General Discussion

General Discussionfuck this MMR system

fuck this MMR system in General Discussion

    after I got little winstreak I just forced to lose - 4 noobs running always as 4 and feeding - Void afk in teamfights / 1st item MOM without boots - randomed huskar "carry" afk at 7th minute


      ask mirana to help you win, he'll gladly steal his teammates items and "roam" the map


        thats because u suck m8


          just hide your games and abuse some MMR with sandboxie wave




              yeah i got a winstreak in ranked and was forced to lose in normal because i build dagons on bane :((( y u do dis gaben, YYYYYYYYYYYYYY


                if i go on a win streak and then get 1 un-winnable game i take it as a sign I'm in the 'time to lose' bracket and play non ranked.

                Ples Mercy

                  2k, unwinnable?

                  doubt it extremely hard.


                    3k actually :D

                    Yes games can be unwinnable not pretend now that they aren't. You have moaned about teammates quite a lot on here yourself.


                      7k games and believes in forced 50%
                      you're hopeless


                        You lost to Tinker with skadi >.>

                          puni puni butt UWU

                            milnor you lose because you pick sniper

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              time for new account :D


                                2k, unwinnable?

                                doubt it extremely hard. '

                                its unwinnable for any 2k players, if you put swiftending there ofc he is gonna win
                                but no one at 2k is supposed to play like a 7k player so yea there are unwinnable games in every bracket

                                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                  2K=TOO FUCKING EZZ
                                  EVEN 1V5 U CAN WIN IN 2K MMR IF YOU ARE NOT SHIT LIKE SLEAVE AND ME ;)
                                  No, really for climb in 2k go solo lobby mode practice lasthit lasthit and lasthit in mid.7

                                  Go mid lasthit and win cause in 2k the highest lasthiting is like 40lh in 20 min.


                                    Just use mute to dodge people

                                    I had TWO muted guys in my last game..I knew I should have bailed..but I didn't wanna wait 7 mins for queue

                                    I instalock PA, they got 4 more carries and we lost hard, the two guys i muted were toxic flaming at 999 wpm any time i unmuted them

                                    Learned my lesson..respect my own mute list

                                    Just don't use it for frivolous stuff like people having a bad game, you should be able to tell the REAL toxic game ruiners, use the mute list sparingly

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      since retarded valve added punishment for dodging I can't wait for 60 minutes every dodge fuck it


                                        Yeah I went on a losing streak after a winning streak but whatever. Happens. I try to have fun too.