General Discussion

General DiscussionCrystal Maiden Tips

Crystal Maiden Tips in General Discussion

    I want to learn Crystal Maiden can anyone help me?




        Okay... any hero suggestion then?


          frost bite does 2/3/3/4 ticks so skill accordingly


            ta razor slark krobelus


              *tips fedora*



                I am quite successful with her, I avoid tranquill boots because they're kinda selfish.
                With CM I always go full suppot, wards are my firs priority, and I spend all my time helping the hard carry (Void, Spectre etc.)

                I max Arcane Aura:
                0 1 0 0
                0 1 2 0
                1 1 3 0
                1 1 4 1
                1 2 4 1
                4 2 4 2
                4 4 4 3

                Being at the right position at the right time is very important, going too deep will get you killed in seconds, hide behind your team and cast spells.
                Casting your ultimate is easy, and its very powerful. Make sure you have enough mana for it after you cast your spells. (this is why I get Arcane Boots)

                Btw, cm can jungle with frostbite.
                If you're winning your 3 lane safe lane, you can jungle, the other support can pull, and the carry can farm...

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                  Go mid, win mid, get mom basher.


                    You can cast Q just a tip in front of yourself to slow enemies behind you withouth turning around.

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