General Discussion

General DiscussionDo i deserve all these n00b teammates who only feed and pick techies ...

Do i deserve all these n00b teammates who only feed and pick techies placing bombs on a lane while everyteamfight was in the mid ? in General Discussion

    Yes, cause i made this post and my grandpa was a slavetrader, gg wp the minority chinigger in my team as premade everytime.



      > normal skill


        > Normal Matchmaking


          this techies must be noob, u must place mines in enemy jungle while your team gets anal raped.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Litteraly no one replay saw and just judging gud.


              Yes, you do deserve them.

              Next question.


                ^What he said


                  Idk but k


                    jungling lifestealer i assume

                    when you're in 3k just admit you're bad, and so are your teammates. you can't rely on them to help you because they're bad, so the best way to win is to improve your own skills


                      Pick tinker


                        Androgynous, do you still don't see the replay and want talk about ? Please i have no needs about shitposting.
                        It's like i pick a your game without see nothing and pretending to know how it goes. What you think ? i died with creeps or what ?

                        Just, please.

                        one and half gun

                          another 3k mmr problem thread

                          one and half gun

                            fucking imbeciles die


                              Is this a smurf that ended up in Normal Skill after 30 games? What is this? o.O


                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) huesos


                                  You keep referring to "the replay," except you asked a general question about whether or not you deserve bad teammates without even linking to a specific game.

                                  In short: you're bad, your attitude is bad, and you deserve to play with bads.


                                    short answer: yes

                                    long answer: you dont deserve a long answer any more than you deserve better teammates


                                      i dont need to, but since im bored, i'll entertain your delusions of skill

                                      the lifestealer game, i assumed correct. you did jungle him right off the bat. jungle lifestealer is greedy as shit and it's not even fast either, so unless you want to purposely gimp your team for 20 minutes, pick someone better like enigma who is faster and can actually contribute early on.

                                      the other medium camp had the alpha wolves which would have given you lv 2 after you completed them, and even though im not advocating lifestealer jungling, the least you can do to make it less shitty (but still shitty regardless) is choke point jungling, which you didn't do. if you don't know what choke point jungling is, kill yourself

                                      good job getting first blooded too.

                                      after the courier snipe which left you low because apparently 64 damage is enough to kill a 75 courier in 1 hit, instead of getting some free hp by pulling the small camp so that your creeps hit you do the medium camp and also dont use open wounds despite being on full mana, wasting passive mana regen.

                                      for the game you're bitching about in your original post i assume its the jugg game

                                      crit at lvs 2 and 4 on juggernaut is retarded. for crits to be good you either need attack speed to proc them reliably, or insanely high damage so that when you get lucky, you hit really hard. juggernaut has neither trait at lv 2 or 4, so it's better to get healing ward for stronger lane presence, and you can also push early especially if you have a basilius too.

                                      some people get one point into stats so that with +2 int or higher from stat items , you can perform a spin + ult combo at full mana when you are level 6. personally i prefer soul ring which lets me get 2 into healing ward and still have mana to ult and spin at 6, but I digress. your skill build is shit no matter how you look at it.

                                      your item build is shit, you should get a drum because juggernaut is a carry who can and should be fighting early instead of being passive for the first 20 minutes of the game. drum is one of the best items for fighting early, along with mek (although not on juggernaut). vlads is alright for pushing early too.

                                      good creep block

                                      having 2 extra stats is clearly better than having 400 extra hp of a salve, you obviously don't need that salve to stay in lane because you'll have healing ward. oh wait

                                      nice job zoning the solo offlane pudge out of the lane. it's not like he's really slow and entirely based on magical damage, which you have immunity to for 5 seconds.

                                      has 900g, doesn't sell branches to make room for boots and oov to kill the pudge. that is fucking stingy and stupid because oov would have paid for itself already.

                                      yeah lets get magic wand against pudge, he has many spammable spells that don't cost half of his mana pool

                                      pudge is notable for his right click damage in the early game, better get yourself a poor mans shield for his rot, instead of a basilius to push the lane when you kill him, and the huge mana regen so that you can force him out of the lanewith spin or heal yourself while trading hits.

                                      instead of aggressively denying your own creeps when the lane is pushing in, running back and forth is clearly the better way to control the lane.

                                      oh no, lina came into my lane, i'd better run into my own jungle for no reason. it's not like juggernaut can block all her damage

                                      pudge gets away in the top lane skirmish but instead of getting last hits in lane, you decide for whatever reason, to fucking chase him even though you have no mana and your spells have already been used. good job, very efficient usage of your time.

