General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone pls

Can anyone pls in General Discussion

    explain skyrim to me and how to play it on computer, which game to buy? link? steam? scroll? i really dont get it...
    i found out its single player but also possible to play multiplayer? is it like GW2?

    and can it be compared to dota 2? in terms of greatness... anyway :p help`?

    Ego complex

      I played skyrim like 5 minutes, and it seems a bit dull, but that is maybe just due to the fact i played that short time.

      Oblivion, is fucking way better, trust me.

      It is way from dota 2, not a single thing in common. I'd rather say skyrim similar to WoW, but just SIMILAR ( don't say i said wow and skyrim is same ). Graphics are great ( you can mod it to be beyond real life ), there is really big open world to explore. You have few main quests, and gazillion side ones.

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        Its an open world RPG. You can not play Skyrim online to my knowledge. You start off as a prisoner in like all the games, then some event happens and you get a "get out of jail free card". You escape and have a quest given to you by some dude you have no idea who he is but you have a shit ton of responsibility being this prisoner and what not.

        You go out into X city and then have a shit ton of world to explore and do quests and shit or you can just roam around and kill people. There's a few guilds and shit and people talk alot so skip all that shit. Just get a sword and murder things. There's this race of robot people (Sort of like tinker except older) and they make machine stuff all mystical like. You have no idea how this shit works but that's not important. What is important is that there are dragons.

        You gotta like kill them and shit, rpg like. But dragons are buff as fuck, they must all have hearts of Tarrasque ( which is a dnd reference if you didnt know) or some shit. So you can either dick around and do jack shit or you can go farm creeps (Most likely villagers) and loot their stuff and sell it for gold.

        So after you have farmed for like 10 days or some shit because Skyrim dota is slow, then you can go talk to the dude and get quests and take your items and go fuck up dragons, because they aint shit once you get a claymore and your like lvl 10 or some stuff but you die anyway because dragons are fucking buff.

        So respawn and repeat until all the dragons accept you as their dragon lord, and you get spells and shit (Way better than that weak ass bitch crystal maiden) and then man up and make some dragons say GG. Then you win, and realize this game is shit and go back to dota.

        Half life 3 confirmed.


          skyrim is just fine.


            but none told me where to buy it or whats it rly called...i might buy the wrong one cause im totally noob

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              Uh. Skrim mages are nerfed. Oblivion mages are OP, and morrowind mechanics are broken.
              Graphics best to last: Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind.

              All of them are "The elder scrolls" - "Name".

              Why not just torrent the shit? You can buy off steam I think, or like walmart or target or whatever.

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Ego complex

                With a possibility to get deleted from this thread

       < this one. There is also the repack ( legendary add on ) but this will do fine.

                But if you want to buy on steam, it is like under 2$, so get it then

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  Yeah benao if you need torrent links just hmu on steam I can walk you through all the setups and you can get forr free.


                    Melody isn't making some sort of "Morrowind stuff is OP" comment btw, game is literally broken. You get stuck in ledges a lot because clipping is awful.

                    Ego complex

                      ^ but , but morrowind and oblivion are way better than skyrim :O

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        ^ I agree with this.


                          ah thx :) ill pm you or smth someday :p


                            Morrowind is better than Oblivion and Oblivion is better than Skyrim. Morrowind allows for so much more freeform and open character development, and the writing is way better.

                            It's just an old Bethesda game from before they had enough money and enough interwebs to patch their buggy ass games.


                              Morrowind was one of my first loves. Skyrim is great and all, but in the age before broadband Morrowind was exciting and used to frustrate the hell out of me when I couldn't work stuff out, I'd genuinely fear for my characters life at times, or all the time in the early game. Skyrim I could just alt tab and google it.

                              I genuinely think Oblivion is the worst though.



                                I don't know what to think about this

                                waku waku

                                  also this is what the game is about too

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Oblivion sucks without modding. The skill system and level balancing shit is the worst. Base skyrim is tons better.

                                    If you want online play go with elder scrolls online. It's basically multiplayer skyrim.

                                    And what do you mean what game to get? There's skyrim and there's the legendary edition which has dlc included. Not sure what that's confusing.

                                    It's a fun game, a little too open for my tastes (I like story driven rpgs like dragon age where you are supposed to do a specific thing to progress) and the itemization isn't good at all for an rpg imo. But it's still fun, I have over 100 hours on it.

                                    Ego complex

                                      ^^ what the FUCK?

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ


                                        Lol, casual.


                                          All I know is that I wished they introduced so many more features to Skyrim. I played Oblivion for literally 5k hours from the age of 9 until I was about 14 or 15.

                                          I was excpecting non-transitional interiors/exteriors, introducing features from older games like being able to climb over walls, climbing trees, setting up ambushes, lockpicking windows on a 4 storey building as you climb around a city etc etc. Being able to kick down doors, the combat should have been SO much more immersive, expanding on spell duel systems, spell creation etc.

                                          All I know is that the game is not for everyone, but that it's fun and you can make it pretty cool with some mods.

                                          I wish Oscuro released an overhaul for Skyrim. (cries)


                                            @guiri Wow! That video is great I rly love it :)

                                            @vodka Hahaha those were the epic times with Robbaz the king of Sweden xD

                                            @op Its the most hyped rpg game of recent years since the last part 4 of the elder scrolls franchise and I would definitely recommend u to give it a try if u like single player with open world. Thoo u can start with the older parts like Morrowind to build up from but thats mby to old for u to digest.. :D

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                              ULTRA RETARD POST 2


                                                I payed 80 bucks for 1hr of game time.. nuff said.. also i just killed everyone.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Yeah I said it, I think oblivion sucks and a ton of people agree with me. I think people are far too caught up in the nostalgia of it but it's too open and has some serious flaws. The level instancing can be donwright broken in some cases and WTF? To level up I need to jump a bunch of times? That makes no sense. Also forced 1st person, you cannot play it well in 3rd person at all. Skyrim plays fine in 3rd person.

                                                  It's all preferences but I hate how oblivion is put on a pedestal.

                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                    You realize that the game has far more customization. Skyrim is a cookie cutter RPG. Everyone likes oblivion because you can customize it far more than you can skyrim, even without mods. They took away spell creation in skyrim. You literally have like flames, as your most powerful fire attack. Do you even fathom how dumb that is.

                                                    Also if you skilled acrobatics as a main skill, you are clearly unaware of how to play and cant comment on the game.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Sure I can comment on it. I played it for about 6 hours. And hated it. So there you go. I'm not going to force myself to get further into a game and understand all it's quirks just so I can maybe enjoy it. It should be fun from the get go. Even dota2, complicated and difficult as it was for a brand new player, was fun for me off the bat.

                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                        and never realized you shouldn't put acrobatics as a main skill. Lol... get real.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Skyrim is great, but Oblivion has this wonderful hamminess in its characters, it's hard to explain. It's almost like every character is Jeremy Irons in a funny costume.
                                                          Morrowind hasn't aged well at all. Just try doing an escort mission without very carefully leading your buddy down a straight even path, they will get stuck in the most stupid spots running in circles for no reason. Combat is a mess if you aren't attacking with spells.

                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                            Yo, boots of blinding speed OP. Leap city to city with alteration on self cast. Game is fucking broke.

                                                            Oblivion is great though <3

                                                            Mr MAYHEM

                                                              skyrim was fun for me from the bat i was just walking by and shit some assasin try to murder me i barely escape alive but i use a dragon shout to throw him off a mountain then i proceed to look for his body just to find a letter saying that someone from paid to get me killed , how cool is that?
                                                              and theres dragons

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