General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal, high or very high skill, there is a difference?

Normal, high or very high skill, there is a difference? in General Discussion

    I'm a permanent high skill player, some games on very high but only a few, no normal games.

    I don't really see any difference playing on high or very high, I see same trolls and same stuff. Is there a difference that I'm not seeing?

    I'm here because of the title, to know if anyone know or see any difference on skills, for me is the same people. I don't know why people on high or very high don't deny, most of my games I'm at the top of deny from both teams, the rest .... only 1-8 deny, not even 10 ..... really strange for me to see more than 10 deny on someone from any team.

    High skill or very high skill and no deny ..... that don't seems like high or very high skill. Aggro, same stuff ..... I don't see anyone doing aggro for farming, only few people that I know they play better than the rest only for how they move and farm, but how I said, same for aggro and deny, no matter if it's high or very high ... still no aggro and no deny.

    There is something bad at me, after a break from dota2 (few months) I came buck and I'm trying to get my level again, I'm a 3k players, that's for sure because I can't win games by myself and push to 4k, but people in my games they are not at same level, high or very high ... no difference.

    Sometimes I get frustrated .... for example when I play with people that I say them "B" ... draw at the minimap where are they, why he need to go back, even speak .... any difference? NO, he/she keep farming and feed. They don't know how important is map control or my favorite for rage, seeing a rapier on my team and see it on the ground 3 minutes after he bought it and then, extra loss game to the profile.

    I know that they can have a bad day or bad games .... even myself I play like a 1k sometimes but I play at decent level every match so, I get frustrated to see people with more ranking than I and don't see the minimap, don't know what bkb does, don't know what map control does ... etc.

    A friend told me some day "if you are 3k, is because you're 3k", that's 100% true ... I'm a 3k. I like to play random on normal games and try different roles to learn more and more, even after few years I keep learning new stuff, there is always room for improvement.

    I practice creep block, position, map control, map awareness, lashit, deny and theorical stuff like what to build to counter some hero or some ability .... but when I see people extremly bad that don't even block the first wave of creeps (even on mid) or don't know how to remove aggro from creeps or towers and they have more ranking than I ..... it's a punch in the face everytime.


      Well when i play on high i can win alone " high is something between 3200 to 3.8k and my mmr is 4.8 , when i party with low friends i play at high and the people there r way weaker then people at 4.8 so ...

      My last game at high :

      bum farto

        "I'm a permanent high skill player, some games on very high but only a few, no normal games." Are you sure cause sources tell me about 20% or more of your games are in the normal bracket.

        You're pretty bad at the game all round and I think people are as stuck with you as you are with them. I am glad you see mistakes that others make but maybe if you invested more time in your own awful play you wouldn't be stuck low 3K. SB vs zeus on a support is totally legit!


          Work on execution.

          All the knowledge in the world is pointless if you can't apply them.


            I dont have mmr beacuse i never played 10 ranked games,
            but why i have normal, hight and very high skill games?

            bum farto

              Your friend Albufera puts you in Normal games, and you sit on the cusp of high-very & very high so you will go back and forth. If you did ranked (not spamming zeus) I would guarantee your MMR would be about 3500-3700

              THICC BABY SHUM

                normal skill means normal ppl play there, high skill means high ppl play thre on drugs etd and you can guess whats very high skill.


                  |d!rTy|||F!RE|, but I'm not 4k and I play some very high skill games.

                  Havoc Badger | DotaExchange, I'm bad and my gameplay need to be improved a lot, I know that. But that is not what I'm talking about, better or not, people playing with me (both teams), 0-5 deny, no aggro control, no creep block.

                  Lothar was needed for that game, at least for me, don't give a fuck about Zeus. I was food for Furion quite easy, and lothar helped a lot to avoid some feeds, besides a simple game doesn't mean anything. Builds are different from game to game, so ... with your logic, if there is a pudge in the game, bkb is pointless?, bkb will be always good.

                  humdinger, I'm trying everything but it's hard to deal with a lot of games for the feeds. Yeah, maybe I wasn't that good to carry out the entire team, like my last game from minutes ago, pretty easy game for me (offlane), but the game extended and our carry was a failure, they didn't want to buy travel when Ember was only pushing with travel, Void trying to focus the supports and wasting chronos ... and some feed here, there, gg.