                                      2 of your teammates are farming bottom, so instead of doing the smart thing and farming the empty mid lane, you decide to go bottom. good work.

                                      your team ends up losing the fight at 16 mins because you think a 700 damage spin is enough to kill a lion who has a 750 hp, so omnislash goes unused

                                      17 mins into the game you have less than 300 gpm on a carry. despite multiple opportunities where the lanes are free to farm but you don't have a tp scroll.

                                      says "could you report techies we are actually playing 4v5"
                                      dont fucking kid yourself, you're equally part of the problem as your teammates are.

                                      your teammates are bad but they're not the reason you're 3k mmr, so go fuck yourself.


                                        i may be 4k trash but at least i know why im 4k trash


                                          Relentless is that you? :D



                                            why do i get that question so many times

                                            Quick maffs

                                              How can you not be 5 k andro


                                                >good job getting first blooded too.

                                                Invisible rune + no help from the lane when veno got lvl 1 Q to slow pudge + no minimap watching skill and it's my bad.

                                                >take a point of a guardian in a lane which i'm dominating

                                                Cool story bro, but i need mana and i took brenchies for stick for have enough mana for Q + Ulti

                                                >Whininh about the stick

                                                It's usefull later too anyway, so much people with so much spells recharge the stick so much fast.

                                                >Why you went bot

                                                I was sure about there would be a teamfight there. Cause they were pushing and we can't see them so if they don't giving free the tower they would fight

                                                >17 min low gpm

                                                The game was over at 10, but don't let's talk about i made my stack tryng to farm faster when i can't have a scroll for tp in empity lane cause they were fighting 3vs5 beacouse techiens NEVER helped. So think about this. Would be better if techies go brain afk and i go brain afk too in jungle while they destroyng all winning easy teamfights OR at last try to help ? I made my choices, if they are bad, what a shame.


                                                  Then what a shame.


                                                    >I was sure there woudl be a teamfight there. Cause they were pushing and we can't see them so if they aren't* giving the tower for free they would fight

                                                    Tp in when the fight breaks out. That's something im working on myself.


                                                      Better too early then too late, they would start at any moment beacouse enemy outnumber my ally and have a lot of stuns.

                                                      But situations anyway.

                                                      Low Expectations

                                                        You get fb cuz ur stupid as shit, in jungle you have literally nothing to fucking watch out for at least you can fucking count how many people are visible on the fucking map.


                                                          @Androgynous: No idea why you get confused with Relentless; you don't type like him. He cared more about spelling and grammar. You do give long, detailed, accurate replies though.


                                                            1. you saw him go invis, and you should have sat on top of the rune spot
                                                            2. you shouldn't have picked such a shitty jungler that gets low on HP in the first place
                                                            3. if you were a jungler that has summons and you also got the wolves which would have given you lv 2, then you'd be able to have 2 abilities
                                                            4. if you picked a proper jungle hero you wouldn't have gotten low on HP anyways

                                                            e.g. if you were enigma you'd have malefice to stun pudge to give time to get out of rot range. if you were prophet you can simply teleport out

                                                            > no help from the lane
                                                            you're flaming your teammates for being shit at the game. if they are shit at the game, why are you expecting them to save you? surely they would lack the ability to do so.

                                                            > but don't let's talk about i made my stack tryng to farm faster
                                                            what the hell does this even mean

                                                            > when i can't have a scroll for tp in empity lane cause they were fighting 3vs5 beacouse techiens NEVER helped
                                                            thats not an excuse. always have a TP. the reason you didn't have TPs is because you simply didn't buy them often enough, not because you were using them frequently.

                                                            > take a point of a guardian in a lane which i'm dominating

                                                            HAHA, NO YOU FUCKING WERENT. you missed so many last hits because you were sitting too far back from the creep wave, all because the pudge was next to the creeps. secondly pudge is not a good offlane hero so right off the bat you should have forced him out of lane to heal or go back to base which you never did.

                                                            secondly, healing ward lets you dominate the lane FURTHER by making you harder to force out of the lane. what idiot is going to trade hits with a juggernaut healing 10 HP per second? no one, they're gonna back the fuck out of the lane for 25 seconds until that ward has ran out. plus it has other uses, such as for helping push, or healing your teammates when they're fighting early, which they were.

                                                            it doesn't matter whether you don't need it in lane. when you are levels 1-10 you are better off having points into healing ward than crit even if you don't use the ward often, the times that you do use it, it will save you and your team. the crit chance does not make a difference because you don't attack quickly anyway.

