General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some advice :C 2.8k MMR player here.

I need some advice :C 2.8k MMR player here. in General Discussion

    How do I escape the plebeian tier?!


      I only have 3700 so i'm not good but what i noticed when i watch my 2.5-3k friend's games is that they are even worse at last hitting than me and wards are usually useless cause they don't check the mini-map. One game he went like 8 something last hits on invoker with 0 denies in 10 minutes. lol My advice is that you set a quota in cs every 10 mins in a game and try your best to reach it. Also just don't afk farm. Bring a TP scroll if u think you can get kills counter ganking or if your team needs you to push.

      kanye went to uni

        treads on ogre eh

        sometimes the best item to build IS just the one everyone else gets.


          I play support on an MMR game and support or carry on a pub game which I really suck at carrying.

          take a look

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Man, i'm not a good support player, but i know good support players are making kills happen early game by ganking or just bringing a TP scroll to hel out your other lane that gets gank. Best lane to gank is mid IMO cause if your mid gets an advantage it might win you the game most of the time. Also make sure you're not just AFK babysitting your safelane carry. That will just make you lose games. lol. Also always try to scroll all over the map so that you know what's happening to your allies and when the enemy is missing. Try to ward on spots that are not easily dewarded.


              and if enemies are dead. tell your team to push instead of farming. That's the point of the game anyway to destroy buildings. lol. And don't flame. Ever. That will just make the mood for your team worse and make you guys play even worse.

              puni puni butt UWU

                dont play ranked. unranked makes dota enjoyable.

                Kapitan Timba

                  Its all a gamble. There are so many players in that pool that drags you down


                    I am at 4.5k mmr.

                    What I can say is, play a hard carry if you don't want to rely on luck (gambling that team will carry you). If you stick with support you may never get out of the trench.

                    Don't play something that other people tell you to but you're not good at (Templar assassin). I'd suggest start mastering phantom assassin. Very basic yet powerful late game hero. Bloodseeker is pretty good too, spam dat shiet. If you are only winning 50% of your ranked games, you won't get out any time soon.


                      Watch your minimap??????? How often you watch your fucking minimap at 2.8 k mmr? minimap= information. How often you check your whole map with mouse when you are on lane and fast check items of your team and opposite team? How often you don`t miss your lasthits or have like 60+ lasthits 10 min. How often? Don`t miss your free lasthits and free denays. Don`t get ganked watch fucking map don`t feed. Don`t play heroes you have no idea how to play them if you want higher mmr watch replays of better players and their perspective. Before play your heroes read about skill builds and item builds. Kill your fucking roshan before 20 min and your team have advantage don`t throw.That`s the tips.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven



                          1. Do not feed

                          2. Learn to farm (no you can't farm on 2.8k mmr, trust me)

                          3. Watch minimap

                          4. Carry tps

                          5. Do not rage

                          Do this, and you get to 4k mmr in no time.

                          charged up

                            if you find yourself stuck somewhere

                            1. learn to farm

                            i guess this is always the right advice

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              5k MMR here and i will point out a few things.

                              I play on a smurf and my smurfs getting close to that mmr as well now and the things I noticed from my smurf climbing the mmr ladder is that for every few hundred mmr (300-500) increase, communication between teammates increases as well.

                              Another way to improve is to watch pro player replays and WATCH positioning. Look at where the supports are. Don't just watch it on youtube, download a replay of the games with tons of spectators in the public access inside dota. When u look at their positioning, think of a few of these factors.

                              1: Where are the supports?
                              2: Who else is missing from the map
                              3: All else equals, if both teams were to clash, who would win at that scenario? (this is harder and only gained through experience to determine these things fast) Obviously, you have to determine if u get the jump would that change it and if someone else gets the jump would that change things?
                              4: Should u play aggressive or play passive? If you have more late game heroes on your team, play reactionary dota.

                              Last but not least, watch your OWN replays and criticize your own play. See your own decision making and improve on it.


                                Watch your own replays and look at your fails, even if you have won the match. Its shocking.


                                  just buy boostin, no problem..


                                    At 2.8k mmr 75% of the games is won by just picking right snowball hero and having at least 45-50CS at 10-11min mark.

                                    Some of heroes my friend played to escape 2.8k(He's at 3.2k now) is:

                                    Jugger, Slark, ES, TA..

                                    Just farm, man. Farm, farm, farm, farm.