General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion

    Skill Build:

    4-4-0-1 or 4-3-1-1 by level 9

    I used to max desolate before dagger, but that means your chasing power is limited and you have to rely on someone else providing stuns/additional slow (unless you buy an orb of venom).


    I've been thinking about this, and there's one item that pretty much patches Spec's main problem (lack of regen) in between fights.

    Basically there are 2 ways to play spec : Rush treads + radiance and then manta/refresher/heart/butterfly in any order, or go phase/drums then the big damage/survivability items. The first is only viable in a free/relatively uncontested lane, and the second is what you're going to do 90% of the time in solo queue. But, despite all this, I had this feeling that "something" was missing.

    That something is the regen itself. Once you haunt in to join a fight, get a kill here or there, and then tp back to a lane to farm, you have already exhausted most of your mana. (I won't do calculations, but anyone with slightest in-game experience should be aware of this)

    Urn is literally the stone that kills two birds.

    Compared to other potential regen:

    ~ Vlads: Pretty bad, as Spec's right click is weak and none of her abilities synergize.
    ~ Perseverance: Buildup is awful, Spec won't build linkens in 95% of games and refresher shouldn't be gotten without radiance except in very rare cases. (Hood is 10x better compared to Linkens against Doom if that's what you're afraid of)
    ~ Bottle: No
    ~ Soul ring: No

    So really, the only alternative to urn is to port salves/clarities unless you want to make excessive fountain trips.

    Vanguard is really bad, so it's out of the question.

    I'm also pretty sure AC is underrated due to Spec's subpar starting armor and low agi gain, and is rarely built because it's not on Valve's suggested items list, but first things first.


      i think ive seen some games by 6k carry where he goes roh into radiance rfo.
      a former professional player from china has also said mek spec is pretty good.


        It's pretty absurd how Void's timewalk is 10x better for ganking and escaping purposes and that ability originally cost 120 mana (now 90), while a dagger at level 1 consumes about 2/3 of Spec's mana pool, even though the damage is shit and it's not even as good as PA's slow, which has 2 second downtime.

        BIG FAT DUCK

          I invite you to try that, but most likely you'll end up facing an offlaner like timber/phoenix and will get crushed because your supports are too busy being useless. And if you somehow manage to get those items, your team won without you for the first 15 minutes.

          Mek on Spec has a pretty low win rate (lower than vanguard while being the same price) according to dotabuff, most likely because 150 mana to activate a heal on a hero with serious mana issues is a burden no matter how you look at it.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Wierd thiings I have seen on Spectre that have worked.


            one and half gun

              blade mail + urn is pretty good from what ive heard

              i dont like meka because mana issues which something spectre already suffers from


                i'd say refresher is pretty mainstream


                  do u guys think aquilas any good for her

                  Dire Wolf

                    Vanguard is not really bad. It's pretty good depending on enemy team. Blocking dmg is as good as not taking it in the first place and it has hp regen.

                    I would def spec 4/3/1/1. That 1 point in dispersion is 11% more effective hp. Pretty big. Points after that only increase it by about 5% so first point is the biggest. 15 more dmg in desolate probably isn't going to change the outcome of any of your ganks.

                    Spectre does have big mana/hp regen issues. But I guess the idea is farm in lane, then ult into fights, then tp back to base. You don't have to tp into fights so you have it to tp back to base.

                    "do u guys think aquilas any good for her"

                    Yes, if you're not rushing radiance. Aquila + drums is a lot of stats.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      yeah urn and blademail is the shit, i agree :smile:

                      one and half gun

                        aquilas good if u dont have nukes against you but i wouldn't buy it on spectre.
                        i used to buy aquila when i offlaned with ta


                          Vanguard is good if you can farm in in about 5-8 minutes and if you're going to actually use it. I have seen people going urn/orb of venom into Vanguard and it's actually decently effective as long as you plan on building into something bigger later game.

                          BIG FAT DUCK

                            Vanguard is only good if you intend on baiting all their stuns and nukes (CCM.Zhou did this back in 2009) while your team has good counter-initiation. You'll likely be left with 10% hp, while their team just exhausted all their teamfight AOE. If you die with Vanguard 15 minutes in then nothing would save you and you're better off farming for some big item.

                            For offensive purposes it's worse than drums, and for the same price you can buy a sange which gives more HP, better buildup, and can be used to make SnY (probably the best transition item for Spec) or halberd (situational).

                            I really have yet to see anyone use vanguard effectively on Spec.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              no radiance, and no need drum.

                              pms wand (eventually urn) diffu --> you win already all teamfight.

