General Discussion

General DiscussionWin Game, Great Score, But Player Ranking goes down???

Win Game, Great Score, But Player Ranking goes down??? in General Discussion

    I won a game as lina, and I lost 16 points in player ranking?!?!!?

    I went 15-3-15, resulting in a kda of 10.0, really high.

    Had great gpm, xpm, tower damage.... was in very high mm

    How the fuck does that work?

    Game is hard!

      what the fuck do you talk about?

      [DFG] Whale King

        I had the same thing happen to me-
        Just went 12-1-10 as Storm Spirit and my Hero Score with him went down by 6 points... that doesn't make much sense


          It probably calibrates the score based on the highest values achieved from all players. But to be sure a dev will need to answer.


            I think it should be relative.

            If you had good KDA and won all games but your HERO RANKING went down. It doesn't mean that the system punished you for playing with lower rated friends. What it could mean is that, you didn't achieve enough KDA (winrate is already perfect at 100%) for you to maintain your HERO RANKING or to increase it AND as COMPARED TO OTHERS who also played the SAME HERO, who also went 100% winrate who also have the same KDA as yours but were playing in a higher bracket MM


              My kda and winrate overall increased.

              This system seems flawed.

              kanye went to uni

                "u care too much about these none important things"