General Discussion

General DiscussionDeviLisH's General Guide/Tips on Meepo

DeviLisH's General Guide/Tips on Meepo in General Discussion

    Alright since there are a lot of questionable meepo builds posted everywhere, I'd like to offer mine to the general public.

    -get poof at lv1 and get net at lv2
    -ask for 1 tango and walk out with no items, buy bottle when u have 650 gold (should be before creeps meet)

    Why these items are terrible:
    Meepo needs Hp AND mana. Sure tranquils can save u hp, but u will still have to go back for no mana. With treads you can tread switch. You get +HP, +mana for poofing creeps, +dmg when attacking towers/big creeps. You dont have to worry about your boots getting stolen.
    Tranquils is also terrible for support meepo in pubs. This is because when you build tranquils, your hp stays at that shitty 700-800 till 30th min+ which is when you get aghs. You're gonna get bursted right down every time a fight occurs if the enemy isnt terrible.

    Especially if u build blink first (which I'm not a fan of at all), u put urself in the middle of a fight, you want some HP to tank, to make enemies go like, "fuck, this meepo has over 1k HP, do we focus down this meepo or other supports first"

    -Aura items (vlads/mek/AC)
    Aura items will make meepo permanently weak. You walk around with 1k HP, you're gna die in every teamfight late game.
    But if u get scepter, every meepo is considerably tanky, and one 4-5x poof can turn the fight and the game around.
    Meepo should be stacking STATS. Every plus stat = 5 plus stats. It's a crazy fact and it's even crazier that there are people who would
    still build aura items over stats.

    I almost always build skadi over heart. Remember that Heart + Eblade gives less +stats than 2 Skadis (which is why stacking skadis isnt terrible). Anyway back to heart vs skadi; strength wise, heart gives +40 while skadi gives +25. However, skadi also has +25 agility which translates into 3.5 armor. That's quite substantial. Then you add in the 35% attack speed slow from Skadi. So, defense wise, it's almost as good as heart, if not better in certain situations.

    Skadi also gives +25 agility. +25. That's 25 * 5 = 125 more dps AND a MUCH FASTER atk speed. You deal SO MUCH MORE DMG.

    alright so i guess i'll end it here for now; might add some more later.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      is this a troll


        yea this is definitely a troll


          i thought u go pms mid into bottle


            oh hey murs how u doing

              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
              bum farto

                Trolling or not Devilish is a massively good Meepo player.


                  wtf wrong with poof at lvl 1?
                  you can last hit with poof


                    but this >ask for 1 tango and walk out with no items, buy bottle when u have 650 gold (should be before creeps meet)
                    looks stupid but I think can work idk not playing mapo


                      Its generally better to have poof at level 1 because it allows you to get cs you normally wouldnt, i.e. tinker laser.

                      What you don't want is to level it up and go to lane, as you may have fb opportunity or save yourself from same with net.


                        why is your slark winrate 45%


                          i dont play meepo but cant you poof level 1 , level 2 save skill point, level 3 add ulti + level 2 poof?

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            ^ You can, but Meepo's spells have a lot of value point, so you want level 1 of each asap really.



                              me and devilish hanging around yesterday


                                what about the random points in geostrike then? isnt rank 2/3 net more crucial since you can net out of night vision. vs geokstrike which doesnt seem to have anything special from level 1 rank apart from maybe canceling bottle/salve sips (guessing).

                                just curious.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Even a little bit of slow will help you outrun the enemy and attack-move them to death. I don't know though, I still see a lot of people skipping it even till level 10 which I don't find ideal, even though I don't play Meepo.


                                    Dude you open a post for totaly question my build from the last thread.

                                    I'm so fucking horny dude, let's make sex.

                                    But being serius, i'm playng in ALMOST 3k mmr pubs so i can't say if it's good or not. But the skadii build it's by N0Tail and other professionals meepo. So what can i say, i will try the build someday vs bots.

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      the slow is very underrated. Especially when playing with a laning partner getting points in your slow is very important. The damage scales also decently and helps you harras extremely well. You will find players like 'Notail' skilling geo over net (usually only 1 point in net).

                                      best item on support meepo, it gives you insane roaming potential. Usually in combination with a fast Blink. That combination gives you a very nice pick off potential.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        i only put geostrike at 6 so i can have 3 points in poof at lvl 5 and clear jungle stacks


                                          wat the fuck

                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                            Why so many DB haters? This guy is singlehandely one of the strongest ursa players for a time.


                                              whos hatin


                                                lol for those of you who think i might be trolling, im curious as to why.


                                                  devilish could you explain ur skill builds abit more


                                                    Have not watched a single Meepo game of yours but by what others say, you are really good.
                                                    I play a good amount of Meepo in the past and stopped during a bad losing streak.
                                                    My question is, do you, for the most part of the game, inititate with dagger? Or do you just walk straight to the clash to get the full potential damage of Poof?

                                                    PS: I do initiate, ALWAYS. That's why i get dead first in clash. LOL

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      1.any tips on players who are not used to micro?
                                             on positioning with meepawn?

                                                      I really want to learn this guy.


                                                        @bill I initiate with dagger. It's important to jump in to a crucial spot to kill their core hero, or 2 supports immediately. Don't always be the one to initiate.

                                                        1. microing tips are on of the secrets i share in my coaching lessons
                                                        2. positioning wise... try to jump in as a counter initiation - that's usually the best time to go in.


                                                          Thanks tho for the reply.


                                                            Thanks brah. Will be trying your bottle PT build soon. Btw, do you build mek as your core?

                                                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                no mek, mek's bad. tell ur supports to build it. Just get aghs man its so good omg.

                                                                @tacos ctrl+click from bottle to heal clones. ez regen

                                                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                    yes indeed, but i still keep it sometimes to store DD. It's game winning shit right there.

                                                                    But yeah bottle is mainly for the first 10 or so mins when there are 2 meepos.


                                                                      Srsly, Mek is bad for Meepwn?

                                                                      PS: Im playing at SEA Server too, hoping to play with you sometime, brah.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                        yeah both mek and vlad are trash items on meepo wtf dont you understand. unless you mplay support


                                                                          Didn't we all rushed Mek on Meepawn once in our life? After the Aghs buff, that's when we all trashed the idea. Rush Mek is not a bad first item nonetheless, imo.


                                                                            how many times guys, meepo with MEK+VLADS=WE LOST BOYS.


                                                                              devilish how many people signed up for ur coaching services so far


                                                                                i havent been really keeping track, but it's at least 20 people.


                                                                                  Just visited your site. Went crazy after seeing your winning streak with the same items again and again.
                                                                                  PT Dag Aghs and Manta. I might be spending more time this weekend trying your build.