General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain treads swapping?

Can someone explain treads swapping? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I hear it thrown around a lot but still don't get it. I know to switch to hp when I'm about to die and that's about it.

    Specifically, when using a heal is it better to have str on or not?
    When using a mana pot or someone's arcane boots is it better to have int on or not?
    When casting a spell is it better to have int on or not, provided you don't need the int boost to get enough mana?


      When casting spells you switch to int to have a larger Manapool, i.e. cast spells more often in the long run.
      When getting turned on (i.e. about to get nuked) you switch to str to have a larger HP pool.
      You can switch to agi when attacking (as agi carry for instance) or presumably also when getting auto attacked given you need armor more than the HP.
      Basically you switch according to the situation gaining the stats you need, which makes treads such a great stat manipulating item.


        It is percent-based:

        let us assume you have a hero with 200 health and 100 mana and str treads would give 400 hp and int treads 200 mana

        if you would miss 150 hp and therefor would be on 50 hp you would have 25% of your health
        a salve would heal you to the full 100% in this case
        if you switch to str treads though you would have 25% of 600hp which would be 150.
        If you would use a salve now u would just heal to 550.

        Percentagebasel. If consuming increase the stat if regenerating decrease the stat.

        Tip: When having treads and basilus, keep the treads on agi or str to increase regen


          The thing is, whenever your stats change, it results in a change in your derived statistics - namely, health and mana.

          So say you have (regularly) 1,000hp with your strength treads active. But you've been wounded, and are down to 500/1000hp (50% hp). You swap to AGI treads (which reduces your HP by 8x19=152) to max HP of 848. 50% of 848 is 424. So you're now at 424/848 HP.

          Let's say you get healed for exactly 424 HP. You are now at 848/848HP, which is 100%. You swap back to STR treads...and are at 1000/1000. By swapping treads, you effectively made the heal do an extra 76 points of healing. If you hadn't swapped treads, the 424 heal would have put you at 924/1000hp.

          So, in short, to be more efficient: have your treads ON a stat when you are using that stat (ie put it on INT when casting spells) and have your treads OFF a stat when you are restoring that stat (ie put it on AGI when healing/restoring mana).


            when using a heal it is better to not be on strength.

            when you switch stats, the percentage of your HP or mana stays the same

            so for example.
            lets say you have 300 / 1000 HP on agi or int treads. your *percentage* of your max HP which is 30%, will stay the same even if your max HP pool increases. If you were to switch to str treads, you would have 1152 max HP, and because your percentage must stay the same, you would end up with 30% of 1152 HP, which is 345.6 HP, a gain of about 45 HP.

            if you were to use a salve first, then switch to strength after you'd finish healing, you would have 700/1000 HP, then when on strength, you'd keep the same percentage of your previous HP - 700/1000 is 70%, so you'd have 70% of 1152 which is 806.4, which means you have gone from 300 HP to 806, an increase of 506 when a salve normally only heals 400.

            when receiving mana or regenerating mana it is better to have as low intelligence as possible. this applies for non-scaling amounts of mana regen, such as bloodstones charges, vlads or basi, and also the base regen of all heroes.

            for example.

            lets say a hero has 1400 mana with soul booster (soul booster gives 400 mana). If he had 1000 mana and received 135 mana from arcanes, he'd end up with 1135/1400 mana, which is 81% of his max mana pool.

            however, if he dropped his soul booster while at 1000/1400 mana, his percentage of mana would stay the same (71.4%) and he'd have 714/1000 mana. if that hero were to then gain 135 mana, that hero would now have 849 mana, or 84.9% of his mana pool.

            when casting a spell you should be in intelligence so that the mana cost of the spell uses a smaller percentage of your total mana pool.

            e.g. a spell that costs 120 mana when you have 1000 mana costs 12% of your total mana pool, but if you were to have 1200 mana, then it would only cost 10% of your total mana pool, allowing you to cast the spell more times before you'd run empty on mana.

            nebunu la jokuri 77777

              This, and dont forget to switch them to agi when you need extra dps(e.g. at roshan)


                if youre using bottle switch to agi, if you are about to cast a spell/activate a item with high mana cost switch to int
                its the same for other items.. if you have bottle and arcane boots and you are wanting mana, drop off your boots to decrease your mana pool and use the bottle. you probably have seen people doing it before or multiple arcane boots in the team, when 1 guy drops his boots for the arcane boots usage of the ally.

                if you have no fucking idea what ur doing keep it on str though

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  The thing about tread swapping is learning how to abuse flat numbers with percentage numbers.

                  Say you have a max HP pool 100 while sitting on agility treads. Right now you have 50 HP, and something will heal you for 10 HP. You are now at 60 HP after healing, thus 60% of your HP pool. Once you switch back to strength treads you will retain that 60% HP. Let's say after switching to strength treads you will have 200 max HP. You will have 120 HP because that is 60% of 200. You went from 50 to 120 HP for something that only heals you for 10 HP!

                  If you never tread swapped, you would have 50/200 HP with 10 after healing making 60/200 HP if you didn't tread swap.

                  I completely made up those numbers, but now you see how it works. When you are gaining a FLAT AMOUNT of hp or mana, you want to minimize your HP or mana pool so that a larger percentage of your pool gets regenerated.


                  You are legion commander with soul ring. Stay on strength treads while casting soul ring to minimize damage taken, swap to intelligence treads to cast heal, then swap to agility treads to maximize health gained.

                  GENERAL RULES:

                  - Regenerating HP: Stay OFF strength treads to minimize hp pool
                  - Casting HP (like soul ring, any spell that costs HP): Stay ON strength treads to maximize hp pool

                  - Regenerating MANA: stay OFF intel
                  - Casting MANA: stay ON intel

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Dire Wolf

                    At what point for a str hero does the agi gives more dps that having on str?

                    It's a simple equation to calc base dmg added from 8 str vs the dmg added from 8 agi:
                    IAS = attack speed increase where 30 IAS means you do 1.3 times dmg
                    B = base attack dmg
                    B x IAS + 8 x IAS = B x IAS + 0.08 X B

                    We can remove B x IAS from both sides to get a ratio:
                    8 x IAS = 0.08 X B
                    Plug in some numbers where IAS is 100 or you do 1.0 x dmg and you see break even point is 100 dmg. Makes sense, adding 8 dmg to 100 dmg is 108 dmg, adding 8 % dmg to 100 dmg is 108 dmg.

                    As IAS increases though base damage must match. Plus in 200 IAS so you're doing double your base dmg:
                    8(2) = 0.08Xb

                    b = 200 to break even. Kind weird that your base must match your IAS exactly but that's how the equation comes out. As am example Wraith King has natural agi of 45 at lvl 16. Add treads to the mix and he's go 175 IAS. His base dmg needs to be 175 or more for agi to be more dps. Thus I don't think agi is always more dps, especially early.

                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                      I meant on agi heroes, forgot to mention, but also applies at a certain point to str heroes, as you said

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        idk why you're making up some complicated stuff.

                        if ur not agi:

                        attack damage + 8 / attack damage = relative increase in dps of +8 to your main attribute
                        attack speed + 8 / attack speed = relative increase in dps of +8 attack speed.

                        whichever is higher is better.