                  RuF0 I don't know how it works, but ranking doesn't mean anything to game skill, even playing normal games you can play on normal or very high.

                  YNIT ..... you're just trolling. Of course, very high is supposed to be better than high .... the VERY is there. But what I'm saying is something different and I'm asking about the difference .... because I don't see any difference playing on high or very-high.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    the difference is not in ppl trolling rnot or feeding on purpose, but there game play map avrns, items bought, coutering, ganks, counter gank with etd.

                    bum farto

                      Very high starts with 3.7 or an aggregate average, how does having BKB vs pudge have anything to do with this, BKB is great against pudge SB isn't as NP with any skill could have killed you anyways with a tp and dust. Eul, and forcestaff are much much better vs NP, he tps in and traps you, euls him and force out of the trees...job done. Shadow blade is almost never needed and can be substituted for a blink dagger or force in most games.

                      "people playing with me (both teams), 0-5 deny, no aggro control, no creep block." No one does that? Or just that one time you happened to see one guy in one game miss a last hit, hell I miss last hits all the time when I am not trying, bored or tired and I don't think this is an "all the time" scenario.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        Shadowblade was used long time ago and vs ppl who dont learn that if prophet escaped with shadowblade he will escape again if u dont buy dust or gem.


                          ITT: Denying, creep blocking, creep aggro = skill


                            Oh and if you are just starting to get very high matches, there won't be a difference as you're pivoting between the two skill levels, so there is no immediate difference.


                              But, people who doesn't play ranking get high or very-high games ...... how can it be that starts at 3.7 if some people don't play ranking.

                              Same reason .... why I play very-high some games if i'm not even 3.7.

                              Sorry but, vs that prophet was useless, a lot of damage and dagger. Lothar was the real solution. The bkb was just an example, but this isn't about the topic.

                              Well, I'm looking to everyone everytime I can, besides you see the other heros on your lane and you see how they move, how they try to farm, deny, aggro, etc. When I play as support, I'm who is moving the creeps intoto a better zone for the carry, if were for him, no aggro control at all, just normal lasthits.

                              You can check some of my last games, to see about deny. I do some deny every game on early (more with a good damage hero, and less with supports), and the rest, only 0-5 deny and maybe some lucky bastard with 10+, they don't deny at all. Gem? only on my invertory most of times (not because I steal it, I bought it), how we say in spanish "equipo al hombro", don't know how is in english but will be something like "team at the shoulder", no one want to buy this 100% neccesary? well I'll do it, that's what it means.

                              Samwise, very high skill is the TOP SKILL out there ...., only 0-5 deny? that's the best level out there? something isn't right. I know that my very-high games are not the same from Dendi but very high is very high, and we only have 3 of them, normal, high and very high.

                              I'm a 3k and I play high and very-high? wtf? and people there don't know what deny is lol.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                hidden mmr and ranked mmr that shows are different.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  whenever i que solo ranked i get normal as im 3200, when i solo q normal games Im high skill.


                                    Exactly, the hidden MMR is the real deal, but even so!. 3k very high game is the top tier, and 3k players are decent players, don't know why people don't deny or get some aggro control or map control, really basic stuff.


