General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes recommended to reach 4k mmr or something (in the best of my ab...

Heroes recommended to reach 4k mmr or something (in the best of my abilities)? in General Discussion
Airi ♥

    Hi guys, hope this wont be a flaming thread

    i'm just a casual player, my cycle is i play dota 2 for a month then stops for 3 months, something like that
    then suddenly my classmate in college challenged me, a race to reach 4k mmr first, or higher mmr by the end of the month, money is at stake

    he plays (a bit) more often than me, he usually plays mid but struggles to get a win streak, currently sits at 3528 mmr
    i do have 3587 mmr myself but cannot play more often, usually plays support as suggested in my profile

    i recently play mostly undying (trying at ranked just a little bit, practicing it usually at normal skill bracket), as i get older (idk if 24 is old enough), i feel like i cant handle microing as good as my younger days (back in dota 1 when i can handle "new" visage, 6.65 visage i think) or it is just lack of playtime or maybe ppl get used to play against visage and know how to counter it now

    i guess i have a good understanding of the game though. what heroes do u recommend for me for getting more wins out of few games (cause u know, studying while working and playing lol), or playstyle that i can change while not losing alot of games?

    thanks for your help.


      grab some pubstomp heroes like ember,tinker,voker,storm( in 3.5k is ez to snowball with them ) and go mid but if ur not sure yet go play some bot games to get used to these heroes

      just saw ur 1 voker game forget invoker :P


        just spam your highest win rate heroes. don't instalock them (last or second to last pick in AP when ever you can), but try to pick dusa, undying, lich, CK or necro, every time that one of them could fit on your team and the other team hasn't counter picked them. I would stay away from your DP even though she has a high win rate, she is shitty this patch.

        Airi ♥


          Sry for the invoker eyesore. I myself cant believe i did this. An invo trying to build a mek. lol.
          i dont have trust in my tinker either. So i believe i'm gonna bot practice the storm then. ember idk. i feel like the storm has a bit more charm to it. a ranged int with a spammable spell, sounds familiar to me (like visage, necro, lich, dp, undying to some extent although he's str, but u knw what i mean), i hope i can pull it off. is he really that good?

          @The Number 12

          Sry if i disturb you, but:
          can u give scenarios when to pick undying, necro, dusa or CK? or am i just doing it right? tbh im just spamming it while i still like them, thats all, but it doesnt seem to work as i play with harder opponents


            ok so you would want to pick dusa when your team doesn't have other greedy heroes, and you will be able to get safe lane, or mid(assuming you feel comfortable mid with her) you also don't want to pick her if the other team has an AM, or many long disables(bane, beast master, who ever). necro is strong if both teams have a lot of tanky heroes but are lacking in heavy burst damage/heavy lock down, since he is strongest when team fights go on for a long time, people play him as a 2,3 or 4 so you also want to have what ever role you prefer him as open on your team. CK is bad if the other team has tons of AOE, and you usauly want safe lane for him, but he isn't that much of a greedy farmer so you can pick him with a greedy mid on your team. undying gets played as an off laner or a 4 so you want one of those spots open on your team, and is strongest when the other team has heroes that can be kited, like necro does well in drawn out team fights, but he falls off late game so you want your team mates to either be able to win early(good luck with that in 6.82) or to out carry the other team.

            Airi ♥


              wow. so my dusa kda is misleading. i purposely run her at offlane or mid usually as i thought mystic snake is a powerful lane spell especially when i manage to get the creeps at half hp or something. i just wasnt able to run her safelane because you know, SEA server problems (my fellow pinoys are retarded sometimes, always pick carry and insta-lanes at radiant bottom, dire top or mid)

              other than that, it seems that i got it all right, except that imo 6.82 wasnt as drastic of a change as many people suggests. undying is still capable of pushing lategame, nothing changed with my undying playstyle. aggressive earlygame, even resort to feeding as long as the enemy carry also dies and wont be able to safelane farm as long as i live. lategame, i just.. um.. as much as possible put a tombstone before i get enemies' aggro and die. am i doing it wrong?

              edit: mystic snake instead of stone gaze (2nd skill, that is)

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              THICC BABY SHUM

                TA VOID TERRBLADE

                Airi ♥

                  ^ when to use these heroes? i played a bit of terrorblade way back dota 1 but i dont trust my senses back then. please enlighten me!


                    I think you can do well with Witch Doctor if you are patient with your ultimate (use when you are sure enemies have committed to fight). And if you get an early aghs you simply win. Just remember to stay behind your team not to feed.

                    Airi ♥

                      ^ ok i'll add wd to my practice list, after i get tired of UD, or maybe if he's counterpickd.


