General Discussion

General DiscussionCome stack with my smurf! (DeviLisH) (US east)

Come stack with my smurf! (DeviLisH) (US east) in General Discussion

    Fuck solo queue cancer im so done. Time to level up my smurf. Come farm wins+Kda+watch meepo fucking enemy heroes with no consent.

    Post here!

    Game is hard!

      sounds good to me.

      oh boy
        Tento komentář byl smazán
        meta monkeys pick meta shit

          i always like to play with people....

          *forever alone*


          btw; need to get into top 100 troll list, 22games left :)

          bum farto

            I don't think you'll ever get there because even on a smurf your barely 4K, this is not meant to offend but if I remember correctly the stack you play with I played with once and they all sit at normal/high skill which means your games are classed as among the easiest.

            I could make a smurf and stack with a US stack who're all 1.8-2.2K and literally beat the living christ out of people and get like 100% winrate and 10+ KDA on any hero but that won't put me in the toplist cause the difficulty is so low. In that bracket they can't deal with objective based gaming and they just hurl bodies into team fights and if you position well you can rack up kills or whatever had you...

            ...while I (by my standards) played bad that mirana game I believe the closing words were

            56:00 Weaver: mirana win this game.

            Toplist isn't THAT easy to get on and you will need to stack with higher rated players to get the toplist to recognize you.

            one and half gun


              bum farto

                hey look i'm being honest, I played like utter garbage for mirana and my mind was shot cause it was so late but still even as a half assed effort managed to end it solo, this is why the lower brackets call it "ratting" and get all angry about it cause they want to team fight over and over and over till one party finally loses a big one with all their buybacks and even then....ending is optional.

                Winning in normal/high/even some lower very high games is so easy with the right heroes so you need to really stand out if you want senpai leaderboards to notice you. Very low high skill games are stuff like this where two of each team is quite high and the rest are all low which puts it in very high when it's really not.

                meta monkeys pick meta shit


                  none taken. I try to play solo as much as possible, since playing with my team puts me in normal-high games often (but i can queue with one-two 2.2-3.2k members from there as it *still* gives me v.high games) because the mmr swings are high there :O

                  And actually i'l take that as a compliment - most people call me 2k scrub, and not 4k player :D

                  some 5k and some leaderboard players i midded against suggested me to stack with higher people more often (and play against those people 1v1 more often), as playing with my friends will put me down in skill. I love to have fun with them (applying for reddit amateur tournament), cant complain about their skill as everyone learns at different rate, but i need to get better as a player. Actually this account is not intended to stomp newbies or to calibrate my non-existing mmr. It's for mmr experiment.

                  I heard that it's enough to play at very high and have 30games to qualify for top 100. Who knows; there are some ~4k people from gamefaqs who sit in top 100.

                  And actually my last troll game utilised same tactic you did when we were stacking. Can't trust solo queue -_-


                  in a team i don't mind teamfightning if i can trust other people

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  bum farto

                    What tactic, explain? I usually just do my own thing when playing with lower stacks as saving people in that bracket is near impossible....all you do is use them as a meat shield while picking up kills. It's sad but true.

                    one and half gun

                      if a leaderbord player told u to stack, its to lower the party mmr insignificantly

                      meta monkeys pick meta shit

                        get kills while trying not to feed and pushing whetever possible; example : when everyone stares at eachother in midlane river.

                        Its different from manfightning or 24/7 ganking or rush-push strat. There are many strats; this one is just about smart pushes when given chance

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                        meta monkeys pick meta shit


                          you had mistaken my post. Let's say i have a very high skilled friend(s) who knows that i am willing to learn (and that my game knowledge is enough), and i surprised him after playing decent mid against him with HUGE mmr difference. TL;DR

                          ''play against 5k mids more, stack with 5k's, play in 5k's. Or stay 3k while playing with 3k friends.''

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          bum farto

                            @noob so basically how the game should be played :) its not even a tactic that is just smart DotA and is the reason why some are 2K trying to farm/fight their way to victory and some are a lot higher when they realize that can fight where viable and push where appropriate.

                            Like seriously, that is just DotA101 it's not even a tactic....good for picking up on that in the one game we played :P

                            meta monkeys pick meta shit

                              i disagree. There are like 1000 strats in dota, you cant apply same strat every game. This ''smart pushing'' or splitpushing can be punished wth some spirit breaker/storm/NP counterpicks or if enemies try to bait you and so on.

                              The goal is to win no matter how, but you must use one or few strats during the game.

                              Farming all early-mid game is a strat, too. Everything is a strategy/tactic in my book. You just can't describe how to play dota. It's impossible.

                              And i don't want to take away your joy... but i knew it myself (also had to swap my bkb for a linkens to counter beastmasta) :(

                              It was just a coincidence that i had to apply the very same strat in my last game.

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                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                I as watching one of thouse games, it was so fking funny seeing NotSoCuteOwl^^ say recked everytime he killsod lol then kunkka saying talk shit eat shit lololol