                              Blademail is fucking useless, where do the damage comes, if the #1 don't do them ?????? Blademail has never been good on the main carry and will conceptually never be good, as long as we don't fall in a no carry meta (which we might fall if supports continue to get that stream of undiserved buff)
                              Contrary to radiance, which help to farm, and bring decent damage on ult (diffu does almost as good) or drum that help you farming in more exposed lane/ play more agressivly, blademail bring nothing. (I'm not supporting those item, but they are at least helping spectre on its weakness. I personnaly prefer to play on it's streng, but solving one or the other side is what we have to do)

                              So, WHY are you willing to buy an item that bring nothing to the gameplay of spectre ?
                              Should you also build tarasque + blademail antimage ? it's conceptually better on him, blink in, put blademail on, when it's over, you can blink out. Note to mention that you'll never want to build an item, on a hero people are already trying to kite.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              one and half gun

                                blade mails awesome against skywrath, sand kings and stuff like that


                                  IMO you should always get a radiance. She starts to be a threat when she zones out supports in fights due to radiance's burn. It also helps you pushing (something spec is really bad at) and speeds up your farm a lot. Even if it's a late radiance (25m) it's still worth it on her.
                                  Vanguard can be a situational pickup, however I think you have enough regen to stay in lane and switch to jungle with a RoH (which can be built into a refresher later).
                                  Urn is good, gives her all she needs. However I prefer RoA, mana regen is enough most of the times, stats are better than urn's and helps you pushing.
                                  I don't like drums on her, although she benefits a lot from the stats.
                                  I think Phase > PT on spectre. The speed boost is way too big for her and, while she benefits from tread swapping, the as is wasted since most of your damage comes from ult and dispersion.
                                  IMO, Brown Boots/Phase+RoA+RoH into Radiance is the way to go most of the times. You have enough mana and health regen to stay in lane/jungle and joing to fights as well as decent stats.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    What about skadi? Pretty amazing item on spec. Going diffusal prevents that. If you go vanguard, radiance, skaid gg no ones going to kill you and you'll slowly burn em down.


                                      u can adjust ur slots and still get diffu skadi to work it hink

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        You can't get the mana burn and the debuff, you can probably get the skadi stats and mana burn.


                                          You can get slow on main, and mana burn on illu if you place well in your inventory
                                          (aka diffu in top left slot but before so you dropped diffu bought skady and then took back diffu in inventory)


                                            PT, urn, drums/aquila sound like a good idea, plenty of mana, good ganking potential and plenty of regen. Farming radiance quick might still be a better strategy though if you're given free farm.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Oh that might be the way to go then diffusal then skadi.


                                                the inventory order shouldn't matter, it's just whichever has been in the inventory longest.

                                                if you have skadi first, then your main hero has the slow, and illusions have feedback, because illusions cannot use skadi modifier

                                                edit: nvm, matrice is right.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Butterfly seems like it would be a sick item on spectre, giving illusions attack speed and dmg, but most people just go for hp over avoidance on spectre. Illusion up time might not be enough to be worth it. What about diffusal then butterfly? Too glass cannon for spec?


                                                    because dispersion damage is based on damage you take. if you completely avoid damage with evasion then you don't disperse any.

                                                    also HP works against all types of damage, whereas evasion only works vs physical.

                                                    so even though you may have similar EHP to skadi with butterfly, your total damage dispersed would be lower, and in return skadi gives only 5 less agi compared to butterfly.


                                                      I can explain it further though, you drop diffu, so when you get skady, skady is there before diffu, thus it use skady
                                                      But when illusion are created, item slot are empty, at the very first 'tic" and then filled in order of inventory, so if diffusal is in top left slot, it will always be the first item aquired by the illusion (and bottom right the last one)

                                                      Didn't tested if it's 789456 or 748596 though

                                                      Butter is fine of spectre, especially if you build diffu build and not radiance build.
                                                      diffu manta butter tarasque travel and then skady/abyssal/butter/refresher/hex (i prefer abyssal over skady and abyssal butter refresher are my 3 prefered over those 5 for the last slot of my inventory)

                                                      that's my end game build

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        i get how attack modifier priority works for heroes, but not illusions.

                                                        the one time i got skadi and diffusal on pl, i had skadi in the last slot, which is why my illus had mana burn in that game, but i thought it would automatically use it, because illusions cannot use the skadi slow


                                                          thanks for the info btw


                                                            What do you think about getting Satanic on Spectre? I keep bringing up this awesome synergy question again and again.


                                                              ^ Seems legit to me if you build it as one of the later items and can survive to heal up. The real question is: Is it better than other pick-ups on Spectre?


                                                                @ matrice with the PMS, wand, urn, deffusal build, do you buy a OoV and/or QB early, also do you always go powers, or are there times when you would go phase or brown boots into travels?

                                                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                  If you go Urn and Wand as matrice suggested instead of drums, I would get Treads instead, to offset the stats loss. With smart tread switching you can have additional mana/hp/attack speed + dmg at any given moment.

                                                                  And I have to agree with what he said about Blademail, it's not a very good item on core heroes in general. Yes, if SWM drops an ulti on you while your blademail is on, he is going to die, but you lose upwards of 70% of your HP eating the whole ult, and I didn't even include damage from other sources.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    yeah drums sucks!! get yasha!

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