                        spectre, easiest win this patch, if game goes beyond 30 mins, gg wp
                        meepo is foken stronk, i'm actually thinking of spamming him as a last pick, but with hex i guess you can win against 1 counter.
                        i saw that brood is op, especially in lower mmr cuz people are too greedy to buy more than 1 sentry or dust.
                        then there is always good ol' slark mid, or even safe lane with some hero to set up early kills.
                        also pa is pretty good, also as a mid is very strong, especially with 2 runes now, safelane carry is okish, and she can solo pretty well i guess and actually get some farm with dagger spam.
                        these are the first that come to mind
                        (also earth spirit but it takes tons of games to get a hold of the hero)

                        Airi ♥

                          ^ nice suggestions. tell me more about them, when to pick (im too lazy/busy to read lengthy guides), or at least confirm me if i'm wrong with my understanding

                          spec is like a medusa except for weaker early game and more battle-ready hard carry (with ult) right?
                          meepo? i'm afraid i might feed, is it harder than visage, no?
                          brood is interesting, someone posted brood guide earlier and many are having success with it
                          slark, im always lagging when i play slark, he's kinda unlucky with me, and my opponents lately are allergic to invis units
                          pa? my teammate/enemy would prolly picked pa already, she's familiar

                          so my weekend is prolly set with WD, spec, brood and storm (although his wr% is kinda bad here @ dotabuff, is it misleading?) to widen my heropool (heropool is the term for heroes that you excel with, right?)

                          me, government hooker

                            MEEPO AND TINKTARD

                            Airi ♥

                              ^ wow 2nd guy who picked meepo. when to use him?

                              Airi ♥

                                ^ yeah that's the brood guide i saw earlier (no skill 1 early). will try if i have free time. way too nice to ignore.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  You need to find what works for you because yeah, TA is a pub stomper but I suck at her. I tried her a couple games mid and it was awful. TB I'm a little better at, he works ok. But my best heroes are ones without a ton of buttons where I can focus just on farming and trying to position like sniper, doom. Just cus someone says hey I stomp with meepo doesn't mean it will be easy for you.

                                  1st class tourist



                                      well if you are afraid to feed with meepo (im not afraid xD), your list is ok, definitely try spectre and brood, and as a support witch doctor is nice but not as solo support, cuz you probably want that aghs up fast enough to be a game changer.

                                      meta monkeys pick meta shit

                                        troll warlord!!!

                                        go kill urself

                                          playing spectre from my experience is really hard unless you have good supports in the early game and a less farm oriented lineup. once you get phase+urn you can start helping out a lot but that takes time and hes still not super strong

                                          better heros are broodmother (u should get ur broodlings if ur not against LC/axe), magnus is pretty solid at all levels if u can play him well, storm is great, ember is great, morphlings good, bat (mid with drums) is good. prophet is fine and can be played full rat (midas maelstrom blink orchid hex) and still be crazy impact while being a lot easier to play. windrangers pretty good. timbers awesome, axe jungle is great (8-9 min blink then kill everything)

                                          for supports pick aa (getting lvl 1 chilling touch, enemy offlaner should be level 1 at 6-7 minutes), WD (everyone forgets about his ult, his heal is crazy good and so is cask, and ppl dont kill u if u walk next to them and maledict for some reason), lion with a fast blink is great too.

                                          NextStep ®

                                            If you are comfortable with undying, just play it.
                                            I climbed from 3800 to 4500 just by playing Undying.

                                            go kill urself

                                              oh yeah undying is super strong


                                                play dragonfist build TA, go bottle>phase>drums>yasha>desolator>manta>daedalus

                                                the point is just sit mid farm your drums then gankrape any lane
                                                under 4k you cant relly on anyone i think

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                  Your undying is some next level shit man :O!

                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                    u can't rely on anyone at 5k or 6k either lol


                                                      if u play a lot of support, i would definitely recommend Omni knight, it is a superb counter to some of the popular melee carries(Faceless void, PA,riki, LC etc), and it has huge teamfight contribution. Current patch is all about teamfight, his weak lane skills can be compromised

                                                      [DFG] Whale King

                                                        STORM SPIRIT


                                                          Is Broodmother really that good? Her winrate is one of the lowest of all.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            2nd omni . He is the pub stomping support if u use soul ring correctly .


                                                              got from 3380 to 3720 with around half of those game as TA mid in SEA. Just 4th or last pick him to make sure you won't get countered. I usually win the game when i get 50+ last hit mid and i just lose when i only get 30 or less cause i know i'm playing shittier than my current shit bracket. lol. Also always bring a tp scroll and help out other lanes if you're sure to get a counter kill or more. Of course if you get a good rune like haste or dd, try ganking unwarded sidelanes and kickstart your snowball. Welp i'm not really good but that's how i win games at this bracket. Oh and i guess setting a quota for last hits every ten minutes helps too. like 50 in 10 mins or
                                                              100 in 20 while being active around the map (making kills happen).

                                                              If you lose. Blame yourself for not being good enough to carry your team to victory and reflect on your mistakes. At least, that's what i do most of the time. Watching your replays is also good but i don't have time for that shit cause of real life stuff.

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                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I think spectre is very difficult to win often because she has no innate farm abilities. She's extremely dependent on getting early fights going/pickoffs which means you need either the enemy team to be out of position or your team to start those fights. It's not like PA or void or jug where you can grab a couple items and then catch up in farm mid game. PA can farm decently with blink and crit, jug has crit and a regen ward and insane bat, void has bash and blink. Spec has dispersion? Doesn't help much for creep farming.


                                                                  Pick venomancer
                                                                  Spam wards
                                                                  Win game

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Pick venomancer
                                                                    Spam ULT
                                                                    Win game

                                                                    Fixed that for you.