General Discussion

General DiscussionIf for one day you could ban 5 heroes who would they be?

If for one day you could ban 5 heroes who would they be? in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    I actually fully agree with you @Kim Tae Hee but i must admit i am a Sandking fan, his ultimate i always mess up but i think he's a good hero, i find his abilities to be however unimaginative and slightly dragged out for what you get out of them. @Law i've never really tried Axe but he doesn't suit my playing style since i prefer being a ranged support hero who's usually squishy like Enigma



      :) Baby Bushkin :)

        @TPMID i can kinda go along with those 5. Especially Riki and Techies


          1. Faceless Void
          2. Silencer
          3. Skywrath Mage
          4. Bristleback
          5. Death Prophet

          :) Baby Bushkin :)

            Bristleback is a new one to pick but i'm starting to notice people hate death prophet too haha


              1. earth spirit
              2. skywrath
              3. void
              4. lc
              5. earthshaker

              literally most annoying heroes

              Yolo Swaggins

                1.) Techies.
                2.) Techies.
                3.) Techies.
                4.) Techies.
                5.) Techies.

                Can I have a sixth vote?


                  1. Pudge - most annoying hero in pool.
                  2. Mirana - fuck u mid camper.
                  3. Techies - fuck his mines & going highground against his scepter.
                  4. Earthshaker - inifite stun.
                  5. Nature Prophet - in most games useless & when not useless super hard to deal without hard counters.

                  Generally I would ban the most annoying heroes.

                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                    Earth Spirit annoys me because i just fon't understand the concept of the hero or its playing style and Skywrath annoys me because they always try and play him how the professionals do which is annoying as f**k. I agree that techies must go haha and I agree with you about the Miriana and the Natures Prophet can't stand them. Pudge however i'm warming to because i seek comfort in the fact that most people can't play with him effectively but play like they can so they hinder more than help their team ;)

                    Epic Sax Guy

                      Techies - Requires the rest of the team to adapt their strategies to his placements in order for him to not fall behind and fed. Having him on your team is often like having one less teammate. Ban to avoid teammates picking him.

                      Faceless Void - He's just so complete as a hero for all stages in the game. He has an escape/initiation, bash and an unpreventable ulti. He makes the game less credible and could use a rework.

                      Slark - The only skill in the game where a player can be completely immune to detection.

                      Pudge - Another ban to avoid teammates from picking him. Pudge players tend to be mouthbreathers who demand mid, then leave it at level 3 to hide in the trees by the safelane for 3 minutes while his enemy mid is freefarming.

                      Phantom Assassin - Her only counter later is a 5k MKB. Of course you should work to pressure her in lane and outfarm her but she can still safely grab cs with her spammable Q.

                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                        Slark is slightly beginning to irritate me so i agree there. Pudge isn't much of a problem since i've learned how to deal with him. Techies only annoys me because i feel that if techies is on my team its 4 v 5 since he's useless in the team fight. Faceless Void is annoying but in the amateur games that i play he is usually on his own so if he gets of his Chronosphere there is not much he can do with it. Phantom Assassin only annoys me because i can't really use her properly haha if i could use her then her kickass style wouldn't bother me.

                        Pedro Pedro Pedro

                          I don't really have a set of heroes I always hate every game.Some heroes can feel op when played when we don't have counter to them.Many heroes can snowball like that in the hands of a good player. I used to feel many heroes were op.Too many to list because its like a 1/4 of the total hero pool.
                          But I do really kinda hate spiritbreaker now with charge only on a 12 sec cooldown.Soooo annoying.

                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                            yep i share your hate for spiritbreaker hahaha


                              Heroes I would ban for my team:

                              1. Mid Sniper. it may be the bracket, but no one seems to know what they're doing with him.
                              2. Shadow Shaman. Because Mass Serpent Wards are only for pushing towers. Right.
                              3. Mid Mirana. What's an Ult?
                              4. Pudge. Seriously, fuck that fatass. Missed hooks everywhere. Mass towerdives with subsequent failed suicides.
                              5. Crystal Maiden. I've seen people build dagons for this hero. SMH

                              Heroes I would Ban for the enemy team:
                              1. Mid Sniper. All the last hits. All the denies. MoM+DAEDOLUS+Mjollnir = EZ Mid
                              2. Shadow Shaman. Mass Serpent wards used EXCLUSIVELY for ganks.
                              3. Mid Mirana. Jumps around more than fucking Mario Bros.
                              4. Pudge. Nails all the hooks. Gets all the ganks.
                              5. Crystal Maiden. SB+Ult+No ally vision = GG

                              As you can see, this is not about which heroes are more annoying than others, it's only our perception of those heroes based on our negative experiences with them.

                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                Well true for number 1 but i usually pick Viper if sniper is in mid or razor and they easily bully him off the lane. Pudge and Miriana i've had quite often on this forum but Miriana seriously doesn't get picked that much in my region. Crystal Maiden is an interesting choice since i like her abilities and wish i was better with her. Shadow Shaman i think is a new one but i do like shadow shaman to be fair.

                                Gout Mawien

                                  Post-patch PL -> for most people it's self explanatory, for those intellectuals who think everything has an easy counter, he's still annoying

                                  Axe -> he stops farm early game just by being aggressive and can dive towers and just doesn't die

                                  Centaur -> again, doesn't die (maybe cuz I play too many int. casters)

                                  Slark -> always seems to get fed and has a nearly foolproof escape

                                  Viper -> see PL description

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                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                    Centaur hasn't been brought up much on this or Viper but Slark and Axe get a fair bit of hate on this blog, kinda glad i did this one now haha but i agree about axe but Slark is a tricky one because he's usually on my team but i feel the game becomes too easy for slark and this annoying hit and run tactic he has but i'm purely speaking from an amateur point of view


                                      1. VOID
                                      2. RIKI
                                      3. SPECTRE
                                      4. Dusa - f this bitch she can be 0 10 and still out carry
                                      5. Ogre - the most annoying f*ck ever

                                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                        @ConcealedTerror Riki annoys the sh*t out of me.. truly only helps when he wants and usually a greedy and selfish player. Just from my experiences. Void has probably been brought up more than any other hero so i couldn't disagree haha. Spectre i like but i find she's pretty underrated to be fair. Madusa is good if you can play with her properly she's a ballsy hero who's not afraid to hit any other hero head on. Ogre Magi is quite annoying but i've never played as him so can't really say, but i'm not a fan of going against him haha