                                      Very high means nothing outside Dotabuff. It's just an arbitrary way of saying you are above about 3.6k MMR, and I can assure you that 3.6k MMR isn't the highest skill in dota. You are obsessed with denying and I think that is probably a problem you should resolve as you will probably be prioritizing denies over last hits or some pretentious crap like that. You have four MMR's: Unranked party, Unranked solo, Ranked party, Ranked solo. That is why people who don't play ranked get these "skill" categories.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        maybe they are lazy, or just busy thinking about other stuff not focusing on important staff. Like my last game was just everybody feed I as dp mid and game started going well late game untill one guy for no reason walks into rosh pit, sees huskar my entire team goes there and gets 5 man ulted by magnus no buy backs instant gg.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          they gg puhed it(


                                            I want to tell u what i tell my friends , if ur team is bad then so is ur enemy if u think they r bad u can beat them easly then ... right? If ur better then the enemy its ez gg , if ur team mates r feeding so is ur enemy , if ur supports dont gank or stack so is ur enemy supports , i was like u i thought im better then every1 thats why i was a 3.7k player when i calibrated , if ur better then ur tier u will go up , but if u THINK u r better u will stay a bad player forever , when u accept that its not only ur team mates that are bad and ur just as bad as they r , then u will start to find ways to improve , then u will become better and raise to meet ur new mmr and improve again, now about what havoc is saying is 100% true if ur dying cuz np is way stronger then u then ur sb wont help as the only cost to kill u is dust and guess what , u will die twice :D force will save u or help u chase or dagger or euls would be way better sb is very situational item .
                                            Accept that ur as bad as ur team mates and improve

                                            i want to add 1 thing ... just like ur telling us that ur team r noobs the other 4 r telling people that there team is holding them cuz u all suck and u want to blame not improve :D


                                              Skills isn't from dotabuff .... Dota2 had skills but they remove it.

                                              Lasthit > deny, that's basic stuff. Even so, I'm talking about aggro control, map control, map awareness, etc ... I'm talking to the wall?
                                              Unranked party and solo -> hidden MMR? good to know, then that's why people with no ranking can play on high too.

                                              Again, is not just about deny, is about all basic stuff. Epic fails to dotacinema, I send them a lot of clips ...., and those people are high or very-high skill.

                                              3k high skill or very high ... I KNOW .... but still, high is high and 3k is the "decent level".

                                              |d!rTy|||F!RE|, even if I get differente from level or farm, I'm not that good to deal 1vs5 and win by myself, only few games. A good example is my last game, 100% GG from minute 1, quite easy for me at the offlane alone, but my team was feeding a lot and I wasn't able to carry the team by my own vs all of them with a lot of farm.

                                              Part was my fault, for not ending fast .... but I wasn't able to do that because they want to go alone and feed 1 more time. Maybe a really good player can handle that, and even with some feeders they snowball and get some rampages, sadly I'm a 3k player and only few games I was able to win 1vs5.

                                              I'll never say that, because isn't true. Maybe a lot of players are in my level, I see at least 1 player in the game who play like me, ending with good lasthits, decent deny, good counter build, etc, only 1 (solo queue, if I search team games is different).

                                              I invite you to see some of my stats here, even my KDA is way to high from most of 3k players with 1 or 2KDA while I've 4 on most of my top. Most of games, top deny and a lot of games, top gold per minute and exp from my team (not both), that's not my level.

                                              When I play with friends (I play mid) and I'm going agains 4k mid .... I can deal with it and win the lane, but I can't get 4k MMR, that's the reality.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                If high or very high was truly high or very high skilled players, you wouldn't have to harp on about "basic stuff" like you do. 3k is still trench material and calling it decent would be a bit of a push.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  Its hard when you are not hard carry, and if you pick hard carry, sometimes no space created. but over time you will get to your matchmaking.
                                                  pick tryhard hero = tam picks techies. I rlly need ppl to stack with me. my solo ranked is 3224, and party is 3340 I need to play solo more, can easily get more mmr there, lost a lot of games trusting ppl who insta pick carry and mid.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    3k is average


                                                      average = decent level

                                                      No basic stuff = NO decent level


                                                        I never said u can win every game but after looking at ur game i have to ask some things , why ethereal lmao ur ulti deals physical damage second why ur td is kinda low since u were owning ?
                                                        U will always have games which u will have noobs and feeders but not everygame , and in every game u lose u couldve done better , well even when u win u couldve done better trust me :)
                                                        Always comunicate with the team dont tell me they dont listen cuz they do tell them go back dont fight now they will go back , i played with them cuz i stack with my low friends , if u keep blaming ur friends u will never get better and why u play normal play ranked so u play against tougher enemies u will get better :)


                                                          Indeed it is average. A large amount of people play this game, and a huge amount of them are very new/not good. The average MMR due to these players is brought down to about 3.6k, or so it was a few months ago according to valve.


