General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some of the most underrated items in your opinion?

What are some of the most underrated items in your opinion? in General Discussion

    I'm not afraid to say I'm kind of in a trash tier and I don't care, but I wanted to know which items you think are the most underrated.

    Personally I hardly ever see anyone build heaven's halberd or medallion (except on heroes like venge and lycan)








            rapier (when u consider it for a possible comback)


              rapier is good, 2 weeks ago i played a game with ember that lasted 96 min, i had 4 divines and it was hard as fuck to comeback, they had DK, Tide and Omni in their lineup, BITCH PLZ

              Hex Sigma

                rod of atos. The range is gynormous and the cd is low. And for a 60% slow that is huge. Also the stats are great.

                Spinach Rag


                  Which heroes would Rod be useful with?
                  And for those heroes, what items would be more cost effective instead?

                  I used Rod on AA once, but found Euls infinitely more useful. Rod made AA more tanky and the slow synergized well with Coldfeet, but that's about it. Euls is so much more versatile in that it also synergizes with Coldfeet and you can dodge spells with it (Assassinate and Charge of Darkness to name a couple), MS bonus, and mana regen are also big bonuses. You can also Euls + TP a charging Bloodseeker.

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                    rod is good on sky, ensures a ulti which usually ensures a kill

                    Hex Sigma

                      some from the top of my head

                      dark seer if you have to slow someone and shiva was already picked
                      lich for more slow
                      disruptor for utility
                      ogre for more slow

                      these are situational picks

                      I consider a core pick on sky(for the ult and also the stats are great), and silencer(but only if you're going for right click dmg). Oh and pugna, cause it makes it easier to hold someone in the ult.

                      generally you wanna pick rod if either

                      a. they have an annyoing easy to escape hero like weaver or slark
                      b. you need more hp
                      c. the hero you wanna shut down is easily kiteable(sven for example)

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                      Quick maffs


                        Dire Wolf

                          Rod is sick on silencer and pugna.

                          Sange and yasha is my most underrated item. People think manta is like a billion times better but the proc on s&y is so godly and illusions are overrated on many heroes. People also disregard it cus it doesn't stand out for any one stat like a desolator +60 dmg or a heart +40 str. But it is very, very good.

                          Skadi is also underrated. Seems like a very rare pickup these days.

                          Quick maffs

                            I get S&Y a lot in heroes like slark and sometimes in TA ( when there is literally nothing to disjoint/dispell in the enemy team )

                            This game i think its a good example of s&y over manta the only thing i could dispel with manta was puck silence but meh.