General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa item build?

Medusa item build? in General Discussion

    Its not a question of what I should be building late game. Its more what early game items should I make and in what order? Also what late game items should I be making first, assuming that I don't need to make something to counter a specific hero? At the moment I am going RoA> treads> maelstrom> drum> butterfly> Eye> what ever is needed, But I have tried a bunch of other stuff and I am not happy with anything yet.

    If any one has a link to a dusa player I should be watching that would be nice too. Pease don't just link a random person off the top 100, unless you know that they are actually an amazing dusa player.

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      Linda | DotaExchange

        PT> linkens> manta> butterfly> satanic> dr ( easy by 40 minute mark )

        max spell shield and stats in lane, at lvl 8 start maxing split shot. Skip snake until lvl 21. then get it.

          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
          Linda | DotaExchange

            I'd rather have a bit more hp, mana pool for shield , damage, armor, then snake, which is kinda easy to evade. But just my thoughts

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                you really need that snake, its so annoying to lane against medusa who spams that shit.


                  I hate to be the guy who asks for advice and then argues with it when it is given, and i am really sorry about being an ass hat but....

                  treads are better then phase flat out, you want DPS and tankyniss on Dusa more then a tiny bit more harassing power, that's with out even taking into consideration that you can toggle treads to int before casting snakes then back to agi when the snake is mid air to generate/save mana (and free casts of snakes give you more harass then 16 more damage). the only reason to conceder phase is the move speed.

                  the regain from linkens is over kill (especialy if you aren't even getting snakes) the stats are bad for the cost and the spell block is either really good or useless. sure its worth it if you are up against heroes like lina and beast master, but it is a lot of money to spend on stats that are way worse then Eye for slightly less.

                  Manta is also either worth it or not depending on the game. your illusions are not particularly good, and the stats are good but not THAT cost effective, if you need the purge/disjoint from the active then it is worth getting but it is not core by any stretch. against an AOE heavy team it may not be worth wile to use the active for the illusions alone since it costs so much mana and mana is your HP. unlike linken's it does have the up side of being built from cheep cost effective components.

                  Not getting snakes. Really? I have seen players who are better them me take a bunch of points in stats super early, but I cant imagine any reason to do this aside from complete free farm in lane, and confidence that your team can 4v5 for some time. I think i would get snakes even in this situation since I cast it a lot when farming.

                  I don't want to scare any one else off but between the two of them linda and xd have one game of medusa (yes i know both of you are smerfs). Please tell me why I am wrong, if no snake, phase>linken's>manta dusa is best dusa, then it is about time some one brought me around to that way of thinking.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    if you get kited then treads do nothing for you because you can't attack. phase have their merits. you've probably seen the clip of a medusa without boots, with 3 rapiers and some other stuff dealing barely any damage simply because she couldnt get into range to attack.

                    both are good on medusa in certain scenarios. like spectre


                      the build i go is qb>wraith+aquila>phase>mom>daedalus or MKB or Rapier> Blink/BKB optional > Skadi > more rapiers

                      no snake

                      phase MoM gives you the mobility you need early that treads lack (even if they have higher DPS) and I dont bother with snake, i spent 80% of the time hitting neutrals and ancients anyway

                      linkens and manta are actually very bad items DPS-wise in general, and in terms of defensiveness Skadi outclasses them by far unless against specific single target ultimates

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        Imo, unless you're laning against two low mobility melees, snake is not worth.
                        PTs give more dps while phase boots give more mobility and lane presence. You hav to choose based on your needs in each game. Is my MS enough to take advantage of the dps that pts give or am I gonna be kited around resulting in 0 dps?
                        As far as build goes, my choice is:
                        WB -> Brown boots -> RoA -> Boots of choice -> Yasha -> Skadi -> Whatever. I think yasha outclasses maelstrom in terms of farming, but you can choose the one you like.
                        drums are amazing if you're forced to 5 man early on. If you pair it up with a yasha you actually deal some decent dmg and you make sure you won't be kited.

                        I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                          Go to waga post.


                            new snake is good,
                            @Oleksandr y imo this is best build, even my stats can tell :D

                            King of Low Prio

                              I tend to go mid with dusa so I get snake for wave clears and rune control. In scrims I might skip snake but in pubs I would not suggest it because you will 9 times out of 10 be forced into helping team sooner than u would like to or else you get into a flamewar (GG 8 mins no gank from medusa GG)