General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is smufing bad

why is smufing bad in General Discussion

    curious to know why people dislike smurfs so much


      Lesser skilled players don't like it when they get stomped hard by someone obviously a lot more skilled than them.

      If the smurf gets above his actual MMR, higher skilled people cry about the useless completely unskilled buffon who ruins their game by making it a 4v6.

      I think that's it.

      one and half gun

        how do u smurf in dota when theres smurf detection zano

        one and half gun

          a lot of russians use the term "smurf" to describe bad players on high mmr accs however

          when i say acc buyer, they refer to them as "smurfs" for some hilarious reason even tho ive seen russians say "ebani acc buyeri((((("

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Because it represents the desperation of people who think they are higher skilled than their bracket so they make a new account but in the they get the same MMR so all they did was ruining new people's games.

            King of Low Prio

              Sam#2 they also calibrate slightly higher and end up fucking up matches while they drop, they wont go from 3k to 5k but even 3-4k and 4-5k (if they know how to smurf correctly)

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                one and half gun

                  idk, there are different ways to smurf like 5 stacking in russia unranked to avoid facing stacks or obscure game modes that nobody plays which puts you against bots/bad players

                  heres my smurf thats almost 6k and u can see how i stomp everyone lol

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                    King of Low Prio

                      you know your argument is fucked when you use the phrase "keep in mind that as wave said,"

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                        King of Low Prio

                          it is pretty easy to manipulate your calibration. MM system works AFTER calibration

                          one and half gun

                            207 ranked mm with 56% winrate is "manipulating calibration"

                            can you just stfu

                            one and half gun

                              High Skill

                              King of Low Prio

                                Somehow he got bored playing tinker and void every game only after calibration ended /rollseyes.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I tanked this accounts MM before I moved and havnt had a chance to play any dota since classes started


                                  clearly the antismurf does not put everyone into VH.......I must be great wave right?

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    and before u cry about high on that account, they only line up when I play with Gustaphos who is fairly low party MM

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I random every game on that alt account and throw and it still automatically puts me in VH. Thats is how the antismurf works

                                      one and half gun

                                        High Skill

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          'This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings.'


                                            Wave, popusi mi kurac. Idiote jedan retardirani, iskompleksirani. Majku ti jebem retardiranu.

                                            Thanks. I said that I love him so much, and I'm so addicted to his amazing mmr.

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                                            one and half gun

                                              High Skill


                                                because they insta pick zeus and all they do is use ultimate whenever its off cooldown

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  wave your own retarded logic puts me in very high

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    if it was up to me

                                                    punish acc buyers
                                                    remove zeus/tinker from calibration
                                                    intentionally throwing (once is enough) will suspend you from matchmaking for 1 week

                                                    valve can implement this very easily thanks to overwatch bans but hey who needs that ( ͡° ͜V ͡°)


                                                      Jebao sam ti mater u high-skill mmr bracektu. :)) Pitaj je.



                                                        I don't know, tell me yourself since you are the one with "smurf" accounts.

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          i dont know what you want from me shred, i barely know you

                                                          idk im asking you, how do u smurf in ranked when theres calibration and smurf detection


                                                            Exchanging an account 2 to 3k points lowers than yours for rare items and shit probably. There are people desperate enough.

                                                            one and half gun

                                                              was that ever confirmed that new players in low bracket get items


                                                                @zano There is more to it :D


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                                                                Mr MAYHEM

                                                                  i believe smurfing is actualy useful, cause you will be matched with players better than you maybe you learn a thing or two , but it is a very very selfish thing to do because you will give your teammates a mate thats surely worse than them( you)

                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                    Why smurfs are bad.

                                                                    1) Create bigger trench for people who are at the bottom of their MMR, now they have to dig up from a bigger trench.

                                                                    2) Most smurfs hit their high already on their main account of low 5k or low 4k. Now they stuck at their true MMR which is like 3.5k or 2.8k etc... So making a new one will knock people down more, but they will eventually drop back down to their MMR. Essentially exploiting Valve's MMR placement system. So valve forced 50% could just give lucky people +300 MMR for no reason.

                                                                    3) By creating so many new accounts. I'd say 50+% of the new accounts created are just smurf accounts they are really just driving up better players and creating a bigger divide between 5k and 3k players. Just imagine all those inactive 2.5k-3.5k accounts that smurfs abandon every 3-6 months cuz it hit an estimated low. Just look at where more than 50% of accounts are inactive with an average of 3.7k mmr.

                                                                    4) Bypass bad behavior/LPQ/reports etc... We're all to familiar with muted players and banned accounts, they just make new ones. Just look at the ranked games. Rarely do you see players with a public profile or above 900 games played. Why should they play LPQ when they can just log in a new account or wait 7 day mute ban when they can log on their smurf acount?

                                                                    5) Too random in ranked play when there's too many unskilled or ranked players in unranked games. I think 6 months ago it wasn't this bad. Every 2-3 games you have have 1 or 2 TBD players. But now... Every game there's 2-3 TBD players. Sometimes they are really skilled like 4-5K smurfs sometimes they are 2.5k trash.

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      cant really expect logic from somebody who would first say "why smurfs are bad" with a history of saying "im 6k" when high skill is melted onto the persons dotabuff entirety

                                                                      at least u tried with a wall of text

                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                        maybe the last part of what you said is true, but i dont agree with "every game there is 2-3", change that to "1 tbd once a day"


                                                                          That is why I'm here to stop these smurfs.


                                                                            ^brb gonna play on a smurf


                                                                              ^ Only high skill? please I am talking about 4k+ mmr tinker, terrorblade, storm spirit, templar assassin smurfs, you won't meet me at that level.


                                                                                *very high skill, i got so many skill, very skill, every skill.

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