                                                            High kda low wr with every hero which means u play for kills and ur so selfish player that u care about getting kills and not a single fuck given about the game, if ur playing at 4k u would get destroyed im sure , maybe ur a good laner but ur game impact is low , ur so afraid to die i can see that from ur games , too passive is as bad as too agrassive , im at work so i cant watch the game but eth on dp makes me cry and ur high kda doesnt mean win , remember this game is defence of the ancients and not whoever kills win , if ur 40 0 and lose u still lost , and if ur 10 6 and won u still won , u get my point ? Watch ur replys im 100% sure u will see how scared u r to join a team fight when u could destroy the enemy

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              |d!rTy|||F!RE|, was that msg to me? I didnt go ethereal.

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                nvm, I see, yah, not best choice

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  invoker buid lmao


                                                                    |d!rTy|||F!RE| well, ethereal was needed for me, because Ember was 3 hit = kill and how I own him in lane, he tried to kill me every fucking time, thanks to ethereal I died only 1 time, lost gem ... but bought another.

                                                                    I don't have a lot of tower damage indeed, but I wasn't able to push by my own. My team never want to push with me, the only times they came with me, were the tower damage I had.

                                                                    I try to be friendly all times, even with feeders or trolls, because if you say something to them, they will feed even worst. I said to void like 10 times to focus sniper or ember with cronos ONLY, he did it? of course not! he waste chronos every single time, and when he wasn't wasting chronos we was feeding alone and get ganked by 5 of them.

                                                                    No buyback -> they push -> I can't kill 5 of them -> Razor ether -> gg

                                                                    I try to don't blame my team when I loss, is how I said, is because I'm not able to win 1vs5, that's the only way to get 4k. If my team feed I need to get more kills than the feed, but I'm not good enough to do that, only few games.

                                                                    A lot of people say something like this, but is true hahaha:

                                                                    Enemy void = always good.
                                                                    Ally void = worst crap ever.

                                                                    Enemy pudge = always good.
                                                                    Ally pudge = worst crap ever.

                                                                    Enemy axe = always good.
                                                                    Ally axe = worst crap ever and 0% chance to helix.

                                                                    Sounds silly haha I know, but at least for me is the way it is.

                                                                    |d!rTy|||F!RE|, you're right in some things, I need to get better at getting the advantage. I like to play in team, but the solo queue is really bad, that's why I'm almost 4k at team ranking and 3100 at solo ranking.

                                                                    But now that Dota2 has some differences (like the EXP when you die) if I'm lvl 20 and the other team is lvl 15 I can't go 1vs5 and die, because that dead will be all they need to come back. That doesn't mean I play passive, I try to play aggresive but not too much, but maybe I'm scared sometimes too like in the last game, at the end they were able to kill me really fast!, but how can I do something? the other team was smart "hey ..... death profet and Razor are the problem, focus them, avoid the rest" and with a chronos to the trees (not even creeps, TREES) it's impossible to win.

                                                                    Maybe if Dendi was on my side at minute 20 and I give him the pc, thinks were different, but I'm 3k player.

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      thats how it feels, because you only realize that when it happens, ghost scepter would been good enough. eblade too much money.


                                                                        Ryuu i want u to look at my last 3 games cuz i really give up taking lol u wont accept it just like every1 else a hex would made ember food chivas wpuld make u strong against physical or as ynit said ghost would be enough and u really dont need it:) gd luck if u want to become better talk to me ingame i play with guys like u in net cafe later so i might let u join and have fun if we were not 5


                                                                          Well, Razor, Cristal and Invoker can deal more damage, I had a lot of money so .... wasn't a problem to bought a 3200 gold item to help them trying to deal more damage and help them too when someone needs to scape from the focus.

