General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u win as bane.

how do u win as bane. in General Discussion

    i've lost 4 times in a row on this shitty hero. it seems you need a team to win.

    i can't ulti without team. and i can't solo without bkb. i can't afford bkb without a team.

    pls advice.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Like Dr. Barber said the lv 4 nightmare was a waste not because of the enefeble not being level up early (enefeble at early level remove almost all the dmg of any heroes at low levels) the thing is your team have a lot of aoe that may or may not remove your nightmare: acid, plasma, quill. One level at nightmare was enough to set up for your alch stun wich only need 5 sec.

      The blink dagger sometimes is good for positioning but in the last game all you had to do is sit on the back with a couple sentrys for nyx and counter-initiate them, chen was alredy with 3 ancients at 16 mins of the game with his ult healing all his ancients creeps for full health every 30 sec, he just need to tank the tower if someone comes to def you was there to disable 1-2, instead of the dagger you could go for a ghost for PA or a necro to help the pushes.

      PS: you dont leave a offlane antimage dispute farm with your carry.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        You don't need to max nightmare. Get enfeeble on level 1 or level 4 and max that right after you max brain sap.
        Bane is an epic counterinitiator. Picking someone off with your ulti can be nice, but try saving your ulti until you have one or two guys enfeebled and a third guy nightmared. He can really control down an enemy team if you keep calm.


          What if I just get targetted by everyone and we still lose because my carries can't farm? I don't even know what to do. I cast enfeeble... okay, I cast nightmare, support just bombs his spells then takes nightmare off of his ally. And I can't ulti because I melt. Meanwhile my carries are already dead somehow, even though they just spent a good 3-8 seconds dealing with me.

          I'm not worried about early game, I usually rape early, but I just don't know what to do late game, and my carries don't seem to be doing anything. They then scapegoat me and say I should be initiating the teamfight, but if I do i'll melt so fast I'm dead before my team can even enter the teamfight.

          go kill urself

            bane = nightmare combos early game, if you cant then focus on harassing opposing offlaner. should be easy if u get enfeeble level 1 if you know u cant get kills. banes got great stats/starting damage, abuse that. offlaner should be completely zoned, if not then go pull and get lvl advantage for ur carry. buy a smoke as starting item as well and wrap around on mid when the 2 or 4 minute rune is about to spawn (go smoke at ~150 and pick up rune), can kill with basically every hero with just walking up and nightmaring, auto attacks.

            after that, smoke for pickoffs using your ultimate, in teamfights lock down important targets (heros with big spells) using ulti, enfeeble carry

            hero has major mana problems, so try to get fast arcanes, then force staff or blink, ghost scepter if needed.


              You lost because you take that game to the late game, even if this patch is the thown-patch, you had the best team at early-mid.
              But even thought the off lane anti mage manage to build a bf-manta-heart.


                You also skiped certains items, you rushed a soul ring (not bad in the last replay), but a wand or even a bracer to not to die for 2-3 skills. (You can also deny yourself and dodge certains skills, when you cast nightmare in someone they are immune for 0.1 sec or something)


                  oh look a smurf


                    See it's all good advice, but I haven't had a problem early game really, it's mid/late game that I have a problem with. I just hate this hero.

                    Hero challenge is a bitch sometimes. You decimate games with your good heroes, then you feed your bad heroes for a ton of games.

                    love for the a7be

                      Bane is weak this patch. Focus more on lategame supports.


                        Sit in the back, wait for people to engage, cast your spells from a safe location, win teamfight. Repeat.
                        Blink is not core on bane, Forcestaff or even mek are decent on him. Urn is also nice. Mana boots are great on him, but you can also get Phase (speed boost and dmg is amazing) or even pt if you're dying too easily.
                        Depending on the situation you can get one point on nightmare and two on enfeeble then go for stats (always max brainsap though). Abuse your low cd ult and gank everytime its off cd, win by starving the enemy.

                        Edit: Or you can go mid with null + tango -> Bottle -> Phase -> Whatever (necronomicon/dagon/eblade). He's really strong before 20 mins, but he falls off really hard past that point.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          @Jacob: It's for hero challenge. I wouldn't play him if I didn't have to.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Try ranked MM. It's better because people will more likely try harder to win and good support play will be appreciated more.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              y are you doing hero challenge? there is no reword.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Smoke gank mid and other lanes with your ult at 6. It's so easy.


                                  Y do u do any challenge? It's a challenge that's fun.

                                  Anyway, I finally won.


                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    A fun challenge is to get to 50% winrate, hero challenge not helping it.


                                      ^Look YNIT I did it! You were right that was a fun challenge.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        Nice, road to 60%

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          The Number 12, are you trying to do wagas medusa build? mask phase bkb rapiers?


                                            ^kind of, I have been buying MKBs at the moment but I plan on switching to rapiers (some of the time) once I get more used to the build. so far I have just trashed my win rate and kda (that could be luck or my internet going to shit though) with it, but it does farm really fast so ill give it a few more games.

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              cool, I might try it. Although i dont like medusa herself. feels like she needs 7 rapiers to carry, and can only have 6. But this build some how worked, plus i was stacked with bunch of nubs and I was yah, you see the items.


                                                She doesn't need any where near as much farm as people think to join fights. her ult is really strong and if you do level snakes then she has a good AOE nuke, and with mana shield on she gets super tanky really early. my advice to you is don't try to gank, only join defensive team fights early, farm when ever you can and don't die.

                                                Edit; this is me talking to YNIT about dusa not things to do with bane

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  lol, bane rapier farm where ever wouldent be nice