                                                            if you want to argue that your build was good, I say fuck you, and

                                                            77% winrate in professional games and you're telling me he's wrong.

                                                            > Cool story bro, but i need mana and i took brenchies for stick for have enough mana for Q + Ulti

                                                            a level 6 jugg has 14 starting int and 6 levels of int gain at 1.4 per level, so 8.4 > 8
                                                            22 int = 286 mana
                                                            so you only need 24 mana or 2 int to be able to ult. my bad. so you either need one level in stats or 2 branches, not both. or a stick (not a wand which is less cost effective) with 2 charges

                                                            you didn't need the wand because you didn't use your ult + spin combo at level 6 anyway, so having those branches in your inventory instead of having the courier bring them to you did not benefit you and infact negatively impacted you because you're a stingy shit who doesn't sell branches to make space for boots. even if you sold 1 branch you'd still have enough mana at 6 for the combo you never used, and pre 6, you would have gotten a kill on the pudge had you gotten oov + boots.

                                                            > Whining about the stick
                                                            so get it later then. you don't seem to understand the importance of timing windows in the early game, this is literally trying to educate a retard. by having the wand too early that meant you didn't have a better item that would have benefitted you more, considering you gained nothing from having the wand that early.

                                                            stop making excuses.

                                                            > I was sure about there would be a teamfight there

                                                            that's why you carry teleports, so you don't waste farm on the map while also being able to fight at any given moment. this is why prophet is a strong hero, because he can always be farming yet still join every fight whenever he is needed. bad players will not farm well in downtime where there is no fighting going on, hence why prophet gets comparatively good gpm in your shit bracket

                                                            >The game was over at 10

                                                            because of your shit item choices, your shit skill build, your shitty laning skills and your shitty negativity.

                                                            > i go brain afk too in jungle

                                                            you're a shit player because you can't balance farming and fighting. a good player will join fights when he is needed but will not waste potential farming time sitting in lane when there is not a fight happening.

                                                            > Better too early then too late,

                                                            no it isn't. you lose out on farming time and therefore you don't have the items required to win the fight even if you arrived early to it. even if you arrive early to a fight, then what? how are you going to stop the enemy from bursting down your teammates when you don't have healing ward or a disable.

                                                            playing into your delusions is boring me now. you're shit, admit that you're shit and then maybe you'll get better once you realise that it's not your teammates who need to play better for your mmr to rise.


                                                              >1. you saw him go invis, and you should have sat on top of the rune spot
                                                              Yeah okay, that was i my bad, i was thinking about he go to gank sky who it's much easyer to kill and his lane was pushed.

                                                              >2. you shouldn't have picked such a shitty jungler that gets low on HP in the first place
                                                              Why not, cause the no ss call of my lane it's a my bad ?

                                                              >4. if you picked a proper jungle hero you wouldn't have gotten low on HP anyways
                                                              Low hp isn't such a bad thing when you are prepared to expect enemy by warding+ss

                                                              >you're flaming your teammates for being shit at the game. if they are shit at the game, why are you expecting them to save you? surely they would lack the ability to do so.
                                                              Beacouse i expect they are at the same level, so not retard who can't use minimap.

                                                              >what the hell does this even mean
                                                              About GMP

                                                              >thats not an excuse. always have a TP. the reason you didn't have TPs is because you simply didn't buy them often enough, not because you were using them frequently.
                                                              Okay that's a good point, i don't remember at perfection that game, but it's a truth who i don't buy often as i should tp.

                                                              Using the guardian in lane means who creeps get healed, so the lane will push.

                                                              Yeah dude, very fair link a competitive player who play like a team with his team (sound funny to me) who can maximize the usage of his spell.

                                                              >The combo
                                                              If you saw the game, you know why i didn't combo.

                                                              Btw i will try to change my plays with jugg then.


                                                                What is Smoke MrSkeletan?

                                                                So..........wards must be infallible.


                                                                  Not so much people buy wards, even less buy smokes. But it's like "Hey dude i don't use the preservative cause isn't infallible cause i can break it up". Enjoi the aids nigger.

                                                                  waku waku

                                                                    i just played techies for the first time and i did not like it, it's like too team reliant if the enemy team gets a gem or you can't manage to steamroll everyone in the beginning


                                                                      Someone seems salty about calibrating a smurf to normal.

                                                                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          short answer yes

                                                                          long answer rofl ur so fucking bad uninstall life


                                                                            quick thought: who the fuck is MrSkeletan ?