General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless Void

Faceless Void in General Discussion

    Anyone else glad this cheap hero got hit by the nerf bat?

    - Chronosphere no longer disables passives

    Time to wreck this hero with slark and pa.

    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

      wOW i dint know chrono disable pasiebebbebs


        He's still strong.


          Still has evasion that cannot be dealt with and a perma bash with MoM and an escape.


            This. The main reason he saw the competitive scene is because his escape became reliable with a mana cost buff and his turnrate was incredibly buffed (0.5 to 1), and both buffs are still the same.

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                Yes. Both buffs made him as survivable as he is now. Chrono buff was not even that big because most of the times void players will build aghs anyways (talking about pro scene).

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                    The mana cost was so bad back in the day with void. You could either blink, or chrono. Those where your only two options. By cutting his mana in half, he was able to use his blink mor often in the laning stage.

                    The chrono phase is just a good buff to his crono. Either than that, it was the blink that made him fucking annoying.


                      The cooldown was the same at lvl 1, and at lvl 2 was only a 10 sec difference which is pretty much negligible. The cooldown at lvl 3 was a big buff, but once again, most offlane voids in pro scene get scepter anyways so it doesn't even matter, his utility was there anyways.
                      The ms speed is pretty negligible as well. Sure, it buffed a bit his solo kill potential, but nothing else. 9 out of 10 chronos that ended up in a kill would still have been a kill without the ms buff.

                      The turn rate buff was huge - it halved the time that takes to turn 180°. This has huge in the offlane.
                      The mana buff wasn't as big, but it was much more significant than chrono buffs. Void's mana pool is shit and lowering the mana cost of his escape meant that he was able to use it for escaping and farming while still having enough mana to do his combo if needed.


                        well, disables passive against PA? MKB can counter it, even slark still "paper" in chrono
                        Void hv nice base damage, AS and bash, and slark really can't do nothing inside chrono i think


                          ^he can press ulti right before void pops chrono, and void can't do shit.