                                                                          |d!rTy|||F!RE| thanks for your time here! everything is welcome. Even with hex, the only time I get killed was 1vs1 vs ember, he killed me with 2 hits, 2 criticals. Look my items, even terraske .... and only take 2 hits to kill me, since then I tried to play more passive, because even axe with dagger was trying to focus me every single time and then the ember finish me off.

                                                                          That's sounds great! I'll add you! I play on south america only for ping, but in US east I can play, it's a little different from 30 to 160ms but it's still playable.

                                                                          The level is different too. When I play US east, my team is way better, but I enjoy more the game when I play it with 30ms, micro-control is hardest with some delay.

                                                                          I can learn something from you!, that's one of my weak points I don't know a lot of people and I end up playing alone most of the times, the funny dota2 is playing with friends, team or contacts.

                                                                          From what I see on my replays, my first problem is my game-impact, and I do a lot of mistakes (maybe I don't see them when I'm playing but I see them when I watch the replay), I'm good at lane control, ganks and map awareness, but need improvement not only on these, on the rest as well.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            I stopped reading half way thru so I dunno if you discovered this yet...

                                                                            But as for your lothar vs. np...

                                                                            Lothar is an initiation item, not escape. If u think it's an escape item you just got countered by a 180gp item. It's only escape in low tier games where nobody buys detection.

                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                              yah, we did, its all about blink now its 2gd, needs to cost like 3500 gold.


                                                                                Marlan, why we keep talking about my lothar?, but if you have questions ... the dire isn't only furion + zeus. The earth spirit was really good, 30+ assist, a lot of silence. Lothar was usefull, every single gold.

                                                                                Besides, lothar -> + move speed + damage + atk speed + bonus damage from being inv.

                                                                                Chilling -> + atk speed, + damage .... and if that's not enough ... the shadow walk to move faster and cold + ice combo, get in and get out from teamfights, etc. Gold well spended.

                                                                                Maybe is not the best item for ancient, but for me and that game, was a great item.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  Its good item, but situational.


                                                                                    Well tbh i never see any difference also but when on very high skill bracket i assume my hidden mmr is 3700>=. I ve been away from dota some time so i decided to make a smurf and see if i make 4700 out of the calibration game again but i remember that one game on calibration i had a dude as earth shaker and he had 3k mmr something and was doing quite good. On the other hand there was dude on may second calibration match who picked am as last pick and the dude was 4500 mmr :D. Today also on my very high skill bracket match a tiny made blink into dagon and said dude what? I need to burst down omniknight. I was like okey dude but he only managed to get that dagon up and nothing to build over it despite the high kills he managed to get so when late game came we lost pretty hard and than he said stupid supports. When i said dude aghs so i can stack you some camps he started to swear :D. What is my point? I ve been playing this game for almost 7 years and my advice never care about your mmr and stuff. Only try to improve and have fun rest is stupid.

                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                      morpher34, 3 game very high lol?

                                                                                      Von Darkmoor

                                                                                        Watch some pro games and try and copy their builds skill builds blink drow etc is very nice.

                                                                                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                          Been playing with 4.5-5k friends recently on a smurf. Ofc I get carried but I feel like I'm not too heavy. There are definitely some bad players up there (possibly account buyers idk)


                                                                                            Your stats are better in very high: 2 games only though


                                                                                              ^ that dudes link looks sketch as fuck. would stay away from that.

                                                                                              to answer your original question, the normal, high, and very high tiers are just some arbitrary cutoff for mmr to distinguish how skilled each game is. if you're on the cusp of high and very high, the games aren't going to be noticeably different because the mmr's are going to be pretty much the same.the skill level of 3700 (high) to 3900 (very high) is not that noticeable, compared to say 3500 (high) and 4100 (very high).

                                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                                Link is to dotamax




                                                                                                    Play some party ranked games with one friend with 1000-1200 mmr lower than yours.! And you will have an idea.!