General Discussion

General DiscussionIt happened again, Sniper flaming

It happened again, Sniper flaming in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    *sigh* I just do not understand the vitriol. All pick game, neither side picks a hero, 30 seconds left, oh well screw it I'm going sniper mid. I've posted here a bunch of times how I love sniper, like to build him, and he's one of my best heroes in ranked play at 20-12. Immediately some guy hovers over ember and then types damn it sniper! He picks lina instead. In game he tells me over mic why do you pick sniper, you just screwed our whole team, he is such a bad hero, he doesn't fit current meta at all. I just calmly tell everyone it will work out fine, we have late game, sniper isn't as bad as you think he is. I don't really get why ember is a better mid in a pub anyway. Squishy hero too. And what current meta? It's a pub match. We didn't draft a rat strat or a deathball so what meta? Isn't the goal just to take towers and win? Sniper can do that.

    Beginning of the game was a little rough. Vs a viper mid, I can't harass him, his corresive skin does more dmg than my attack so it's a net loss. Can't spam shrapnel for same reasons. Just trying to last hit. I died a couple times cus they would send three people to dive mid, viper, bh and windranger. Tough to survive that on any hero. The flaming continues. Long story short, they criticized my playstyle when I pushed towers instead of tp'ing into death traps, they criticized my item build when I went s&y first (the move speed and hp absolutely saved my life against bounty more than once), even when we started winning magnus said it was all him babysitting me and keeping me alive. While I somewhat agree and disagree, isn't that the supports job, and especially a disabler, to disable enemies and keep people alive? lol.

    The only positive comment I got was when I built skadi and they all said damn you built that fast. Even then I said ok let's push to end I'm virtually unkillable and they still disbelieved.

    This was not my win alone, it was a good team win. I admit I could not have carried them if they fed like crazy and our team made some good plays, dropped some good sentries to neutralize bounty and viper with shadowblade. But I did more than my fair share, most farm, most tower dmg, second most hero dmg. So stand with me with ending the sniper hate. Let's give sniper a chance. Enough dota hero racism.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      I don't really get why ember is a better mid in a pub anyway.
      I died a couple times cus they would send three people to dive mid, viper, bh and windranger. Tough to survive that on any hero.


        There's this guy with ~6k that plays offlane sniper and builds phase every game. In spite of that, sniper gets a lot of hate from pub players, but so do other squishy carry heroes.

        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Dire Wolf

          I build phase any time I know I'll need mobility like vs the bounty and rikis of the world, vs other melees I'll want to kite. If we are ahead early though or they have a lot of squishy ranged heroes I'll go treads for more headshots.

          King of Low Prio

            you did nothing that contributed to the win.......yea you where able to pump out hero dmg but only because the spec and magnus carried the game......You are looking way too much into the end game stats

            King of Low Prio


              if you look at the match it looks like Storm did good but that is completely wrong he had no idea what he was doing and fed so much early but since I carried him and set up everything he managed to squeak by

              Hex Sigma

                >pub game

                nice joke. I used to think the same until i realized that you can stomp with ursa at 6k because it's still a pub.

                King of Low Prio

                  one more thing, communicate with your teammates during the drafting phase do not assume based off mouse hovers

                  Quick maffs

                    Doing nothing or dying early /= not contributing to the win, i am the kind of guy that feeds early but i always recover in mid game, if you feed one or even two deaths early doesnt mean your team carried you.

                    Quick maffs

                      Another example, there was a game where i went 1-5 with tinker ealier, my team created enough space for me to farm, i did bad at the start i know that, but if it wasnt for me farming really fast after 15 minutes we would probably lost that game, if it wasnt for them creating space we would have lost too, so everyone helped the same.


                        you can stomp in any mmr, and in pro scene also at some extent
                        thats the way this game is.

