't run from es, feggit.

                                    Ion Kjell

                                      Gonna go with OP here... Blink Slardar. Haste, stun, bash, amplify and a blink (ofc). Bristle is similar... Just snots you to slime and ticks away with those bloody spikes, whilst tanking all the dmg (and spitting more spikes during) my team is trying to dish out in order to stop him chasing me. :D

                                      Or as someone else said; A chasing CM because of resons.


                                        Zeus, all you can do is run into some neutrals and hope they kill you first.





                                            abaddon. because you know he will not stop chasing you. ever

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                                              Quick maffs

                                                me too man, me too


                                                  Slardar if he reaches you, and he will normally, you will be dead.


                                                    No mention of bloodseeker? Op move speed. Or Legion? Not only is she gonna catch you (that q) but you're gonna make her stronger for the next time she's on your tail end.

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                                                        Flat is Justice!

                                                          chasing hero?
                                                          when u drop below 50%, and theres a bloodseeker...everyone on the other side becomes a chasing hero

                                                          start running.




                                                              Pudge in early levels, because I'm a retard who eats every hook even if I see him


                                                                Maybe Slark, he won't let u go :( or Weaver ez dive

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                                                                wasted penguinz

                                                                  no one mentioned ns ? this guy dives u at min 5 :D


                                                                    Silencer... he can't really catch you, but if he does, you lose 2 int. (most op spell ever)

                                                                    Slardar is scary...


                                                                      Suprised no one here mentioned the obvious ones




                                                                      Pudge (good one)

                                                                      Night stalker

                                                                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid



                                                                          Nobody runs from Spectre.
                                                                          Nobody lives though Spectre.


                                                                            You're a hard carry with no earlygame presence (Dusa/Spec), your team doesn't buy wards and riki is 6-0 with a diffusal blade.
                                                                            What do you do?

                                                                            A: Feed Riki and end with 200 gpm
                                                                            B: Hug towers and end with 200 gpm
                                                                            C: Sentry your jungle, but you didn't get observers so by the time you see riki hes already in pouncing range.

                                                                            I agree Riki is easily countered and all but theres some situations where he rapes you.


                                                                              All these heroes who can be countered with items are such a bad things, surely. Like people who don't build heaven blade vs faceless.

                                                                              Btw i fear a Good Microskilled Chen.

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                                                                                  MEEPO BECAUSE YOU KNOW THE MEEPO PLAYER HAS A BIG DICK

                                                                                  Sugar Show

                                                                                    Lich, I know he gonna ulti me in low hp.

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