General Discussion

General DiscussionHalp pls

Halp pls in General Discussion

    So whenever i play invoker for whatever reason i seem to win my lane gank other lanes and then the game turns terribly example: clinkz is 7-3 and decides that he wants to build crystalis when there is a Lina and Bane on the other team who instantly stunlock and kill him i even ganked both lanes for successful kills but the majority of the time teammates seem to go in at the wrong times or poor item choices leading to a loss. This for whatever reason tends to happen when i play mid but I'm just wondering if im doing something wrong because i usually have 3-4 assists after laning and maybe 1-2 kills because of ganking i feel like i've made presence in the game and have helped my teamates but for whatever reason i dont feel like im doing a whole lot when it comes to the mid game

    I play him Quas-Wex going for euls and Aghs then either Scythe Linkens or even drums (before euls) anything situational really. Just wanting some help because i really like invoker and feel i do well with him but for some reason we seem to lose later in the game.


      My usual combo is Tornado EMP meteor followed by either blast coldsnap a priority target or alacrity whichever i can do easiest at that moment. I feel i'm playing him correctly but obviously not flawlessly can someone give me some tips please?

      I couldnt edit my main post for some reason.


        Well try orchid when playing quas-wex, when you want to build a euls go for exort-quas build

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