General Discussion

General DiscussionTips and feedback on Void

Tips and feedback on Void in General Discussion


    Lately I've been doing fairly well with Void, but I know he can do much more than what I can get out of him.

    I'm not some type of pro (2.8 solo, 2.3 party), so if someone with time and knowledge about void, who could look at some of my recent stats and give me feedback on builds and etc.

    When I play him I go duo offlane, because I never get the safelane.

    Thanks a lot


      Well ur item build its good abd u seem doing fine in ur bracket i cant tell anything before watching a replay or sth...

      Keep owning

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Idk, you stats seem pretty ok (farm, kda, build).

        Maybe you're killing too much and not taking objectives?


          You never built Bkb on Void. It's a must especially if they have Disables
          (Euls,Deafening Blast,Hex = Wasted Chrono)

          or Burst Damage
 (Mystic Flare + MoM = Daed Void)

          Other than that it's all good

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            Thanks a lot guys

            About the Magic Immunity thing, it's been a flaw in my game, I always ignore/underestimate Disables, thinking I can get 5 man chronos

            When do you think I should get my BKB on him? After Maelstrom and Crystalys, or before them?


              you can go mom > maelstrom > crit > bkb, or switch bkb and crit around if you feel like it's needed.

              Froge of Legend

                I know this sounds odd but i usually win on void with this build.
                -or midas first or after MOM
                -Battlefury... good for farming and damage good with the attack speed on MOM,
                -BKB can be anywhere on this list depending on your situation.

                I know this build sounds odd but it has won me my past games as void. Just try it out and see how it works for you.
                Hope this helps :)

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  Tips for void:

                  1) Don't chrono 1 hero only
                  2) Don't chrono allies if you can help it
                  3) Don't come to the fight late
                  4) Don't save allies who didn't follow the 'b' command.
                  5) Don't push until fully farmed


                    Void playstyle depends heavily on your team composition and what role you were playing. Also on a variety of other factors.

                    Times you want to play Faceless Void:
                    -The enemy is heavy melee or otherwise really wants to be in close for teamfights
                    -The enemy has weak lanes
                    -Your team is heavier on ranged heroes or heroes with abilities that work well with Chronosphere

                    Times you don't want to play Faceless Void:
                    -The enemy has strong lanes (or you have weak ones)
                    -Your team doesn't have at least two abilities that synergize really well with Chronosphere
                    -The enemy intends to push from minute 0
                    -The enemy is a bunch of supertanky heroes that you won't be able to kill in Chronosphere

                    Other considerations:

                    Did you get the safelane farm? Build a Midas; the faster levels really help you get to the lower CD on Chrono and the higher levels of Time Walk for better Chronos. If Midas is a bad item choice this game (the enemy has a really heavy push lineup) you probably shouldn't be playing safelane Void anyway. After Midas finish up your treads. At this point you can go Mask of Madness and run out to help your team, or if everything is incredibly passive *and* you have heroes that would benefit from it, build a Vlad's. With the attack speed from Midas *and* treads, MoM isn't as necessary as it is a non-Midas void. From there your item build is pretty situational, but you're probably going to want to go Maelstrom > BKB if they have disables > [Luxury Items of Choice]. Never forget about MKB, especially if you're up against heroes with evasion. (Chronosphere disables evasion on enemy heroes, but you're not always hitting people in Chronosphere). Butterfly is also a great item if the enemy has a lot of physical damage - it basically makes you an unkillable bashlord.

                    As a safelaner your basic playstyle once you hit 6 should be: go get a kill whenever Chronosphere is off cooldown, and try and transition the kill into a tower. The second you hit 6, if you have mana that offlaner should die, and unless there are TP rotations you should be able to push down his tower with the help of your support. From there, you should be finishing up your lifesteal item and can now jungle effectively. You'll be hanging out a lot in the jungle whenever the lane is too far up to farm safely, but when Chrono comes off cooldown go to another lane (whatever lane seems to need the help that you can win a fight at) and force a fight. This time the enemy is more likely to respond, so be prepared to run away after you get your Chronosphere kill. But if you won the teamfight, take the tower and go back to farming. Rinse and repeat until you've taken all the Tier 1 towers. From there you can look to T2s to secure the enemy jungle or Roshan to head high ground.

                    Your skill build is probably going to be Time Walk > Time Lock > Time Lock > Backtrack > Time Lock > Chronosphere > Time Lock > Time Walk > Time Walk > Whatever. Maxing Time Lock early is crucial to getting damage out of Chronosphere, and you want at least 2 points in Time Walk to have any hope of landing a decent one, with 3 being preferable. The first point of Backtrack is the most valuable (it gives 10% evasion; the other points only give 5%), and you don't need it in lane unless you're having to play really defensively.

                    Were you a solo offlane Void? If you got a 1v1 matchup and did really well, congrats! You can still consider Midas and the above build, but you'll probably just be going straight Treads/MoM/Maelstrom. If you did poorly in lane (the enemy had a trilane, or the 1v1 was unfavorable) then you're probably just Treads/MoM, and from there extending into Maelstrom+Damage items (if your team doesn't have other physical damage core heroes) or Aghanim's (if your team has a bunch of wombo combo bullshit and just needs you to land Chronos all the time).

                    Your playstyle varies a lot, but basically you want to be running around actively searching for opportunities to stop time and whack people to death. At the same time, your skill build is probably a lot more defensive and you're lower level, so your solo kill potential isn't that great. Try and find a buddy (like a Skywrath or something) and get him to follow you to mid or somewhere there's a relatively high level enemy hero, and just drop some wombo combo bullshit on them. The kill will matter a whole lot (he's dead for a long time and you all got a lot of exp), and at that point you can go jungle until you finish your lifesteal item.

                    Were you a jungle Void? Uninstall.

                    Hope that helps...until they nerf Void in the next patch.


                      press r and use your right click mouse button
                      OPTIONAL: buy mom and press 1 more button (advanced users only)

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