                        ursa is a very strong pubstomper if built the right way, I think its one the heroes that can push your MMR advantage to the most. if you are the highest ranked player in the game (with a good mmr gap) I think you will end up stomping hard. but also in the pro scene we see stomps when ursa is picked, it happened at this TI, when DK picked it and gave to Mushi, it was a pure stomp, i think the game didn't last for more than 25 mins

                        and yes there is a pub meta, and it tends to reward high risk high reward builds or shit like that
                        depending on your mmr range, for example, a drum is a complete garbage item (despite the speed boost) because the stats won't help you as it would in a pro game, sometimes you'll be better off with a casual bracer

                        Dire Wolf

                          I didn't assume shit, no one picked and didn't even have hovers (the ember guy hovered ember after my pick, then changed his mind) so at 30 seconds to go I picked what I wanted to play. My point is why flame the very first pick of the draft when the game is literally an empty slate? How can a pick be total shit at that point? It's shitty if you pick a 5th carry or a support that doesn't fit, but don't flame me for a first pick after everyone's been holding their dicks for an entire minute.

                          Also did you watch the replay or are you just talking out of your ass? I admitted magnus did a nice job and lina fed a lot but laid down some good wards while spectre held his lane. But it's a team game and I had 4k tower dmg. Who else was going to kill those towers? Not magnus. I played my role- farm and take towers. I don't know why the fact that others also played their roles well diminishes that and it certainly has nothing to do with playing sniper. Unless you want to name some other hero who would've been a much better mid by default cus what you are pointing out has to do with my quality of play and not with my choice of hero. Like if I picked shadowfeind or drow or zeus or TA or whoever mid, how would the game have been better or worse? That is my point. Sniper isn't a bad hero and it's stupid to flame someone for a pick when no one else has and has been given ample time to decide.

                          On a side note I think sampson just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, he's being quite negative in every thread he's posted in today.

                          King of Low Prio


                            dont twist my words I said he did not contribute at all to the win but he was able to pull hero dmg out because he just happened to be with us after they got steamrolled with 0 items. Not that he had a bad start and then later started helping. The same thing can apply to sniper in which if the game is won sniper can afk follow someone and pull out alot of hero/tower dmg in the end.


                              deso-daed snipers are only ones that deserve to be flamed hard, good thing i stopped building that a long time ago

                              King of Low Prio

                                and No I stopped watching low MM matches because even if I showed them every mistake they have a 'reason/excuse' to why they did X Y and Z and I just ended up wasting a hour of my life watching it.

                                it has nothing to me being negative it has to do with me being honest to you and you do not like the response. look at all the 5k+ players on this forum(who solo que) and you will see that my in game mic comment holds true . Even Waga who casually posts here knows how much a hindrance not using chat wheel is YET you continue to argue the fact and it gets annoying.

                                You will never get it because you are stuck in your ways and you just want to hear confirmation of that viewpoint


                                  Any reason why people hating on sniper?
                                  I can't find out why, except if the sniper keep getting initiated..


                                    that 0 10 lowest hero damage lina flamed you? no wonder. always the bad ones flame the most.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I dont use mic i dont use chat wheel, from time to time i write something in chat ( usually something like " stop arguing we can win if you guys focus " ) i dont really think you need a lot of communication in the typical solo queue ranked dota.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I don't care if you watch the replay or not but you have no basis to say magnus carried and I contributed nothing to the win when I have most tower dmg and most farm. I thought maybe you watched the replay and noticed something I didn't cus the peripheral stats don't support your statement.

                                        I did watch the replay, while magnus and spectre were "carrying" top, basically sitting on our T1 waiting for the other team to dive them so they could turn the fight, I was busy taking bottom tower and jumping from worst farm to best farm. I finished sange and yasha at a godawful 24 mins. 10 mins later I had added a malestrom and skadi. But I guess that's not contributing anything to the win.

                                        Anyway, from watching the replay, sad reality is the other team let us back in. They all became obsessed with ganking and forcing fights and wasted about 10 mins sitting in our jungle trying to gank while we sat on towers and farmed safely. Viper started with about 45 cs at 10 mins, not great but was good for 2nd at the time. At 20 mins I think he had less than 60 still. He completely stopped farming just sitting in jungle with shadowblade waiting to gank lina and natures. Razor started out good, built a mek, but never built any other high impact items. He went bkb vs a lina who couldnt land sunstrikes and a magnus ult that goes throug bkb. Had he gone aghs and tower pushed I think they win.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        King of Low Prio

                                          it is almost like while the spec and mag held the whole game on their back u got gpm.

                                          plz where is Havoc he would actually watch the match, I am too lazy


                                            yr in potato bracket why dont u listen to other people over here

                                            wasted penguinz

                                              you got carried ... but thumps up for skadi