General Discussion

General DiscussionGanking with Enigma

Ganking with Enigma in General Discussion

    Hey guys, was wondering if the enigma players start ganking at level 4 (2 points in malefice and conversion) or prioritize getting a fast mek (2 points in conversion, 1 pulse, 1 malefice).

    Now the answer could depend on how the game is going but has anyone had better luck with 1 method or should you just simply wait for black hole to gank at 6 if an opportunity presents itself?

    Would appreciate any good enigma match ids! Thanks


      You can gank at level 4 for but ideally you would need to buy smoke, where? I would always recommend ganking mid as there is a higher chance of succeeding the gank.


        You should farm til 6 unless an easy gank opportunity shows off (i.e: Enemy offlaner is overextending or stupid dives), you need that mek asap.

        as for match ids, have some aui_2000: (some matches are from tournaments, so you'll need tickets to watch them)


          Yeah usually you just get 6 asap, go to the safelane, and solo blackhole someone for a kill. You can go ganking at 4 if you want though. Malefice lvl 2 is usually good enough to net a kill if anyone else in that lane has lockdown.

          Sōu ka

            that's not how dota works
            people don't play pure junglers anymore
            the way it works is that while you are technically occupying the jungle the offlaner ( sometimes the mid player, too) should play is if you were about to gank him all game
            if the enemy plays back all game then you don't gank him at all (sometimes you can smoke and gank between t1 and t2 towers)

            obviously you have to take wards and smokes into consideration as well as if you can actually kill the hero/send him back to the well or push the tower after rotating
            you don't forcefully run at heroes that aren't even gaining any gold or experience

            that goes for any hero thats ganking
            if your opponent is staying back and or 5 manning all game you don't have to gank at all even if you play a "ganker" as long as you're getting something out of it


              Thanks for comments. Yes I guess best idea is to just see how the game is going and make a move depending on kill potential/positioning.

              Satellizer: Thanks for ids but unfortunately the replays expired :(

              one and half gun

                ur so good at dota sou ka

                Sōu ka

                  fuck you i havent played dota for fucking 5 months or some shit and all games yesterday were fucking aids

                  one and half gun

                    i wa snt flaming u, i was the one fake nicking "Fata-" LOL

                    i unmuted team chat just to see what ppl were saying and you seemed to never give up.

                    one and half gun

                      by never giving up, i mean encouraging others to continue playing

                      Sōu ka

                        i knew who you were thats why im referring to yesterdays games
                        and i gave up really early when our nyxx fucking went crystalis first item and cried all game
                        doesnt mean that im saying that in teamchat or stop playing

                        one and half gun

                          yeah i was more concerned about the 4k instapicking lina but the nyx was awful, my sanity was drained so thats why i mass bought couriers for the game to end lmao

                          how did he steal ur boots and stick

                          Sōu ka

                            i had a bracer a stick and boots when the game ended and he complimented my farm
                            he was like hahaa stick +boots nice farm
                            he sold all his items then i kept putting my stick and boots on his hero (had enough gold to do that 3 times)
                            and spamming the same shit he did

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                            one and half gun

                              4ks are disgusting, i suggest playing with muted "all chat" since chat wheel is all you need in pubs lol

                              Sōu ka

                                i have a record of muting maybe 4 people in all my games
                                + when i mute them i cant tell them to stfu and play fucking dota and i'd feel like admitting defeat if i couldnt bear that little bullshit that they keep throwing at my head
                                i actually get distracted by shit more than i should but i can live with that
                                im actually thinking about starting to use my microphone to yell at people
                                that seems like a winning strategy

                                one and half gun

                                  lol did u flame me, i think i should have gone mkb instead of daed vs tb but i just wanted to kill jak, venom and puck instantly

                                  the slark was extremely questionable tho

                                  Quick maffs

                                    I really think mutting is the best way to win with this kind of retards in your team, if you keep insulting them or even wasting time reading their shit you cant focus as well as you would if you had mutted them.

                                    If you yell at them they will yell back, you cant focus as well if you participate in this little fights.

                                    Sōu ka

                                      the only person i said something about that game was the slark
                                      he was pushing the lane all the time so i couldnt zone the puck and then when the lane was back he let the ranged creeps stack again
                                      then he leaves the lane at 10 minutes with treads only and puck gets the t1 tower for free and has more net worth than slark when he should be fucking level 5 at most
                                      and i didnt really flame was more disappointed than anything

                                      i think crits better here even against tb
                                      if you dont crit him he wont die and inconsistent high damage is better again sunder

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